Coffee With Calvin

September 5, 2024
The Blueprint in Action focus for the months of August, September, and October is College and Career Readiness. During these months we will be spotlighting how we are preparing students for the college and career of their choice, specifically highlighting the efforts in GCPS to meet these objectives in our strategic plan. Learn more about...
- Maxwell Fire and Police training programs
- Meet the Lanier HS Sea Cows All-Girls Underwater Robotics Team
And be sure to catch up on all College and Career Readiness spotlight stories!
Calling All High School Students!
The U.S. Presidential Scholar Program is accepting applications to recognize and honor seniors' academic achievements. In June 2025, selected students will receive a presidential medallion commemorating their success. Interested? Students can learn more about this program at www.gadoe.org/USPS and apply between September 2–November 1, 2024.
Do you know or have a high school student at home?
Students in grades 10-12 should consider creating a Big Future account with College Board to explore careers, plan for college, and learn about scholarship opportunities. College Board has a page dedicated to supporting families as they navigate planning for life beyond high school for their students. Two of our very own GCPS students were recipients of $40,000 scholarships in January. Check out Big Future today to begin to create a plan for college, careers, and scholarships.
And parents, be sure to check out these College Board events and resources for you!
GCPS invites staff and the community to participate in the review of the AKS curriculum.
Gwinnett County Public Schools invites GCPS families, Gwinnett County residents, students, and GCPS staff members to participate in the school district’s review of the Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) curriculum from September 3 through September 26. The public may review proposed standards online, offering feedback on AKS that have been developed to align the curriculum with the Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) and/or Georgia Performance Standards (GPS). Please review the list of courses with AKS under review and provide feedback. Comments will be accepted through Thursday, September 26.
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
We can all help prevent suicide. The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.
988 Fast Facts
- 988 is confidential, free, and available 24/7/365, connecting those experiencing a mental health, substance use, or suicidal crisis with trained crisis counselors.
- Access is available through every landline, cell phone, and voice-over-internet device in the United States, and call services are available in Spanish, along with interpretation services in over 150 languages.
- The 988 dialing code is available for call, text, and chat.
You can learn more about 988 and access resources at 988lifeline.org.
In Case You Missed It...
- Board meeting and work session (August 15)
- Coffee with Calvin (August 1)
- Connected (August 22)
- GCPS Links (August 15)
- News Releases
- Student Calendars
Looking Ahead in GCPS...
- Keep Connected with news from GCPS TV… the next episode airs September 12!
- The next regular Board meeting is September 19. (Online, find links to sign up for the public comment sections of the meeting.)
- Watch for the next issue of GCPS Links on September 19!