Jackson Journal
Happy New Year Jackson Families!
Standard Response Protocol (SRP) Drill for January
Jackson Families,
School safety is critical to high quality learning and the Manitowoc Public School District utilizes the K12 Standard Response Protocol (SRP/SRM) for all schools. The SRP provides five safety response protocols. Those five responses are SECURE - LOCKDOWN - EVACUATE - SHELTER - HOLD. The SRP provides for a standard response that is shared with students, staff, visitors and with our first responders from the Fire and Police Departments.
Each month throughout the school year, all schools will train on one of the five responses. The training is designed to create knowledge, answer questions, and build familiarity for all students, staff and visitors.
This month we will be practicing an EVACUATION. An EVACUATION is utilized to move students and staff from one location to another. During an EVACUATION we will: leave personal belongings behind, form a single line, and move to our safe evacuation location outside or to the announced location. Once at a safe location, teachers will take attendance. After the drill, students and staff will resume regular activities.
Students and staff will hear an announcement for the EVACUATION. It will sound like this:
EVACUATE! To (the announced location)!
EVACUATE! To (the announced location)!
If you have questions, reach out to Jill DeRosier, Jackson principal at 920-663-9522.
Drop Off and Pick Up Safety
As we head into the new year I'd like to remind all Jackson families the importance of having a safe drop off and pick up routine. Recently there was a school district south of Manitowoc where an elementary child was tragically hit by a car during a school pick up and was killed. I am confident to say that I KNOW no one wants this to happen.
After many reminders staff at Jackson is still noticing the following safety concerns with student drop off and pick up:
- Students should not be getting dropped off in the staff parking lot. Drop off takes place at the church across the street. Crossing guards are available before and after school.
- Make sure all drivers are stopping on Menasha Ave. when students, staff or families are crossing the street. Students should always wait for the crossing guard before crossing.
- The circle drive on 17th St. is drop off ONLY. Parents form ONE line as you head into the circle. Students should come out of the car on the curbside so they are not crossing between cars. Parents do not get out of the car. Use the church drop off if you need to get out of the car. A staff member is there if help is needed.
- DO NOT drop students off in the middle of the circle. Follow the line of traffic.
If you have concerns about any of these procedures, reach out to the principal.
Save the Date for Summer School
Summer school registration for the summer of 2025 is quickly approaching. Jackson students will attend Jackson for summer school from 8-12, Monday-Friday. The dates of summer school are June 16-20th, July 7-18th. Watch for more information to be coming soon.
MPSD Elementary Code of Conduct
Below is an updated copy of the MPSD Elementary Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct is referred to by building administration if a serious behavior incident occurs. The Code of Conduct allows from administrators to make decisions as to next steps (potential consequences), if a serious behavior should occur.
Literacy Chat - with Mr. Sleger
Happy New Year! One of the many components of our literacy block is a piece called, “Getting Along Together” (GAT). GAT provides weekly lessons in homerooms to enhance social, emotional and self-regulation skills each week throughout the school year for students in kindergarten through fifth grades.
Recently, our GAT lessons across all grade levels have been focused on developing an understanding of our feelings and empathy. This is a great time of year to nurture kindness and compassion in our kids! Take time at home to discuss moments when empathy really made a difference. Have open conversations about your feelings.
Thank you for all of your support in your child’s education so far this school year! It is hard to
believe that we are almost half-way through the year! Our literacy block starts at 9:00 each morning.
It is critical that your child is here on time for school so they do not miss out an any instructional
minutes. Please continue to make time for your child to read 20 minutes at home and fill out their
reading response gold homework sheet. Soon, students will be assessed to determine their third
quarter literacy placement. Third quarter placements will begin on Monday, February 3 rd .
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me:
Dean Sleger
Jackson United One Credit Union Branch
Hello Jackson! Did you know United One Credit Union has a branch at Jackson School that is open on Friday mornings from 8:30-9:00? Any student or staff member with an account at United One can deposit at the Jackson Branch on Fridays. Any student or staff member without an account can sign up to get one and start depositing. The best time to start saving is now. Saving even a small amount every week can lead to great gains.
Upcoming Family Math Night
Mark your calendars for Math Madness Night on March 18th! There will games, food, prizes and much more! There will be more information to follow in the near future.
2024-2025 Kids Heart Challenge
2024-25 Kids Heart Challenge is fast approaching. This month in PE class students will begin to learn about this years challenge. Around Valentines Day, all students will participate in a jump challenge day in PE class dedicated to our hearts. Be on the lookout for more information coming in the next few weeks.
Nurse's Corner
Initiation for the Living Organ Donation Q&A
Dear MPSD Families,
As a new employee in the district, I am truly impressed by the genuine care and compassion I have witnessed from many of those involved in our schools, parents and staff alike. Because of this, I wanted to reach out and invite you to an informational session on living organ donation being held at Jackson Elementary School on Tuesday, February 4th at 4:30PM in the gym. As some of you may have heard, one of our Jackson moms is in need of a donor kidney. In 2018, I donated a kidney to another young mom in need and it was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. There are so many people in need of a kidney (over 1,400 people in Wisconsin are on the kidney transplant wait list) and so many lives that could be saved if people better understood the facts surrounding donation. I would love for you to join me to learn more about the process, clear up some myths and misconceptions, and answer any questions you may have. I encourage you to attend even if you have no plans on becoming a donor yourself. Being educated on the topic and being able to pass along that knowledge is also incredibly important. I hope to see you on Feb. 4th! For questions or more information, please contact me: Colleen Piaskowski
(Teacher Interventionist - Jackson Elementary)
EL Family Night
EL Families please join the MPSD at the Manitowoc Public Library on January 16th from 6 PM - 7 PM for a EL Family night
Concert Survey
Upcoming Events
16th - EL Family Night @ Manitowoc Public Library
20th - No School
23rd - End of 2nd Quarter
24th - Records Day - No School
27th - Staff Development Day - No School
3rd-7th - Penny Wars
4th - PTO Dine Out @ A&W - 4PM - 8PM
7th - KDG School Forest Field Trip
12th - 3rd Grade School Forest Field Trip
13th - Parent/Teach Conferences 8AM - 7PM - No School
14th - No School for Staff & Students