Fayette Central Flyer
December 2019
Home of the Hornets
Email: kmccarty@fayette.k12.in.us
Website: fayettecentral.k12.in.us
Location: 2928 N. County road 225 West; Connersville, IN 47331
Phone: 765-825-6261
Fayette Central Mission Statement
The staff of Fayette Central believes that all students can learn given quality educational programs and a desire to learn. Through a cooperative effort that involves the family, school, and community, Fayette Central will provide a safe, educational environment which promotes learning. We will prepare students academically and socially to function as independent, productive citizens and life-long learners.
Principal's Desk
Dear Parents,
Winter weather is upon us in full swing.Please make sure your children are dressed for the weather. We go out for recess whenever the weather allows. If you are not receiving the Remind Texts and would like to please let us know. Please limit to immediate family or sitter.
Please join us for our Holiday Program on December 12th. We will be presenting our concert at 6:00 PM at CHS in the Robert E. Wise Auditorium. We will be joining with Grandview, our sister school, and our program will feature our first and second graders. Our kindergartners will have their own program on December 17th at 6:00 PM here at Fayette Central.
Our robotics team is in full swing and will have their first scrimmage after the first of the year.The students on the team are having a great time and I am very impressed with how well they have been able to build and control their robots. Mrs. Haffner and Miss Long have been excellent mentors.
Hornet news is also going well. Our news team is learning to produce their entire broadcast every Friday from start to finish by themselves. Mrs. Faulkenberg has done an excellent job of guiding our students through the process of putting a broadcast on the air every week that is broadcast inside Fayette Central.
After the first of the year we will also begin math team and art club to give our students additional opportunities to explore their interests and give them outlets for their talents and creativity.
Mrs. McCarty, Principal
Miss Long's Sixth Grade News
WOW! Time sure has flown by this year! I can’t believe we’re already halfway through another fantastic year in 6th grade! We’re hard at work in math, studying variables and expressions and getting ready for algebra in middle school. In science, we started the year studying energy and conducting lots of fun experiments focusing on how energy is transferred from one type to another. Now we’re studying all things space! Each day we’re finding out information about our solar system and we’re having a blast! We’re hard at work practicing our close reading strategies and have studied various pieces of both fiction and non-fiction. It’s already been such a great year and I’m excited to see what all is still in store as we continue our journey in 6th grade!
Mrs. O'Rourke's Classroom News
Mrs. O’Rourke’s room is full of activity!! We first want to welcome Ms. Meagan and Ms. Mina. These two ladies have dug right in to help with our students. Thank You!!!
First grade students are learning their sight words and basic addition facts. Keep practicing both at home!! Second graders are getting into double digit addition. They are catching on fast!! Third graders are learning their basic multiplication facts. They can practice them at home! Fifth graders are doing everything with decimals. They just finished their first historical novel and learned so much!!
Need ideas for Christmas? Books, crayons, pencils, erasers, flashcards, etc…
Good Web Sites for Learning:
Have a Merry Christmas!!
Mrs. O’Rourke
How Am I Getting Home?Car Rider? Bus?
Upcoming Events
Dec. 6- 2nd Grade Field Trip
Dec. 12- Holiday Program at 6:00 PM at Robert E. Wise Auditorium
Dec. 17- Kindergarten Christmas Program 6:00 PM
Dec. 21-Holiday Break Begins
January 6- School Resumes