Johnston PTO
December 2024
Thank you for joining us and reading! Johnston PTO is starting a Smore monthly newsletter that we will update and send out after each PTO meeting.
Below you will find a list of upcoming events, important dates, and volunteer opportunities. Thank you for stopping by!
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Popcorn Friday
- December 6th
- December 13th
- December 20th
If you did not pre pay for popcorn at the beginning of the school year, your student may bring in $1 for a bag on Fridays! πΏ
Santa Shop
Santa Shop will be returning to Johnston December 9th-12th! Students will visit the shop during their normal scheduled library times.
In order for this to be successful, we need all the help we can get. Please view the sign up genius for volunteer opportunities. It will be posted under the Hot Coco with Santa event as BOTH volunteer sign ups are on one Sign Up Genius link. Thank you in advance for your participation.
Hot Coco & Photo with Santa
Johnston PTO is excited to introduce our 1st ever Hot Coco with Santa! Thursday, December 12th from 5:00PM to 7:00PM in the Cafeteria.
Stop by our hot coco & holiday cookie station to pick up your cookie & coco. You can then take a seat at a table to enjoy your goodies & color a holiday coloring page, or stroll into the Gym to get in line for your photo with the man himself, Santa!
We will also have our Santa Shop open in the Libary.
This is a JOHNSTON families only event. Admission is $5 per Johnston student and $5 for additonal sibling. This admission gets your child their hot coco, a holiday cookie, and their photo with Santa.
Spirit Blankets
π Spirit Blankets order forms were sent home with students. We have limited supply, with TWO designs. Blankets are $40 each. Get yours while you can! They make GREAT Christmas gifts.
Fuzzyline Restaurant Night
Join us for our December restaurant night at FUZZYLINE Brewing in Highland on Wednesday, December 18th from 5:00PM-8:00OPM. They will donate 15% of their food/beverage sales back to Johnston PTO. We are also going to have another 50/50 raffle, so be sure to get your tickets at the door.
Holiday Grams
Forms will be sent home next week for our Holiday Gram Fundraiser! Send a sweet treat to your friends!
$1 PJ Day
- December 9-12th - Santa Shop during student's Library time
- December 12th- Hot Coco & Pictures with Santa 5:00PM-7:00PM
- December 16th- Holiday Grams Due
- December 18th- Fuzzyline Restaurant Night
- December 19th- PTO Meeting 2:40PM in the Libary
- December 20th- $1 Holiday PJ Day
Do you have a suggestion, question, or comment? Feel free to contact our PTO via Facebook messenger or johnstonpto1@gmail.com
Johnston PTO
Email: johnstonpto1@gmail.com
Contacts: President: Jessica Kutscher, jlwk1211@yahoo.com
1st VPs: Kimberly Kiest, kimmykiest@gmail.com and Nicole Kozak, nmq2686@gmail.com
2nd VP: Sonya Castillo, scastillo1118@gmail.com
Secretary: Kat Bailey, kbailey1@highland.k12.in.us
Treasurer: Morgan Lesich, mlesich@highland.k12.in.us
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/johnstonPTO