Millburn Elementary Summer Learning
- Learning Packets
- Media Center Bingo
- Apps Available This SUmmer
- IXL Skills
- Incoming 6th Grade Summer Reading
- Lake Villa Library - Summer in the Neighborhood
Learning Packets
Apps Available
- EPIC (daytime hours only)
- Lexia Core 5 (only if the student was using during the school year)
IXL Summer Learning Information for Parents
- IXl Access Video
- Parent Guide
- Summer Break Strategies
IXL Smart Score
When a student starts practicing a skill, the SmartScore starts at 0. As the student answers questions correctly, the SmartScore increases. If a question is answered incorrectly, the score decreases. However, the SmartScore is not just based on the percentage of questions correct. It is calculated using many factors, including the number of questions completed, question difficulty, and consistency, and offers superior accuracy in assessing student achievement.
A skill is mastered when the SmartScore reaches 100, but the number of questions it takes to master a skill varies with every student. To continuously motivate students, IXL recommends setting other practice milestones along the way to mastery. A score of 80 is good, and a score of 90 is considered excellent. When a student finally achieves skill mastery, you can be confident that they truly understand the skill.
Good= 80-89
Excellent= 90-99
Mastered = 100
IXL Recommended Skills
If yoru child has already completed a skill with a Smart Score of 80 or higher, no need to redo it. Just mark as complete.