Cougar Chronicles
Cook Hill School | January 2025 | HAPPY NEW YEAR!
January News
Happy New Year
Happy New Year!
We are so excited to welcome 2025 and look forward to all the wonderful opportunities and accomplishments that lie ahead for our students and our community during the remainder of the school year.
As we return to school, we want to let you know that our mid-year assessment window will open on Monday, January 6th, and assessments will take place on various days throughout the month. These assessments will help us measure student progress in literacy and numeracy, allowing us to better support each child at their unique level of learning. Our goal remains to meet all students where they are and provide the tools and guidance they need to continue growing and thriving.
This month, we are also thrilled to welcome mentors from Sheehan High School who will be working with students in various grades and classrooms. This is an exciting new partnership, and we are confident it will have a positive impact on our students and school community.
The week of January 6th through 10th is Eat A Rainbow Week, a fun and healthy celebration of diverse and colorful foods! We encourage all students and families to join us in eating a variety of healthy foods representing different colors of the rainbow each day. Let’s make healthy eating both educational and enjoyable!
We are looking forward to all of the amazing things our students and community will achieve this month. As always, we encourage families to share their celebrations, special moments, or events with us—we love hearing about and celebrating the wonderful experiences happening in your lives.
Thank you for your continued partnership and support. Together, we make Cook Hill a place where every student can learn, grow, and shine. Here’s to an incredible start to the new year!
In collaboration,
Mr. Munroe
December Highlights
Mr. Munroe met The Grinch!
Cookies & Cocoa event with our PTO!
Holiday Head to Toe fun!
K-Kids Collection
Our K-Kids collection for the Wallingford Emergency Shelter is happening through January 21st! All gloves, hats and scarves brought in are being added to our tree. All other donations are being set under the tree. Some of the needed items include; heavy socks, winter hats & gloves, deodorant, toothbrushes and toothpaste. You can access their webpage here for more suggestions. The shelter also accepts monetary donations.
Important Dates
Thursday January 2 - Welcome Back!
Monday January 6 - Eat a rainbow week begins! Check the spirit day calendar for details!
Tuesday January 7 - K-Kids Meeting @ 8:10am
Thursday January 16 - 2 HOUR EARLY RELEASE - DISMISSAL @ 1:30
Friday January 17 - Masonicare Friends visit
Monday January 20 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - NO SCHOOL
Friday January 24 - Hat Day! Check the spirit day calendar for details!
Monday January 27 - Raise Craze fundraiser begins!
Thursday January 30 - PF and CH CID Family STEM Night
PTO News 📰
Mark Your Calendar!
The next meeting of our Parent-Teacher Organization is on Tuesday, February 4th in person at Parker Farms School. We'd love to see you there! THERE IS NO JANUARY MEETING.
If you have any questions you can reach out to the PTO here: pfchspto@gmail.com
Upcoming PTO Events
Join our PTO facebook group to get sneak peaks into upcoming fundraisers, along with connecting with other parents! PFCHPTO Facebook Page
PTO Board News - A message from the board..
Happy new year! We hope you had a wonderful holiday break with your families.
As 2025 starts, we wanted to remind our school community that the current PTO board term ends in June. Each term is 2 years in length. That being said - we are looking for 7 individuals who are interested in stepping up into these roles for the 2025-2027 term! Every position has an opportunity for 2 or more people, with the exception of treasurer that only allows for 1 individual to serve in that role. These positions would begin at the end of this school year and run until June 2027.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Jen Carreira or Alyssa Ryan at jennifer.carreira@pfchspto.org or alyssa.ryan@pfchspto.org
PTO President Description
PTO Vice President Description
PTO Secretary Description
PTO Treasurer Description
Student Celebrations and Happenings
As part of our continued efforts to celebrate and recognize our amazing students, families, and staff we would like to invite families to complete our Student Celebrations and Happenings form!
The form will be open throughout the entire school year. Anytime your family or child celebrate or do something interesting, add a new submission!
Not only will we celebrate our school community together during our Morning Announcements, but (with the families permission) we will regularly share one of the submissions with our entire school community!
We cannot wait to see what our students, staff, and families are up to when they are being the change they want to see in the world and living their best lives!
Family/Student Spotlight 🚨
Manha Ahaid competed in a Taekwondo competition in Massachusetts in December!
Manha left with a Gold medal after the competition!
We are so proud of all of her accomplishments!
Kindergarten Registration is now open for the 25-26 school year!
Preschool lottery information and registration has NOT begun for the 25/26 school year. Any registrations for preschool will be declined at this time. More information regarding preschool will be forthcoming.
Questions regarding registration can be directed to (203) 949-6506.
January Menus
School Hours & Attendance
School Hours: 9:05 AM - 3:30 PM
(Parent drop off 8:50am-9:05am)
Early Dismissals:
2 hour: 9:05am-1:30pm
2 hour and 45 minute: 9:05am-12:45pm
No PM Preschool class
Delayed Openings:
2 hour: 11:05am-3:30pm
No AM Preschool class
School Contact Information
Main Office
Kara Piper, Secretary - kpiper1@wallingfordschools.org
Aimee Heinrich, Office Clerk - aheinrich@wallingfordschools.org
Zach Munroe, Principal - zmunroe@walllingfordschools.org
PreSchool Office
Kelly Vallancourt, Secretary - kvallancourt@wallingfordschools.org
District Website: https://www.wallingford.k12.ct.us/
CH Website: https://ches.wallingford.k12.ct.us
Location: 57 Hall Road, Wallingford, CT, USA
Phone: (203)284-5400