Parmenter Press
October 4, 2024
Please Download the APP. This is Crucial!
A Note from the Office
As we wrap up a week that included a holiday and an early release day, it made me reflect on just how important routine is for our students. Regular routines provide the structure, predictability, and sense of security that helps students feel confident and ready to learn. When students know what to expect each day, it reduces stress, builds independence, and supports their ability to focus and engage in the classroom.
While we may have occasional changes in our schedule, like this week, establishing a consistent routine at school and home can help students thrive. Thank you for all you do to support this, and I look forward to another great, predictable, week ahead!
Be well,
Evan Chelman, Principal
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Rachel's Fire Hydrant
The Franklin Department of Public Works is hosting a fire hydrant painting contest - Every contestant submitted a design and requested a fire hydrant to paint. Rachel Redfern, a Parmenter student, entered the contest with a koi fish and lily pad design and was approved to paint the fire hydrant in front of her home. Photos of all of the contestants' fire hydrants will be posted on the DPW Facebook page and voting will take place from October 7th to the 18th. Winners in the under 12, 12-17, and 18+ age groups will be announced live at noon at The DPW's Touch A Truck event on October 26th. You know what to do!
Literacy Screening Letter
Dear Families,
Over the last few weeks, students participated in a variety of literacy screenings and activities. These screeners help us understand each student’s current literacy skills and cover much of the content that has been taught up to this point in their academic careers. Conducting them in the fall allows us to get a starting point so we can measure growth when these screeners are repeated in the winter and the spring.
Additionally, we use these screeners as a way to identify students who might benefit from extra support in certain areas. If a child’s result shows that they are in need of additional help, a letter will be sent to your family in early October to explain the steps we are taking to support and monitor their progress. We will also continue to assess their growth periodically and adjust our instruction to meet their needs.
If you do not receive a letter, this means your student performed within or above the expected range. While we will not notify you immediately of their score, teachers will speak to their literacy performance at upcoming conferences and would notify you should any concerns arise. As always, please feel free to reach out to myself or your student’s classroom teacher with any questions or concerns.
Evan Chelman, Principal
Amy Harvey, Assistant Principal
Kelsey Souza, Literacy Specialist
Franklin Fire Department Open House October 5
Saturday, Oct. 5, the Franklin Fire Department will be hosting their annual open house from 10am-2pm. At this event, they will be launching their involvement and commitment to taking part in the Special Olympics of Massachusetts #1 Fundraiser of the year, The Polar Plunge. In addition, families can engage in touch a truck activities, get to know the FFD, Sparky the Fire Dog and Smokey the Bear, and other fun activities sponsored by the FFD. Families can spend as little or as much time as they want this Saturday!
Next week at their open house, they will also have the honor of Bear Force 1 coming to the Fire House in which start off jumps can happen!
With the Polar Plunge, the FFD is looking to get the community involved and families to join them in their fundraising. Then on March 8 @ Beaver Pond, they will be participating in the plunge! Another fun day filled with food, celebration, activities, and more!
2024-2025 Parmenter Family Directory
Its time to sign up for the 2024-2025 directory. If you'd like your student to be included in the 24-25 Student Directory, please complete one form per student using the link below.
We will close the form on October 4th so we can publish the directory by mid-October.
Stay Informed About the Reorg
The U.S. Attorney’s Office will be hosting a statewide, virtual presentation for parents on Wednesday, October 9th @ 6:30 pm. Please feel free to share this flyer with your local police departments, school administrators and community partners.
Know Anyone Amazing?
Know anyone amazing? Jefferson Elementary is seeking a long term substitute teacher for Kindergarten! Please visit the posting here if you or anyone you know is qualified and interested!
A Cause Close to Franklin's Heart!
Smile Dental Opportunity
Weekend Backpack Initiative : Free Food
6-Day Cycle Schedule
Restaurant Fundraiser: Thank You!
Thank you to everyone who had lunch/dinner at Chateau on Thursday. We very much appreciate our partnerships with local businesses.
All You Need to Know About the Pumpkin Stroll
Want to be a Vendor at the Winter Shop?
Upcoming Dates to Remember
14th - No School - Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples Day
23rd - Pumpkin Stroll
25th - Early Release Day - PD
5th - No School - Full Day PD
11th - No School - Veterans’ Day
14th - 15th - Early Release Days - Conferences
27th - 29th - No School - Thanksgiving Break
2nd - Comfy Day
3rd - Winter Shop
11th - Early Release Day - PD
23rd - January 1st - No School - Winter Break
2nd - Comfy Day
17th - Early Release Day - PD
20th - No School - MLK Jr. Day
7th - Special Person Dance
10th - Early Release Day - PD
17th - 21st - No School - February Break
11th - 12th - Early Release Day - Conferences
18th - Early Release Day - PD
3rd - School Spirit Day Whole School Meeting
4th - Bottle & Can Collection Day
14th - Early Release - PD
18th - No School - Good Friday
21st - 25th - No School - April Break
28th - Comfy Day
2nd - Early Release Day - PD
26th - No School - Memorial Day
30th - Fun Day
5th - School Spirit Day Whole School Meeting
9th - Early Release Day - PD
17th - Projected Last Day - Early Release for Students/Full Day Staff
About Us
Email: chelmane@franklinps.net
Website: https://www.franklinps.net/g-m-parmenter-elementary-school
Location: 235 Wachusett Street, Franklin, MA, USA
Phone: (508) 541-5281