September Parent Newsletter
Dr. Malinda McKillip, Principal
Welcome Back!
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope you and your family are enjoying the start of the new school year. We are looking forward to a number of exciting activities and upcoming events in the near future! Many thanks in advance for reading through this entire newsletter for important information and updates. As always, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Dr. Malinda McKillip
A Must Do For Parents: Annual Student Information Update
If you have not done so already, please be sure to update important information for each of your children in Skyward as soon as possible. The portal will be closing soon!
As a reminder, the URL for Skyward has changed. Please update any bookmarks that you have saved or you may access Skyward directly through the link on our website. It also important that you delete and reload the Skyward app on your mobile phones.
If you have forgotten your Skyward login information or are a first-time user and have not accessed the system, simply click on the “Forgot your Username or Password?” link. An automated email with a generic password will then be sent to the email address associated with your login credentials. Next, follow the directions to create a unique password.
To complete the Annual Information Update Process:
To complete the Annual Information Update Form:
Login to Skyward
Click the “Online Form Annual Student Update 24-25 SY” tile under your first student
Update your information
Repeat for each additional student
Please note that only primary guardians are able to complete this process. We kindly request that you please complete any changes ASAP. We appreciate your understanding and willingness to make these updates a priority. If you need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the main office at 610-469-5104.
Important Title I Information for Parents
French Creek will receive federal funds to support our supplemental educational and intervention programs. The majority of the federal funds that French Creek receives will be allocated to offset the salaries of additional reading and math support teachers. As a continued practice, French Creek will analyze student data throughout the course of the school year in order to identify students who may need additional support.
Link to the District's Annual Title I Notice
Reading Specialist:
Mrs. Jennifer Smith (jsmith@ojrsd.net)
Math Support Teacher:
Mrs. Pam Monastra (pmonastra@ojrsd.net)
Reading and Math Intervention Teachers
Mrs. Jessica Shebelsky (jshebelsky@ojrsd.net)
Mrs. Shannon Rockafellow (srockafellow@ojrsd.net)
Parent Involvement & PTA
Parent involvement is essential to help promote our students’ learning. All parents, guardians, and teachers are welcome to become members of the PTA regardless of the amount of time you can give to support additional programs and activities. I encourage everyone to actively participate in our PTA and join us for meetings throughout the school year.
If you have not done so already, please take a moment to visit and join our PTA webpage. This site offers parents the opportunity to sign up for email notifications, receive information related to upcoming special events, student clubs, and family togetherness activities in one convenient location. The site also offers parents the option to make online payments for PTA membership and PTA sponsored after school clubs.
Please click on the links below for important flyers, invitations, and announcements!
PTA Newsletter
PTA Meeting (Note: Revised Meeting Date!)
Ice Cream Social
French Creek Math Challenge
Please click on the button below for more information about our 2024-2025 Math Challenge. The first math challenge begins Friday, Sept. 13th and is due Sept. 27th!
French Creek Library Grant
In FC library news: Last April, our French Creek library applied for a literacy grant through Dollar General's Literacy program to help update our non-fiction section of the library. In August, we were awarded $3000.00 to buy books to do just that. We are so grateful and appreciative of Dollar General and their initiatives to get books into the hands of children. The students are excited about this news, as well, and are eager to share ideas of topics they would like to see added to our library. Many thanks to Mrs. Ponto for pursuing this opportunity on behalf of French Creek!
Birthday Book Program
The French Creek "Birthday Books Program" is an opportunity for families to donate a book to the
French Creek Library in celebration of a child's birthday. Please click on the button below for more information. *OJR does not permit food-related treats to be distributed for birthday celebrations.
Start With Hello
Fall Picture Day
STEAM Event for Girls (Grades 4-10)
Hello STEM enthusiasts,
Our 24th annual Girls Exploring Tomorrow’s Technology event is happening on Saturday, October 26th at the Greater Philadelphia Convention Center in Oaks. This is a one-day, free event for girls in grades 4th through 10th to explore careers in STEM from over 50 vendors with hands-on activities. There will be vendors from all areas of STEM, including manufacturers, agribusinesses, robotics, engineering and so much more.
Chester County Flu Clinic
The Chester County Health Department will be hosting a vaccination clinic at OJR Middle School on Thursday, October 24th from 3:30-6:45 PM. Please see additional information below.