Week of 11/4
HMS Weekly Update

Week of November 4
Dear Parents/Guardians,
As we progress through the school year, we want to ensure that our school environment remains safe and conducive to learning. We would appreciate your support in reinforcing a few important policies regarding student belongings.
As the weather cools, we kindly ask that students keep their coats in their lockers during school hours. This will help us maintain a safe and tidy classroom environment and ensure that hallways remain clear and safe.
If students would like to use a backpack during the day, we require students to use clear backpacks. Backpacks that are not clear will need to be stored in their locker.
We also want to clarify that blankets are not permitted in school. While we understand the comfort they provide, we kindly ask that they stay at home.
Cell phones:
Cell phones should be silenced and stored in lockers during school hours. This helps minimize distractions and encourages students to engage fully in their learning. If a student needs to use the phone during the school day, they can request to make a phone call from the office.
Locker Use:
Students should only use their assigned lockers to store their personal items. Students who are having difficulty with their lockers should report issues to a staff member.
Thank you for your cooperation and support in helping us maintain a safe, positive and productive school environment. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out.
Warm regards,
Mr. Endres, Principal
Ms. Coalter, Assistant Principal
Minions at the Middle School
Students starting the day and realizing the teachers are Minions!
Mr. Endres as Gru, the leader of the Minions.
Miss Newby-Brown & Mrs. Coalter
Boo at the Skoo!
Our students had a great time at Boo at the Skoo!
A special Thank You goes out to Mrs. Newby-Brown and her planning team! You all did a great job planning this event for our students.
Staff Shout Out
Important Dates
November 11- No School, Staff Inservice
November 14- Interim notification
November 27-29- No School, Thanksgiving Break
Mon Oct 28
HS & MS Volleyball Banquet (cafe/Auditorium)
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Thursday, March 20, 2025
*All conferences will be held from 4:00 P.M. – 7:30 P.M.
Lunch Menus
District Technology Information
Please take a few moments to read and understand the information presented by District Technology department.
Behaviors we want to see from our students.
- Respect yourself, others and property. (Respectful)
- Maintain a safe and clean environment. (Safe)
- Engage in productive work. (Responsible)
What is PBIS?
PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based, tiered framework for supporting students’ behavioral, academic, social, emotional, and mental health. When implemented with fidelity, PBIS improves social emotional competence, academic success, and school climate. It also improves teacher health and wellbeing. It is a way to create positive, predictable, equitable and safe learning environments where everyone thrives.