Good Shepherd Weekly
December 1, 2023
Students of the Month
Students were honored for displaying the virtue of Charity for the month of November. Keep up the good work!
Dress Down
Students dressed down in November to support St. Joseph's Food Pantry. Thank you for your generosity and setting good examples for our students!
Respect our Planet
PK-4 student asked the entire school community to not throw trash in the playground and schoolyard. He told us it was not good for animals or our planet! Great Job!
GWCRS Calendar Raffle
Our GWCRS Calendar Raffle Sales are underway! They are being sold through the month of December and drawings will be held in January. There are prizes every day of the month. Get your chance to win for only $10. These make great stocking stuffers or "add-ons" to Christmas presents. Please see our Admin. Office staff if you need more!
Attendance Matters
In the event that your child will be absent, late, or dismissed early, please contact the school office at (401) 767-5906 by 9:00 am so our office staff can inform your child's teacher of their absence or end of day dismissal changes.
Uniform Reminders
As a reminder, we have transitioned to the winter uniforms as of Wednesday, November 1st. Please be mindful of the school mandatory Uniform Policy which will be enforced as we are now past the warmer weather. Uniform Infraction Notices will be sent home for any student who does not adhere to the Uniform Policy according to the Good Shepherd Parent/Student Handbook.
Good Shepherd Spiritwear
Last chance for Christmas gifts!
Our school spiritwear store will be available from Monday, November 27 through Sunday, December 3rd for your Christmas purchases. Please click the button below to place your order!
PTO Corner
Next Meeting : Monday, December 18, 2023
Please join us at 6:30pm in the library! New members always welcome.
Save the Dates
Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2023. This will be an asynchronous learning day (no live teaching) for students. Work will be provided by their teachers. The link was sent to parents on November 27 to register for a conference time. This link will be available until Dec. 5th at 3pm. Registration is first come/first served please plan accordingly.
Santa's Workshop
Grades PK - 3 will be shopping at Santa's Workshop from December 4th - 8th. Shopping Lists and Gift Tags went home with students on Wednesday, November 15th. Please complete the list (with ages), tags, and return in envelope with $1.00 per gift. All of the proceeds to benefit local charities. Reminder: There is a limit of 12 gifts per student to accommodate all shoppers.
Christmas Concert
Good Shepherd Christmas Concert will be held on Tuesday, December 12th beginning at 6pm at St. Joseph's Church. Student performers will include Pre-K classes, Mrs. Pincince's music classes (K-5), The Good Shepherd Choir, and The Good Shepherd Band. Please join us for a night full of music, love, and Christmas spirit!
PC Friars Game Day
The Providence College Friars are offering a limited amount of discounted tickets to our Good Shepherd families for the December 23rd game at noon. Please click on the link to purchase tickets.
Rediker Access
Good Shepherd School uses an electronic informational system called Rediker that allows parents to access their child's grades throughout the school year from Kindergarten through grade 8. This online platform provides access to teacher emails and student grades in an effort to promote a clear communication tool for our families. We ask that parents click the blue link below to activate your account in order to receive access to this important school information platform.
Feinstein Cards & Golden Tickets
We are happy to be a part of the Feinstein Jr. Scholar Program!
Mr. Feinstein provides a “Golden Ticket” for each student which you should have received this week. You should keep the Golden Ticket in a safe place. Numbers are drawn every Monday and announced on their virtual Feinstein Jr. Scholar Journal at www.feinsteinfoundation.org and their Facebook page. We will also share the numbers weekly on our Facebook page. If your child has a winning ticket number, you should contact the Admin Office right away. We ask that you take a picture of your child holding the winning ticket! Our school will receive a $5,000 grant from Mr. Feinstein and the child receives a $500 grant to donate to either our school or any non-profit of your choice as well as other prizes. THANK YOU!!
Good Shepherd School Lunch Program
Lunch order forms need to be returned to the school on Thursday's!
December Lunch Menu
Click the link below for the November lunch menu choices
Week of December 4th Order Form
Click on the link below for the weekly order form. Lunch orders are placed on a weekly basis and payments are made by cash or check to Good Shepherd School.
Good Shepherd Athletics
Good Shepherd Basketball teams will practice utilizing the following schedule:
- Boys Junior Team - Thursdays from 5:30pm - 7:00pm
- Girls Grammar Team - Monday and Wednesdays from 6pm - 8pm
- Boys Grammar Team - Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Have a great season!
Colorguard (Gr. 4-8)
Colorguard is an artistic sport that used props such as flags to enhance a musical performance. It is a very popular activity in High Schools and Colleges and is becoming more popular at the Middle and Elementary School levels. During the Fall, Colorguard can be seen performing with a marching band for parades or football games. In the winter, most groups compete in regional Colorguard competitions indoors.
During our season last year, our Colorguard performed in the Autumnfest Parade with the school band and the went on to have a very successful winter season competing in the NESBA circuit. We will be competing again this year and hope to another successful season.
News from the Nurse
Reminder: All students in our preschool program are required to have a flu shot by DHS. Please provide documentation or request an exemption form from the nurse.
Cellphone Policy
As a reminder for all students, cellphone use during school hours is prohibited. If students need to reach out to parents, they must go to the school office during break time to make the call.
Changes of dismissal should not be made through text messages during the day as it becomes a challenge during end of day dismissal.
All cellphones and Apple Watches should be kept in your child's backpack during the school day to avoid disruption during class time. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
December 2023
School Events
Monday, December 4th
- Japanese Braiding - 3pm - 4pm
- Girls Grammar Basketball Practice - 6pm - 8pm
Tuesday, December 5th
- Report Cards Distributed Today
- Band Practice - 3:15p - 4:30p (Gr. 4-8)
- Boys Grammar Basketball Practice - 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Wednesday, December 6th - Distance Learning Day
- Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held today by appointment only
- Girls Grammar Basketball Practice - 6pm - 8pm
Thursday, December 7th
- Choir Rehearsal - 3:00pm - 4:00pm
- Boys Grammar Basketball Practice - 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Friday, December 8th
- Immaculate Conception Mass - 9am
- Colorguard Practice - 3pm - 6:30pm