Raccoon Reporter
May 3, 2024

Key Dates in May
6-10 Mental Health Awareness Week
6-10 Teacher Appreciation Week
9 8th grade car wash 2-3:30pm
10 Variety Show, McKinley auditorium 6pm
14 Fire drill 1:15pm
16 Jog-a-thon
17 8th grade parent meeting 5pm
17 Parents’ Night Out 6-8pm
21 School Site Council meeting 4pm
23 Coffee with the Principal 8:30am
27 Memorial Day - no school
28 PTA meeting 6pm
29 Open House & Art Show 5-7pm
Mental Health Awareness Week
May 6-10th is National Children's Mental Health Awareness Week, and here at Roosevelt we will have a whole week focused on accepting, destigmatizing, and learning about mental health. We will have spirit days weeklong, as well as activities during recess. Please encourage your children to participate. Here is the flyer that explains the meaning behind the theme for each day!
- Mental Health Monday, wear green
- Together Tuesday, find a twin/triplet
- Wellness Wednesday, represent your favorite sports team
- Timescape Thursday, dress for the future you
- Fun Friday, anything but a backpack day
8th Grade Car Wash
If your car is in need of a wash, come to 8th grade’s drive-through car wash, after school on Thursday, May 9 from 2-3:30pm. We will be opening up the lower campus entrances, so enter on Vera Ave and exit on Euclid Ave. For only $10, get a nice sparkling clean car, and help support the 8th grade class at the same time! All proceeds go towards the Jog-a-thon fundraiser.
Parents’ Night Out
The 8th grade class would like to offer Roosevelt families their babysitting services on the evening of Friday, May 17th from 6-8pm. The 8th graders under the supervision of several teachers and staff will be providing activities and games in the school cafeteria. Attendees must be Roosevelt students enrolled in TK-5th grade. The price is $10.00 per student. Pizza and snacks will be available for purchase. In order to sign up, please complete this form by Thursday, May 16. Payments will be due at the time of drop off in cash or check made out to the Roosevelt PTA.
5th Grade Parents
If your child is going to Kennedy next year, please see this link to their newsletter sent by their principal, Chandra Leonardo, with information for you.
8th Grade Parent Meeting
There will be an 8th Grade Parent Meeting on Friday, May 17 from 5-5:30pm. Please join using this link: https://meet.google.com/fpk-rmie-cvk. At this meeting, the 8th grade team will be discussion graduation and a number of events to close out the year.
State Testing Continues
A few helpful hints for your 3rd-8th grade students to be prepared for state testing:
Ensure your child goes to bed at a reasonable time and gets a good night’s sleep–this means making sure your child logs off any technology at least 2 hours before bedtime.
Encourage your child to eat a good breakfast–try to stay away from foods high in sugar, as this can cause a drop in energy levels an hour or two later.
Make sure your child gets to school on time.
Consideration for our Neighbors
As a neighborhood school, please be mindful of blocking neighbors’ driveways or making illegal u-turns. Thank you!
ELAC Meeting
The next meeting is on Wednesday, May 8 at 8:15am in the Family Center.
Comprehensive Needs Assessment
State testing for ELA, math, & science (5th & 8th)
Summer opportunities
SEL-Spanish Kimochis
SSC Meeting
The next School Site Council meeting is Tuesday, May 21 at 4pm. At this meeting, we will be discussing the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). Link: meet.google.com/vop-kbta-cvy
District Mental Health Newsletter
Here is May’s newsletter focusing on parent/child bonding and how parents can foster this at home.
Message from Roosevelt PTA
2 Weeks to Jog-a-thon!
Get ready for our annual Roosevelt School Jog-a-thonon May 16! Each student's goal is to raise $80, and so far 15% of students have started online fundraising. There’s still 2 weeks to go! Fundraising isn't just about supporting our school; every $20 students raise puts them in the raffle for great (donated) prizes. Visit the Jog-a-thon website for details and get ready to make a difference!
Volunteers needed for Jog-a-thon
Jog-a-thon volunteers are needed between the hours of 7am and 1:30pm on the day of the event. Sign up here.
Join the PTA Board
Join our PTA Board! We're seeking Board members for various positions. If you're passionate about making a difference in our school community, we encourage you to reach out to PTA President, Whitney at whitney@roosevelt-pta.com for more information.
Teacher Appreciation Week
May 6-10 is Teacher Appreciation Week, and we have special plans for the amazing Roosevelt School teachers! You are free to honor your teacher in any way you choose, or join us in bringing teachers a flower on Tuesday and a hand-written card on Thursday.
Peninsula Library Summer Learning Series
Peninsula Library System's 2024 Summer Learning Challenge is June 1-August 31. Everyone is welcome to participate and will be able to read for fun and complete activities over the summer for chances to win a variety of prizes. Visit summerlearners.org to for your child to complete their reading journey online or to print out reading logs. Youth ages 18 and younger in San Mateo County can also enter to win $1,000 scholarship each time they complete a reading log.
Parent Workshops
Teaching Boundaries and Consent to Young Children (for parents and caregivers of TK-2nd graders) on May 7, 5:00-6:00pm. As part of the Parent Power Online Programs and presented by Kidpower, adults will learn boundary and consent principles and skills to use and practice with kids. For more information, please see this flyer. To register: bit.ly/3Q3x7mq
Empowered and Equipped: A Personal Perspective of Neurodiversity on Thursday, May 9, 5:30- 6:30pm. In the third event in the new Neurodiversity Speaker Series, David Flink, Founder and CEO at Eye to Eye, will provide a “personal perspective” into the power of mentoring, community, and allyship in the lives of Different Thinkers.Admission is free, and Spanish interpretation will be available. Register: https://davidflink2024ndss.eventbrite.com
Peace in Schools: Why Mindfulness Education Matters on Friday, May 10, 12:00-1:00pm. Join Janice Martellucci, Executive Director of the non-profit Peace in Schools, to learn more about their groundbreaking programs and why mindfulness is a highly effective antidote to teen suffering and isolation. Admission is free, and Spanish interpretation will be available. Register: https://peaceinschools2024parentventure.eventbrite.com
Community Resources
LIBRE is a program to help families and individuals access benefits such as Medi-Cal, CalWorks, CAPI, Unemployment Insurance, State Disability and Social Security. For more information here is the flyer with all the details.
Here is the May/June schedules for the Second Harvest Food Bank.
HIP Housing's Self Sufficiency Program provides housing assistance and support services to low-income for low income families with children. They currently have openings to share homes in Redwood City and San Carlos. More information about the program can also be found here or reading this flyer.
Previous Newsletters
August 11, 2023 // 11 de agosto, 2023
August 18, 2023 // 18 de agosto, 2023
August 25, 2023 // 25 de agosto, 2023
September 8, 2023 // 8 de septiembre, 2023
September 22, 2023 // 22 de septiembre, 2023
October 6, 2023 // 6 de octubre, 2023
October 20, 2023 // 20 de octubre, 2023
November 3, 2023 // 3 de noviembre, 2023
November 17, 2023 // 17 de noviembre, 2023
December 1, 2023 // 1 de diciembre, 2023
December 15, 2023 // 15 de diciembre, 2023
January 12, 2024 // 12 de enero, 2024
January 26, 2024 // 26 de enero, 2024
February 9, 2024 // 9 de febrero, 2024
March 1, 2024 // 1 de marzo, 2024
March 15, 2024 // 15 de marzo, 2024
Roosevelt School
Website: https://www.rcsdk8.net/roosevelt
Location: 2223 Vera Avenue, Redwood City, CA, USA
Phone: 650-482-2413
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RooseveltElementarySchool