Marlette Elementary School
November Update - November 11th
Note from the Principal - Mr. Reynolds
Hi everyone,
Today is Veterans Day. Thank you to every veteran out there who has served our country to protect our freedoms.
This week is Parent/Teacher Conferences week. The goal of conferences is for every teacher to complete a conference with every child in the school to give a quick update on academics, behaviors, and any other concerns. Conferences are only ten minutes long. If you feel like ten minutes is not enough, please reach out to the teacher to set up a longer meeting.
As mentioned in the last newsletter, the colder weather (for the most part) is finally here. Please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately for the temperatures, especially for outdoor recess. If your child wears boots to school and has gym that week, please make sure they have a pair of tennis shoes as well.
Lastly, the Holiday Season is upon us. Per our annual tradition, plans are in place to decorate the school into a Christmas Wonderland. But for some, the holidays can be difficult, and our staff understands that. We are here to help your child with any need; socially, emotionally, or physically.
As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.
Mr. Reynolds
Strategic Plan Survey
Marlette Community Schools is seeking input from all stakeholders to update and implement a new strategic plan that will guide our district for the next three to five years.
Please complete the following survey to have your voice be heard. The survey will also be available in print in both schools' offices, a QR code linked with the survey will be sent in Thursday Folders, and the survey link will eventually be located on the Marlette Community Schools' webpage.
Strategic Plan Survey: LINK
Thanksgiving and Christmas Struggles
Marlette Elementary School wants to make sure that every child has a decent Thanksgiving meal and presents for Christmas. If you need help with Thanksgiving, please reach out as soon as possible and we will use our resources to help with a food donation. If you need help with Christmas, please reach out before December 1st.
Katherine Allen: katherine.allen@marletteschools.org
Julie Essad: julie.essad@marletteschools.org
Megan Curtis: megan.curtis@marletteschools.org
Decorating for Christmas - Donations and Amazon Wishlist
Like the last couple of years, the Marlette Elementary School staff is planning to turn our school into "Christmas in Candyland". We love having a festive atmosphere for all of our students, but our decorating committee is looking for some help.
First, we are looking for any Christmas decorations that people are no longer using, such as:
- Christmas trees of any size
- Ornaments
- Christmas lights: any style
- Outdoor Christmas blow-ups
- Garland
The decorating committee could also use:
- gift cards to Dollar Tree
- items off our Amazon Wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3AL1AGPRBF5SU/ref=pe_108927990_917072200_hz_ls_biz_us
Early Dismissal, 12:30pm - Tuesday, November 26th and Friday, December 20th
On Tuesday, November 26th and Friday, December 20th, Marlette Community Schools will have a 12:30pm dismissal for all students. Lunch will be served on those days.
Head Lice Policy
When a student is found to have live head lice, the student's parents/guardians will be notified. The school will provide lice treatment if needed. The child can return to school once no live lice are found. The school will never close due to high incidences of head lice, nor will we do whole classroom checks.
Preventive measures include:
- Pull hair back: If your child has longer hair, put their hair in a ponytail, braid, or bun. Sometimes hair spray and gel deters getting lice as well.
- Use preventive shampoos: Some shampoos are designed to prevent lice.
- Check regularly: Head lice can be found on any student, so please actively check your child for lice every 3-4 days.
Social/Emotional Learning Groups
Our awesome social workers, Ms. Katherine and Ms. Megan, will soon be offering different Social/Emotional Learning Groups, such as friendship and relationship groups, trauma groups, and emotion/coping groups. If you are interested in your child participating, please reach out to their teacher.
No After School Tutoring
There will be no After School Tutoring the following days in November:
- Tuesday, November 12th (conferences)
- Wednesday, November 13th (conferences)
- Monday, November 25th (Thanksgiving week)
- Tuesday, November 26th (Thanksgiving week)
No Red Raider Care - Christmas Break
Marlette Elementary will not have Red Raider Care during Christmas Break (December 23rd, 2024 through Friday, January 3rd, 2025. Red Raider Care will reopen on Monday, January 6th, 2025.
24-25 Calendar
The link below will direct you to the school calendar, especially for those who like to plan Spring Break ahead of time.
Click here: LINK
Future Calendar
Tuesday, November 12th: Parent/Teacher Conferences by Appt, 3:30pm to 5:30pm
Wednesday, November 13th: Parent/Teacher Conferences by Appt, 3:30pm to 5:30pm and 6pm to 8pm
Wednesday, November 13th: Mobile Dentist
Friday, November 15th: NO SCHOOL; Red Raider Care Open
Tuesday, November 26th: 12:30pm Dismissal, Lunch will be served
Wednesday, November 27th: NO SCHOOL; Red Raider Care Open
Thursday, November 28th and Friday, November 29th: NO SCHOOL; Red Raider Care CLOSED
Tuesday, December 3rd to Thursday, December 5th: Marlette PTO's Santa's Workshop
Thursday, December 19th: Christmas Parties
Friday, December 20th: 12:30pm Dismissal, Lunch will be served
Monday, December 23rd to Friday, January 3rd: NO SCHOOL, Christmas Break