LaLiberte Weekly Update
January 17, 2025

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day- Monday, January 20, 2025!!
Save the Date: 3rd annual BR Youth Road Race One Mile Run to be held on Sunday, May 18, 2025. THREE RACES:* Grades K-2: 2:00 p.m.; Grades 3-5: 2:20 p.m.; Grades 6-8: 2:40 p.m. *(Age groupings and start times may be adjusted depending on the number of registrations.) Open to all children currently enrolled in grades K-8 (public or private or home-schooled), who reside in Bridgewater or Raynham. Location: BR High School Keep an eye out for more detailed race and registration information coming soon! *Note: Although taking place on BR School District grounds, the race is not directly sponsored by or affiliated with the District.
Grade 2 Concerts- Save the Date:
We are excited to invite you to our Grade 2 Continents Concert. Grade 2 students have been working very hard with their teachers to learn about the seven continents and are excited to share the many songs from around the world we have been working on. Due to the number of students in Grade 2, we will be dividing the Grade into three separate concerts, based on the groupings for chorus. Please see below for when each class is scheduled to perform. Be on the lookout for more information and reminders as we get closer to the concert. (attendance limited to 2 family members/student)
Concert # 1
Tuesday, March 25th @ 10:00 AM (LaLiberte Cafeteria)
Mrs. Chabot
Mrs. Demos
Concert #2
Thursday, March, 27th @10:00 AM (LaLiberte Cafeteria)
Mr. Lawrence
Mrs. McSweeney
Mrs. Nye
Concert #3
Friday, March, 28th @10:00 AM (LaLiberte Cafeteria)
Mrs. Carey
Mrs. Tsika
Update from LPO
Next Meeting: February 5th @ 6:30 PM in the LaLiberte Library! Come hear important updates and see what we have planned for the remainder of the school year. Babysitting available!
School Store: Will return in February! Please keep an eye out for the dates and volunteer opportunities!
Online Spirit Wear: Get all the LaLiberte attire you may need all year long thru Spirit Wear.
Yearbook: We want your photos! Please submit photos of all our lions out in the wild! Use the link below!
Jan. 20- No School MLK Day
Jan. 29- Early Release 12:05 RaynWater STEAM Early Release STEM club
Feb. 5- LPO Meeting
Feb. 12-Early Release 12:05 RaynWater STEAM Early Release STEM club
Feb. 17-21- February Vacation