Lake Elementary School News
For the week of January 23
The Dolphin Digest
Dolphtones News
Lake Dolphins PTA
Join our PTA here!
Dolphin Broadcast
Watch the newest Dolphin Broadcast!
Upcoming Important Dates
8:15 a.m.- 5th Grade Field Trip to Cabrillo National/ Lizalde/Kozyryev
8:00 a.m.- Make up picture Day
Veteran's Day- No School
Message from the Principal
Lake Families,
I hope you are enjoying the long weekend and have recovered from all the Halloween fun, as we also adjust to the time change! Speaking of time, it is going so fast. With only 3 weeks until our Thanksgiving Break, please mark your calendars for no school from November 25th through 29th. There will also be no school on Veteran’s Day, 11/11.
In partnership with you,
Familias de Lake,
Espero que estén disfrutando del fin de semana largo y se hayan recuperado de toda la diversión de Halloween, mientras nosotros también nos adaptamos al cambio de horario. Hablando de tiempo, está pasando muy rápido. Con solo 3 semanas hasta las vacaciones de Acción de Gracias, marquen sus calendarios para que no haya clases del 25 al 29 de noviembre. Tampoco habrá clases el Día de los Veteranos, el 11/11.
En asociación con usted,
Dr. Davina Stringer
Lake Elementary Principal
Strategic | Ideation | Learner | Achiever | Input
Click my Calendly Link to schedule a meeting.
Office: (760) 945-5300
Resource Center for Home Support
Lost and Found
Hello everyone! Please check out the lost and found. Everything will be donated before Thanksgiving break! Here are some tips on how to make it easier for you to find an item.
- Write down your student's name on the item Ex: John Smith
- Check the lost and found often.
- Remind your students to take stuff home or to check the lost and found.
We will be donating everything the Friday before WINTER BREAK!
Counselor's Corner
Attendance update
PTA Announcements
Be sure to sign up your dolphin to participate in the
Lake PTA’s 2024 Reflections Program- Call for Entries!
We will have the opportunity to create art to be entered into the Reflections Art program. This year’s theme is Accepting Imperfection.
Community Liaison
New Communication Tool - ParentSquare!
We are excited to announce that we adopted a new form of school-to-home communication at Vista Unified School District called ParentSquare for the 2024-2025 school year. (This replaces Remind) This unified communications platform is designed to keep parents and guardians informed and encourage greater engagement and connection.
ParentSquare Resumen - Espanol
Please download the App here to make sure you're connected to Lake:
- iOS App - Apple Store
Android App - Google Play Store
Have questions? Click the question mark in the top right corner of the desktop version or the Help tab on the app (tap the triple bar icon at the top left) to find answers to most of your questions or contact the IT Department at 760-726-2170 ext. 92500.
2024-2025 UPDATED Bell Schedule
Our bell schedule has changed - please mark the new dismissal times. On Monday, dismissal is at 12:58 p.m. On Tuesday-Friday, dismissal is at 2:18 p.m.
Updated Data Registration Needed!
Please update your data at the Aeries Parent Portal - follow the steps above.
Lake Logistics
- CAR RIDER LINE: Families picking up and dropping off, PLEASE help our line move efficiently by NOT getting out of your vehicles while still in the car line. Please train your children to buckle or train them to sit safely while you find a safe place to pull over and make the needed adjustments for the ride home. THANK YOU!
- At dismissal, please utilize both lanes for pickup and be prepared with your child's name, grade and teacher.
Lake Student and Parent Handbook
The purpose of our Student and Parent Handbook is to assist our students and families with important information regarding school policies, procedures, and agreements we have set us up for us to have an enjoyable, successful, and safe school year.
Click on the link above to review the handbook. It is expected that each family reads through our Family Handbook. We appreciate your support and involvement as we work in partnership to provide a nurturing, inspiring, and rigorous educational program for each of our Dolphins.
Let's Stay in Touch!
Family Newsletter: Every Sunday afternoon you will receive an email from Lake with updates and important information. Please take the time each week to review this information.
Social Media: Stay up to date on the learning occurring on campus and the events happening at school by following us on Instagram @lakedolphins.
District Communication: Please make sure your email address is correct in Aeries so that you receive all school and district communications. You will receive message
Lake Elementary
Location: 4950 Lake Blvd, Oceanside, CA 92056, USA
Phone: 7609455300
Twitter: @lakeelementary