Bulldog Bulletin
March 7, 2025
The Bulldog Bulletin features school events, updates on student life, and general information about JFDS.
Be sure to check the JFDS website regularly for news, the events calendar, and more. Download the Bangor App as well to help stay connected!
Upcoming Dates
Here are some upcoming dates to remember :
- Tuesday, March 11th - All City Band at BHS - 6:30PM
- Thursday, March 13th - Invention Convention - Grade 8
- Thursday, March 13th - Academic Showcase Night - 6PM
- Friday, March 14th - Teacher In Service Day - No School
- Tuesday, March 18th - Jazz Band Night at WSCS - 6PM
- Thursday, March 20th & Friday, March 21st - School Play: "The Epic Quest of the Damsels in Distress" - 6PM
- Tuesday, March 25th - All City Orchestra at BHS - 6:30PM
- Wednesday, March 26th - City of Bangor Seventh Up Field trip - Grade 7
- Tuesday, April 1st - All City Chorus at BHS - 6:30PM
- Friday, April 4th - End of the Third Quarter
Showcase Night
- The staff and students of the James F. Doughty School coordially invite family and friends to Academic Showcase Night on Thursday, March 13th, from 6 to 7PM.
- Students and teachers will have the opportunity to share their work, activities they have participated in, and help to give families a sense of what it is like to be a Bulldog.
- Ask your child what their classes are sharing at Showcase Night!
The Epic Quest of the Damsels in Distress
JFDS Drama Club presents the school play: The Epic Quest of the Damsels in Distress by Ken Wasemann.
- Thursday and Friday, March 20-21 at 6:00 PM in the James F. Doughty School Auditorium with FREE ADMISSION!
- Join us for an epic quest on stage, complete with a dragon, magic, sword fighting, an angry mob or two, and courageous young women who stand up for what is right (and escape near-death in a dark, gloomy, swampy forest).
- Starring 6-7-8th graders at the Doughty School & directed by English Teacher and Graduation Coach Angela E. Domina
- Recently, JFDS students rehearsed with coaching of Bangor High School Drama Club members. They spent a rehearsal with us recently to mentor middle school students on blocking, committing to the role in character, projecting, and vocal quality in delivering lines. Many of those BHS students were at Doughty as middle schoolers, and it was great to see them building connections with Doughty students!
March Mammal Madness
- It's March - so many of our students know what that means. It's time for March Mammal Madness!!
- If you've never heard of it and would like to learn more, check out the website. The school is buzzing and actively working to determine who will be the champion this year.
- Everyone in the building (all students and staff) is encouraged to participate. One champion will be crowned victorious from each of the grade levels and from staff, receiving a trophy and certificate. We would LOVE to have family participation this year as well. You can join the Google classroom using this link or this code: k4lms3p
- You can also forego the Google classroom and complete the Google form here. Forms need to be submitted by March 10th at 5 PM as the first battle takes place that night.
- If you have any questions about MMM, please reach out to kthurman@bangorschools.net or crobertsprior@bangorschools.net
- Looking forward to seeing you participate and finding out who the champions will be!!
- To get you excited, here are some of the hype posters our students made last year.
Spring Sports Update
For Spring of 2025, JFDS will offer Track & Field, A & B Softball, and A & B Baseball.
Parents - Here is what you need to know:
- Both softball & baseball are cut sports, while track & field is a non-cut sport.
- Third-quarter grades will be used to determine athletic eligibility for the spring.
- Any student who wants to participate in athletics must have required paperwork turned in before the start of tryouts and must have completed SWAY testing during the 2024-25 school year.
- Required paperwork includes both a physical from 2024-25 and a parent consent form.
- If your child has already participated in a sport, they most likely have their required paperwork turned in.
Dates to Remember:
- Tuesday, April 1st: Sign-ups for Spring Sports in Homerooms
- Friday, April 4th: All paperwork must be turned in
- Monday, April 7th-Wednesday, April 9th: Tryouts for Baseball and Softball start
- Tuesday, April 8th: Track Practices start
- Monday, April 21st-Friday, April 25th: April Break--No Practices
- Week of April 28th: Practices resume and Games/Meets are scheduled
Questions about Spring Sports? Email Mrs. Loring at dloring@bangorschools.net.
Invention Convention
Thursday, March 13th is a big day for all of our eighth graders! The 2025 JFDS Invention Convention will be taking place in the gymnasium.
All eighth grade students have been working hard to solve a meaningful problem with an invention, conducting patent searches to make sure their invention is unique, supporting the need of their invention through research, building prototypes, and marketing their inventions.
All of the Invention Convention boards will be left up in the gym during the JFDS Showcase Night from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm that same day.
The top fifteen inventions will be invited to the Maine State Invention Convention at the Cross Center during the Maine Science Festival on Saturday, March 22nd.
Students attending the Maine State Invention Convention have the opportunity to attend the National Invention Convention in Dearborn Michigan in June.
A Busy Time for Our Music Students...
This time of year is AMAZINGLY busy for our music students. Here all of the upcoming events:
- Tuesday, March 11th - All City Band at BHS - 6:30PM
- Tuesday, March 18th - Jazz Band Night at WSCS - 6PM
- Saturday, March 22nd - Middle School State Jazz Festival in Waterville
- Tuesday, March 25th - All City Orchestra at BHS - 6:30PM
- Tuesday, April 1st - All City Chorus at BHS - 6:30PM
2025-26 School Calendar
Click here to download a copy of the 2025-26 BSD School Calendar.
Chronic Absenteeism - Did You Know?
- Chronic absenteeism occurs when a student misses 10% of the days that they are enrolled in school. In Bangor, for a student attending the entire school year, chronic absenteeism would be 17 days or an average of approximately two days per month. Chronic absenteeism is based on total absences - both excused and unexcused. We look forward to meeting our school goal of 95% attendance by June 2025!
Please click the link below for more information about chronic absenteeism.
Learn more from ConnectSafely
- ConnectSafely helps to educate people about online safety, privacy, security, & digital wellness.
- Click here to find out more information.
Powerschool Parent Access
Would you like access to the parent portal of PowerSchool? Click on this link to sign up:
Confirmation of your account will come from techsis@bangorschools.net
School Questions?
Do you have school related questions or need help from someone at the school? Feel free to reach out to the main office at (207) 941-6220.