Interboro Middle School Athletics
March 9th, 2025
Family ID and Physical Form
Students must be registered with Family ID and approved before trying out for a team. Family ID account must have sports physical form uploaded. Sports Physicals cannot be dated before June, 2024. If you participated in a fall or winter sport for Interboro, you will need to copy the physical form over when completing Family ID for spring sport.
Spring Sports Schedules
Games will be added once finalized from other districts
Middle School Girls Lacrosse - Tryouts on Monday, March 10th - Manor Field
Middle School Softball - Tryouts on Monday, March 10th - Glenolden Park
Middle School Baseball - Tryouts on Monday, March 10th - Whitmer Field
Athletic Eligibility for Student-Athletes
Steps for Determining Eligibility
1.The Middle School Athletic Director/Building level Athletic Coordinators will review academic and attendance records of all student athletes, a list of which will be provided by the Athletic Director and determine eligibility. Occurs each Monday during the athletic season.
2.When it has been determined by the Athletic Director that a student-athlete is failing a class or has increased lateness and absenteeism, the Athletic Coordinator will meet with the student athlete and explain the probationary process.
3.If a student/athlete is failing a class(es), he/she has one week to bring that grade up to passing while still playing. They begin the process on the upcoming Monday.
4.If the student/athlete is still not passing going into week two, they can practice but cannot play in games.
- If the student/athlete is still not passing into week three, they cannot participate in team activities.
- Teacher will report to the Building Athletic Coordinator any student who is failing, and they will follow up.
5.If a student athlete has 3 unexcused absences or 3 unexcused lateness in a marking period, they will be ineligible to participate for the remainder of the season.
6.Suspension from School
- Any student-athlete who is placed on suspension may also be disciplined by the coach and may return to the team when the suspension has been served. A second suspension for any reason will not be accepted and the student will be removed from the team for the remainder of the season. Notwithstanding the foregoing, district policies including mandate removal from the team upon the first offense. Such policies supersede this provision.
- Fighting will not be tolerated. Violations will be dealt with by the administration and may incur suspension from school. Any student suspended from school for fighting will also be removed from the team they are playing on at the time of the suspension for the remainder of the season
Parent Pickup Policy
Riding together as a team to and from an athletic contest is part of the athletic experience. The following regulations govern athletic transportation:
• All members of an athletic squad must ride to and from scrimmages and contests on school-provided transportation.
• Exceptions to the above policy, which will make it possible for a student athlete to compete and still meet other school or family commitments, may be granted at the discretion of the head coach and should be pre-arranged. School or family commitments are the only grounds for exception.
- To be granted an exception, the student-athlete must present a written request in advance from a parent or guardian setting forth the reason(s) for the exception. The request from a parent/guardian must include the method of transportation to be used, a statement of the responsibility for the student-athlete's safety, the date(s), and the event(s) for which the exception is requested.
- Written requests for exemption from student athletic transportation must be signed by a parent/guardian and delivered to the head coach by the parent/guardian. Requests can be made via email. The parent taking the student athlete home is asked to see the coach before leaving the premises. It will be the responsibility of the coach to notify the Athletic Director.
The district will provide transportation to practice from students' home school. (3:20-3:45PM)
The district will provide transportation to the students' home school from practice (5:00PM)
Community Schools Athletic Coordinators
Coordinators in each building support the academic and athletic development of the student-athletes. Checking on grades, meeting with student-athletes, and attending athletic events are just a few key responsibilities of our Athletic Coordinators.
Norwood - Christopher Ofalt - Christopher.Ofalt@interborosd.org
Prospect Park - Dan Myers - Daniel.Myers@interborosd.org
Tinicum - Nick Wood - Nicholas.Wood@interborosd.org
Glenolden - Thomas Lucas - Thomas.Lucas@interborosd.org