Cougar Clips
23 August 2024
Happy Friday Kipling Families!
Thank you to all who attended our Back to School Night event last night. It was such a wonderful turnout and we are thrilled to partner with you for what we know will be a successful school year for your kids.
As a reminder, beginning on Monday and for the rest of the year, students can enter any door around the building beginning at 8:35 - we will not line-up on our recess lines any more. There will be no outside supervision before 8:35. The only door that will be closed is Door 2, so any students (typically 5th graders) who enter that door will have to enter through the Main Entrance Door 1.
Car Drop-off and Pick-up has gone very well thus far. Thank you to everyone for your patience during these times. I do ask for everyone’s help to make sure you pull your car as far forward as possible, and to please stay in your car at all times. Staff members can help with doors and make sure our youngest students get in and out safely if needed. If everyone follows these directions, we will keep the line moving efficiently. The entire drop-off/pick-up process usually only takes approximately 10 minutes or less for about 460 total students.
All my best to you and your families over the weekend!
Mr. Matthew O. Lombardo, NBCT
Kipling Elementary School
Kipling PTO
The PTO is so excited for the school year to begin! Don't forget to log in/sign up at the PTO site!
Visit https://kiplingpto.membershiptoolkit.com/home to get started!
Purchase PTO Membership giving you directory access online and on our app
Update Directory Information, including your child's classroom teacher
Make Donations to support our PTO
Order your Spiritwear to get ready for Friday Spirit Days
Purchase a Yearbook
Purchase a Birthday Lawn Sign to help celebrate your child's birthday
(NOTE: Signs will NOT be delivered this year. They will be ready for pick up at Open House.)Donate a Library Book in honor of your child's birthday
5th Graders order a Class of 2024/25 Jersey
Learn about our Special Lunch Program
Purchase Clothing Labels
Volunteer to be a room parent
Review our Calendar and save the dates for all upcoming events
Please also note these important upcoming dates:
-Fri 8/23: Back to School Foam Party, 7-8pm
-Wed 8/28: Sweets and Treats Ice Cream Social, 6pm-7:30pm @ Kipling
-Fri 9/6: 1st PTO Meeting, 10am in the Staff Lounge
Please feel free to email ptokipling@gmail.com for any questions!
Drop-off and Pick-up Procedures
School Hours
-Doors open at 8:35am (After the 1st week of school, students enter the building on their own and can enter via any door, except Door 2 - there will be no supervisor to open Door 2 in the mornings.)
-Announcements begin at 8:45am
-Classes begin at 8:50am
-Dismissal begins at 3:25pm (M, T, Th, F) and 2:25pm on Wednesdays
Bus Route Information
This week, visit Family Access and click on transportation to see your student's assigned bus stop and time. Please note that for security reasons, we do not post entire routes on our website. Times listed are not set in stone due to traffic issues that come up, so please have students at the stops at least 10 minutes before the posted times. All busing questions should be sent to: transportation@dps109.org
Our goal is to keep all students safe when riding the bus. Please review the expectations linked below with your child before opening day. You can expect assigned bus seats at some point throughout the year. Questions about transportation should be directed to transportation@dps109.org.
Encouraging Independence Before and After School
Some families who read the book, The Anxious Generation, have asked about their primary-age child walking to/home from school without a parent escort. If you are comfortable with your child walking to or from school without an adult, we ask that you communicate this information to your child's teacher so that they are aware and can support your child.
If you have been wondering about ways to encourage your child's independence, consider talking to neighbors to see if walking to school without an adult is something your children can do together.
Anxious Generation Parent Night
Please join us on Thursday, September 26th in the gym to begin the discussion together. I am a very slow reader and I plowed through the book in about a week. To get the most out of the evening, please read the book or review the available resources before attending our parent night.
On dps109.org, you can find a:
Link to buy the book
Video interview with author
Video summary of book
Written summary of book
District-Issued and Personal Devices in District 109
All kindergarten and first grade students receive an iPad at school, which we store overnight for charging. The district continues to discuss the future of devices going home with our students. At this time, 2nd-5th graders will receive a chromebook, charger and carrying case that is to be brought to and from school each day. Charging the device takes place at home.
If a parent chooses to provide their child with a cell phone, this personal device is expected to be silenced and out-of-sight during the regular school day. (Exceptions are made for students who use a device as part of their IEP, 504 Plan, or Health Plan). While smart watches are still permitted in school, they should also be silenced at all times and not be used for texting while students are in school. Any personal devices that become a distraction to the learning environment will be brought to the office and families will be notified to pick the device up from the school.
If a parent needs to send a message to their child, we respectfully ask that you refrain from texting your child directly. Please call our front office and a member of our team will get the message to your child. We appreciate your cooperation!
Common Sense Media Resources
Each week I will be sharing a resource from Common Sense Media. The PTO will also be including resources in many of their weekly PTO newsletters. The resources provide a wide variety of information including the impact of social media and technology on mental health, relationships, and student well being. We are hoping that these resources will spark conversations with your children, help you to set healthy boundaries in your home, allow you and your children to make more informed decisions about technology use at home, and contribute to developing children’s ability to safely and responsibly navigate the digital world.
This week: Selecting Quality Content for your Family
Kipling is Composting
In an effort to Go Green @ Kipling, we are excited to continue the lunchtime recycling and composting program. You can help by:
Volunteering in the lunchroom (we’ll teach you the simple process -- no experience necessary AND you get to see your kids at lunch!). Sign up here (https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B4DA5AE2DA7F5C07-50381255-kipling#/) or reach out to Jessica Lorber(Jzindell@gmail.com) for more information on volunteering.
Packing lunches in reusable and/or compostable containers, like those in the links. These small efforts make a HUGE difference in the amount of waste created during each lunch period.
Thank you for helping make our planet a little bit greener, one lunchroom at a time.
Deerfield Park District and Community News
Park District Before and After Care
The Deerfield Park District runs all of our before and after school care programs. Please contact the Park District, 847-945-0650, if you have questions.
Park District After School Enrichment Information
To see a brochure of programs and get more information, visit https://www.deerfieldparks.org/programs/youths-teens/.
If you have any questions, please contact the park district directly as they run the programs.
Upcoming Important Dates
-Fri 8/23: Back to School Foam Party, 7-8pm
-Wed 8/28: PTO Sweets and Treats Ice Cream Social, 6-7:30pm
-Mon 9/2: No School, Labor Day
-Fri 9/6: 1st PTO Meeting, 10am in the Staff Lounge
-Thurs 9/26: Anxious Generation Parent Night at Kipling, 6-7pm