McGuire Minute
Mustang PROUD! Mustangs-Safe, Respectful, and Responsible!
Reminder-Drop off starts at 8:35am. We do not have supervision prior to 8:35.
Let us know how our staff is doing and help us to recognize them by completing our Staff Shout Out. You can recognize an amazing teacher by filling out a few questions in the link below. We will present them with a Staffirmation Certificate that tells what they were recognized for and by who.
We need your help-please complete your Final Forms!
Final Forms Updating Your Student's Information
We need all student information and forms completed before the start of the school year. If you have not logged into FinalForms yet please go to the link below.
Check out what our Mustang Staff is PROUD of...
5th Graders Visit MPMS
Our 5th Graders visited MPMS last week and participated in a tour led by Mustangs that are now 6th graders. They were led around the school, were able to ask questions of current middle schoolers, and practice a combination lock that they will soon be using to open their locker at the middle school. Once a Mustang, always a Mustang but our 5th Graders are so close to also being MPMS Oilers!
Upcoming Orientation for 6th Graders for Next Fall
Field Day-Lunch on the Lawn
Field Day is coming up soon! Families are invited to come and eat with students. You don't have to sign in and can come right to the west playground fence when you come. We hope to see you on June 3rd from 12-12:45!
Families are welcome to attend the awards assemblies. All students may not receive an award at the assembly and will attend to support their classmates.
Book Fair
Book Fair is coming SOON! It will be brought to McGuire the week of May 13 and then shopping while be May 20-24. It is our last Book Fair of the year!
Youth Police Academy Application
Update on Classroom Environment Requests for 2024-2025
As we attempt to create a healthy environment for all students across our JK-5 elementary buildings, there are many things we must take into consideration. For example, balancing classes by gender, academic performance, behavioral concerns, special needs, peer relations, and learning styles. Teacher input is also crucial to provide us with the information we need to create a successful classroom experience. Since we will not have request forms this year, your student’s current teachers, school counselor and administrative team will collaborate to create the most aligned class lists based on the knowledge they have of all students in each grade level. Please know that we all are working hard to create the most feasible, balanced classrooms for everyone involved. This will allow our students to thrive and receive the best possible learning environment for all. We will take all necessary steps to provide the best placement for your child.
Summer Resources
Our building will be supplying each student with a Summer Book Pack. The pack will contain 6 books as well as a resource page to go with it on how you can use the book at home. Students can work through the book and activities on their own this summer. It will support reading, comprehension, and vocabulary. The packs will supply your child with engaging books of fiction and non-fiction text.
Care Solace
Sex Ed Advisory Board Positions Open
Mt. Pleasant Public Schools is accepting applications for one (1) position on the Sex Ed Advisory Board. Applications can be picked up at Central Office or emailed by contacting dschutt@mp.edzone.net. Deadline for application is May 10, 2024.
McGuire Spirit Wear Sale
Is there a teacher or staff member that deserves a nomination? If so, use this link!
CFX/Rotary Golden Apple nomination
Nominate a deserving teacher, educator, volunteer or
administrative staffer in a Mid-Michigan school...
even a mentor is eligible -
Each month someone YOU nominate wins:
The Golden Apple Trophy compliments of JNR Engraving, Mt Pleasant
A $75 Visa Gift Card compliments of the Mt. Pleasant Rotary Club
A Pizza Party from Papa Johns of Mt Pleasant
Flowers from Three Wishes Floral and Design, Mt Pleasant
Golf from the Fields Golf Course in Ithaca
Mcguire Mustangs are Safe, Respectful and Responsible!
Our Mustang matrix is at the front of your student's agenda in the pages included for the student handbook, we encourage you to review these expectations at home with your child too.
Daily our students earn Dojo Points for meeting positive expectations, we recognize students with our Mustang Tickets, Weekly Drawings, Positive Office Referrals, Positive Postcards mailed home, and Students of the Month.
We know our students are still growing and developing mentally and socially, so we recognize it is always a work in progress when teaching and reteaching expectations. We utilize restorative practices - including repairing the harm, circle ups, and more.
We appreciate your partnership in supporting our McGuire Mustangs to help make McGuire a great place to be!
Mrs. Erin King and the McGuire Elementary Staff
Capturing Kids' Hearts
Important Dates
May 20-24 - Book Fair-B1G1
May 23 - 5th Grade Farewell, 2-3:30pm
May 27 - No School Memorial Day
May 28 - 5th Grade Awards Assembly-9:15-9:45am
May 28 - 4th Grade Awards Assembly-12:45pm
May 29-31 - 5th grade CAMP
May 31 - 3rd Grade Awards Assembly-12:30-1:15pm
June 3 - Field Day
June 5 - Last Day of School, ½ day dismissal 11:55am
May Students of the Month
PTO Meetings are the second Monday of every month-4:45 pm.
Student Council Updates
Upcoming Community Events
Second Steps-Social & Emotional Curriculum
Medication at School
If your student will be taking medications at school we have a form for that:
All medications must be brought to the office with the appropriate health form. Please do not send medications to school with your child. This includes inhalers and epi-pens.
School Safety Drills
During the course of the school year, our buildings are obligated to practice at least 5 Fire Drills, 2 Tornado Drills and 3 Lockdown drills. At times, we do have our YSU Liason or other officers from the Police Department assist in our drills. We cover with our students the locations of where to go for each drill, what to do during specific drills, and how to properly evacuate when it is needed. You can also find this information in your child's Handbook at the front of the student agenda.
During the first weeks of school, classes read the story, I'm Not Scared, I'm Prepared book in their class with their teachers. This book focused on the main components of the safety protocols that we work on with children.
I also encourage you to check out our district website where we have information that pertains to our district school safety. Click here to get to the website.
4th and 5th Grade Families-Power School Information
Morning Drop-Off 8:35am
Afternoon Dismissal 3:49pm
Before and after school care
PEAK (after school): https://www.mtpleasantschools.net/page/peak-program
SACC (before school)- School Aged Child Care (Before School Program)- 775-2340
Attendance Policy
Student Attendance
For safety reasons, families will receive a phone call by 10:40 am for any student that is marked as Absent each morning in Power School. You can deter getting that call from our system by calling us in the morning to let us know of your child's absence and their reason for the absence.
Our codes we use for absences are:
UA-Unexcused Absence
Any absence that has not been reported by a parent or guardian and/or any absence that is not listed as an Excused Absence in Board Policy.
AV-Verified Absence
An absence that the parent verifies or explains. Example: (1) The student doesn’t feel well, and is staying home, but is not visiting the doctor. (2) The family is taking an extra long weekend, vacation, etc.
EA-Excused Absence
Absences that meet the definition of an Excused Absence based on MPPS Board Policy.
*Illness or professional appointments with a doctors note *Death of a relative
*Observance of Religious Holidays
Below are images to our attendance policy but it can also be found in the front of your child's Agenda....
No Student Cell Phones, Hats or Hoods
McGuire has a no student cell phone policy in our student handbook. If a cell phone comes to school with a student it should be turned off and stored in their locked from 8:40am-3:49pm.
We also have a no hats or hoods policy inside the school building, students can wear them outside during recess.
Pokemon Cards, Toys, Electronic
Friendly reminder from our Student Handbook at the front of your student's agenda - toys, trading cards, and pokemon cards should be left at home. We want to make sure things are not lost or stolen at school - and we can best do this by leaving items home. pg. 3 of Handbook
Reminder-No Outside Food/Beverage for in the Morning w/ Drop Off Student Lunches
What's on the Menu?
Bright by text shares tips just for you based on child's age and where you live.
MPPS Website and App
Have you checked out our website?
Download on the App Store
or Get it on Google Play
*scroll to the bottom of the MPPS website and see Stay Connected and the links to download
MPPS Transportation
Request for Transportation use the form linked here
https://mtpleasantschools.net/district/transportation/Other forms linked on the Transportation website:
- Permission to Leave Alone
- In City Busing Reduction
Website: https://mtpleasantschools.net/district/transportation/
Phone: 989-775-2323
Like @McGuire Elementary
Mary McGuire Elementary
McGuire Elementary Mission Statement:
Empower Excellence
Office Hours 8:00-4:00 p.m.
Erin King, Principal
Email: eking@mp.edzone.net
Website: mtpleasantschools.net/McGuire
Location: 4883 East Crosslanes
Phone: (989) 775-2260
Facebook: facebook.com/McGuireElementary
Twitter: @McGuireschool