Memminger Manifest
October 2024
It is our pleasure to welcome you to our first monthly parent/community newsletter. Our plan this year is to create a clear line of communication to keep all stakeholders involved, informed and connected. It’s time to showcase all the great things taking place at Memminger IB World School. We look forward to meeting the educational needs of ALL students and providing you with current and upcoming school news, activities such as trips, meetings, volunteer opportunities, school clubs and events. In our next edition we will include our IB Corner to learn more about the IB Program Framework and the IB Learner Profile. We also welcome your feedback and suggestions about additional interests you’d like us to share. It is our hope that you find our newsletter informative, engaging and fun to read.
C. Smalls & C. Wash
Why the 'Memminger Manifest'?
When used in maritime, the term 'manifest' refers to the document where a ship's cargo, passengers, and crew are listed. This detailed list is used for customs clearance and port operations.
Since Memminger's mascot is the Mariners, we wanted to stay true to the maritime theme. Think of Memminger as our ship and this 'Manifest' as the detailed list of all that is happening in our school. We hope our families find it both informative and reliable resource for all things Memminger!
Upcoming Important Dates
10/7: Color Team Challenge - Hurricane Helene Relief Efforts (see below)
10/8 : Grade 4 Field Trip to African American Museum
10/9 - 10/10: Grade 2 Census Screening - Iowa Assessment
10/11: End of Quarter 1
10/15 - 10/17 : Grades 2 & 4 CogAT Assessment
10/18: Half Day (Dismissal at 11:15)
10/21-10/25: Red Ribbon Week, Q1 Report Cards Distributed This Week
10/25: Fun Run
11/5: Election Day, No School
11/25-11/29: Fall Break (Monday 11/25 is Weather Make-Up Day, if needed)
We Need Your Loose Change!
Memminger is kicking off our Color Team Challenge on Monday, October 7th. We are collecting loose change to support Hurricane Helene relief efforts in North Carolina. This project aligns with several of our IB Learner Profile traits and helps our neighbors in need. So dig in those couches and hard to reach places in your cars!! At the end of the month, the team with the most change will have a celebration!!
CogAT/IOWA Screening in Grades 2 & 4
The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) is a nationally-normed aptitude assessment that gives students, teachers, and parents powerful information about a student’s natural reasoning strengths. From this information, we can better connect to a child’s strength area to grow reading and math achievement.
While the CogAT is designed to assess natural reasoning skills and needs no preparation, the Gifted & Talented Department has included suggestions for growing verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal thinking on their website: CLICK HERE
Please encourage your child to maintain normal routines at home during the testing period. It is best not to schedule equally demanding activities during this time. Please plan for your child to go to bed early and eat a good breakfast during the testing timeframe.
GRADE 2 Schedule:
Iowa 10/9 & 10/10
CogAT 10/15, 10/16, 10/17
GRADE 4 Schedule:
CogAT 10/15, 10/16, 10/17
Please note students in grades 3 & 5 have been screened using the CogAT and were eligible to take it again during the Gifted & Talented Department's nomination event that happens each fall. This year's nomination testing event has concluded.
If you have any questions regarding this testing event, please reach out to Corrie Glover (
Updated Contacts in PowerSchool
We ask that all Memminger families ensure their information in Power School is correct and updated. We need working email addresses AND phone numbers for all our students. If you have not done so already, the family and emergency contact information should be updated. We appreciate your assistance with this matter.
If you have any questions, please call or email Chris Bocharski.
PTO Coffee & Conversation 10/10
We are also excited to invite you to join the PTO for Coffee and Conversation, October 10th from 8:30-9:30 am in the cafeteria. This is a chance to catch up, share ideas, and hear about what the PTO has coming up.
FUN RUN 2024 on 10/25
Our fabulous PTO is hosting the 3rd Annual Fun Run on Friday, October 25th at Colonial Lake! Donations are being accepted NOW and will run through 10/25. Click the Fun Run picture below for more details and to donate. Our goal is $30,000 - any and all donations will make a significant difference in enhancing the experience for all Memminger students! For more information, contact the PTO at
Friday Snack Attack!
Students can purchase snacks in the cafeteria during their lunchtime on Fridays.
Thank you to our AMAZING cafeteria staff for making this happen!
The Importance of Attendance
We need your help in becoming an "Attendance Champion" school in CCSD!
Every minute of learning during the school day is important. Students who miss more than 10% of the school year for any reason are considered chronically absent. Students who attend school everyday and on time are more likely to read at grade level, achieve good grades, and score highly on standardized tests.
You can help us become an "Attendance Champion" school by ensuring your child attends school daily and aims for 95% or higher attendance rate.
Attendance at Memminger
Students may arrive starting at 7:50am.
Instruction begins at 8:15am.
Students arriving after 8:15am are tardy and must be signed in at the front office.
Students will begin dismissing at 3:15pm.
The cutoff time to pick up your child early is 2:30pm.
We understand absences are necessary for illnesses and emergency situations. Upon returning to school, please send an excuse detailing the reason for your child's absence to your child's teacher. You can also send excuses to Ms. Chris Bocharski at