Family School Newsletter
September 13th, 2024
Upcoming Dates
- September 26th- Papa's Pizza fundraiser
- October 8th-PPC Meeting 5:30 (Google Meets information coming soon)
- October 10th-Picture Day
- October 18th-Vision & Dental screening (ALL Grades) opt out forms will be available soon for families wanting to opt-out of one or both screenings.
ParentSquare Reminder!
If you haven't already had the chance to activate your ParentSquare account now is time! We are beginning to transition to ParentSquare as our new communication hub, and in the fall all parent communication will go through ParentSquare. Click here to get your account set up today!
4J Annual Notice of Legal Rights and Opt-Out Forms
Eugene School District 4J is required by federal and state laws and board policy (KAB-Parental Rights) to give certain rights to parents/guardians and to students 18 years of age or older (“eligible students”) relating to topics including education records, directory information, privacy, surveys, statewide assessments, and human sexuality education. The purpose of this notice (forms being sent home) is to provide parents/guardians and eligible students information about these rights.
4J annual notice and Legal Rights and Opt-out Forms can also be found at the following link:
The below (two) forms will be sent home for each student (Based on when each homeroom sends home class folders/class information). Please return the forms (if applicable) to the office or homeroom teacher by September 27th. If you have already returned the forms to the office, please disregard.
From our PPC (Parent Policy Council)
2024-25 Family School Directory
Parents/families please submit directory info by 9/25!
Each year, Family School parent volunteers collect this information to create a school year 'directory' in order to facilitate more connections across the families!
Please provide your family's contact information for the 2024-25 school year and only include information you are willing to share with other families in the directory!
You will be asked to preview your contribution in a 'draft' directory. Then, once the directory is finalized, all families will receive a copy.
The Family School Directory is parent/family facilitated.
From The Principal
Family School partners with The Y for after school care and this year we were offered before -school care on-site, on the condition that 5 families signed up. Three families signed up, so there wasn't enough interest to cover the cost of staffing it.
There was a communication glitch on the morning care end, and a couple of families were unaware that the program would be discontinued. Understanding that our families come from all over and outside of the district, and that the hardship of not having care could cause families to leave our school, I reached out to The Y and was told that if 5 families signed up as soon as possible, they would re-start before school care! (If we don't reach 5, at least we know we tried!)
Before school care starts at 7 a.m., but students do not need to arrive at that time. They can arrive at any time between 7 a.m. and when school opens for breakfast at 8:15 a..m.
YMCA is a separate program from Eugene School District 4J, but has been a trusted partner for a long time. To check out program information, including fee structure and possible discounts/scholarships, please contact them here: (click on "Before and After School Program" link on the page) and with questions, call The Y at 541-686-9622
I'd love to know if you are pursuing before school care, so that I can email them with an interest update (I cannot help you with registration or take your paperwork, but I can let them know a number of interested folks). If you call the Family School office and and just leave the message "This is 'Your Name' and I am signing up for before school care," that would help me continue to advocate.
Thanks so very much!
Teresa Martindale, Family School Principal
Community event
Monday, October 7, 4:30-6:30 pm, 4J Education Center, 200 North Monroe St, Eugene
Do you or your child want to learn how to ride a bike? Join 4J, Bethel, and Springfield Safe Routes to School programs, the City of Eugene, the City of Springfield, and Shift Community Cycles for this fun event with bike checks, free helmets and information about bike share.
We’ll start with balancing and gliding without pedals or training wheels. Some will learn to pedal in one session, while others may need more practice to reach that final goal. You don’t need your own bike to participate, but please bring a helmet and bike if you have one. Contact Safe Routes to School at or with questions or to volunteer.