Wrangler Weekly
Week of September 8, 2024
Message from Ms. Bratton, principal
Two things:
1. Open House is Monday night and you are ALL invited! PTA will host their General Meeting in the cafeteria at 5 PM. Classroom visits begin at 6 PM; this is a great opportunity to meet teachers and learn how to best support your student. We hope to see you all there! We will be following this schedule:
PTA Meeting - cafe: 5:00
Period 1: 6:00
Period 2: 6:10
Period 3: 6:20
Period 4: 6:30
Period 5: 6:40
Period 6: 6:50
Period 7: 7:00
2. Our campus fundraiser has been making good progress, but we have under 50% participation. We ask that everyone make an effort as these funds will be used to support programs THIS YEAR. We were able to fully fund ALL Wrangler Time Clubs last year as well as pay for transportation for field trips and fund the 8th grade awards ceremony and host celebration parties for students meeting reading & growth goals and contest prizes and pep rally games and academic support materials for teachers.
In other words, the fundraiser last year helped us SO MUCH! We would like to continue to offer all the extras provided last year. But we need everyone's help.
Please take a few minutes to ensure SBMS can continue to Grow Greatness: LINK TO FUNDRAISER If you would prefer to pay via cash or check, please have your student deliver funds to the front office in an envelope with their name on it.
Go Wranglers!
Mrs. Bratton
Attendance Matters. Every Student. Every Day.
SBMS attendance for the week of 9/2 - 9/6:
6th grade: 93%
7th grade: 96%
8th grade: 96%
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Wrangler happenings this week!
Monday September 9: SBMS Open House (Meet the Teachers) 5:00 PTA General Meeting, 6:00 Classroom Schedule Begins
Tuesday September 10: Football vs DMS, 7th home/8th away
Wednesday September 11: Volleyball vs SVMS at SVHS
Friday September 13: FCA in the main gym 7:45am
Wranglers of the Week!
Voluntary Student Accident Insurance
Comal ISD will no longer assume financial responsibility for any injury to a student, parent, volunteer, or visitor on any property owned by Comal ISD, or while the injured party was under the supervision of the District. The district will no longer be providing accident insurance for students or student athletes that are injured in school sanctioned practices or games. Please see the information concerning Voluntary Student Accident Insurance that parents can purchase for their children. Enroll online forms in English and Spanish.
Please know that this is completely voluntary, and the parent will establish coverage with The Brokerage Store on their own. The District is not part of the coverage and does not have any information on the coverage. It is insurance coverage completely independent of Comal ISD.
Ranger Orchestra Spirit Night - Sept 16
The cook at home needs a break! Grab the family and head to The Branch for the Ranger Orchestra Spirit Night on September 16th from 4pm-8:30pm. A donation will be made by The Branch when you mention SVHS Orchestra when you order.
Gifted & Talented Parent Meeting - Sept 19
Are you interested in referring your child for GT services in Comal ISD? Join us on Thursday, September 19 beginning at 6pm at Bill Brown Elementary School Library for an informational meeting to discuss the referral and testing process for the program.
Immunization Drive - Oct 3
University Health welcomes you to join their Immunization Drive on Thursday October 3rd from 1-4pm at Rebecca Creek Baptist Church. Click here to schedule your appointment.
Reflections entries due Oct 7
It's PTA Reflections time! Showcase your talent in any or all of the following categories: Visual Arts, Literature, Photography, Dance Choreography, Film Production, & Music Composition. Our theme this year is Accepting Imperfection. Entry forms can be found HERE. Contest rules can be found HERE.
All entries are due to Mrs. Womble in the SBMS Library by Monday, October 7th. Contact shayla.womble@comalisd.org with any questions.
Soups & Spuds Staff Appreciation Lunch - Sept 9
We will be putting on a Soups & Spuds Staff Appreciation Lunch for our wonderful school staff on Monday, September 9th.
Please take a look at the sign-up list to see what you may be able to bring. Thank you for your ongoing support of our fabulous staff, they sure appreciate it!
Please drop-off all items by Monday, 9/9 at 10 am, at the Front Office. If possible, please drop-off potatoes by 9 am.
Contact: springbranchmiddleschoolpta@gmail.com
with questions or for more information.
PTA General Meeting - Sept 9
PTA Membership and Spirit Gear
Congratulations to the Criswell Family for winning the VIP Membership parking spot drawing for the 1st 9 weeks!
Did you miss out on the drawing? Don't worry- for every SBMS PTA membership you buy, you will be entered into the next membership parking spot raffle for the 2nd 9 weeks- Drawing date TBA!
Get ready to show your school spirit- Click here to buy spirit gear!
Want to receive these and other updates from PTA? 'Like' and 'Follow' us on our Facebook page!
Silver Parking Space Silent Auction - ends 9/8
Want a break from the car pick up line?
Don’t miss out! It’s almost drawing time for the silver parking spot silent auction; this parking spot is good from September to December for pick up and drop off!
Bid on our Fall Silver Parking Spot today! Hurry, silent auction ends at 11:59 pm on 9/8/24!
Student PTA Membership
We are striving to grow our Student Membership with PTA this year!
Check out the perks for our student members! They get a FREE ticket to the school dance ($10 value) plus all the other incentives for the membership fee of $8. First student meeting (and snack!) will happen next week; scan QR code or join using this link!
September 16-20: Go Gold for Childhood Cancer Awareness Week
September 16: Ranger Orchestra Spirit Night, 4pm-8:30pm at The Branch
September 17: Football vs ORMS, 7th away/8th home
September 19: Gifted & Talented Parent Meeting, BBES 6pm
September 19: Volleyball vs PRMS, 7th away/8th home
September 20: RESCHEDULED Fall Picture Day
September 21: Volleyball vs NBMS, 7th home/8th away
September 24: Football vs CHMS, 7th home/8th away
September 25: Volleyball vs CHMS, 7th home/8th away
September 27: Comal County Fair Day, Student/Staff Holiday
October 1: Football vs PRMS, 7th home/8th away
October 3: Volleyball vs BMS, 7th away/8th home
October 5: Chess Tournament at PHS
October 7: Reflections entries due
October 8: Football vs NBMS, 7th away/8th home
October 9: PSAT
October 10: Volleyball vs CMS, 7th home/8th away
October 12: Volleyball district tournament
October 14: Student holiday/staff development
October 15: Choir concert
October 16: RESCHEDULED Pep Rally
October 16: Fall band concert
October 16: Football vs MVMS, 7th at SVHS, 8th at CLHS
October 17: Dyslexia Night at Support Services
October 18: Theater Fall Showcase
Geronimo Fall Stream Cleanup - Oct 19
The Upstanders Free Screening - Sept 23
Spring Branch Middle School
Email: brandi.norton@comalisd.org
Website: sbms.comalisd.org
Location: 21053 Texas 46, Spring Branch, TX, USA
Phone: (830)885-8800
Facebook: facebook.com/CISDSpringBranchMS
Instagram: sbms_wranglers
Twitter: @SBMSWranglers