Parent Notices 5/6/2024

Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher.
Weekly Events
- Staff Appreciation Week Begins
- PAC Meeting @ 7:00 via Zoom
- AP Testing Begins
- AP Government
- AP Chemistry
- AP Statistics
- AP Literature and Composition
- AP Computer Science
- Early Release Day
- ROTC Banquet
- AP Chinese Language and Culture
- AP Psychology
- Staff Appreciation Luncheon
- AP US History
- AP European History
U.S. News and World Report
In the most recent edition of U.S. News and World Report, all high schools in Massachusetts and in the US were ranked. I am proud to say that NQHS was ranked 51 in Massachusetts and 1,272 nationally. There are multiple criteria for this ranking and one that is most impressive is our ranking in the. category State Assessment Performance Rank. In this category we are ranked 9th in Massachusetts. This makes us an award winning school thanks to our incredible students, families and teachers. Congratulations and be proud. Use the link below to see this report.
Volunteers for Biotechnology Fair
Ms. Buben's biotechnology class is looking for volunteers with a background in STEM to give feedback to students on their end-of-year biotech projects at the 2nd annual NQHS Biotech Fair on Tuesday, May 21st at 6 PM in the cafeteria. Come see our students' research about topics including tracking disease in insect populations, testing foods for GMOs, and more! All are welcome to see students' work! Please fill out the following Google Form to sign up to give feedback by Friday, May 17th: https://forms.gle/3wq5yBnx84QWyGz69 . Reach out to Ms. Buben with any questions (juliabuben@quincypublicschools.com).
AP Testing
AP testing will run from May 6th through May 12th. Thank you to Mrs. Holland and our student support staff for all of her hard work in preparing for our AP exams and to our teachers for working so hard to prepare our students. Our scores this past year were fantastic, and we expect the same this year. Thank you to our Student Support staff for proctoring.
Think Fast Assemblies
On Monday, April 22nd, the Massachusetts State Police held two assemblies for our 11th and 12th grade students titled Think Fast Interactive. ThinkFast™ Interactive was developed in 1997 to provide an engaging and educational program that tackles important topics such as underage drinking, drug use, bullying, traffic safety, and distracted driving. Audience Response Technology (wireless keypads) is used to connect the audience to the message and promote team play. Our goal is to create an exciting and captivating program that will keep the audience’s attention and focus from start to finish. We combine custom awareness content with cutting-edge technology, age-appropriate entertainment, elaborate staging, and a charismatic host to create an unforgettable experience. Hundreds of awareness programs across the United States have used ThinkFast® to increase the knowledge of their participants.
Music In the Parks
Congratulations to the high school choirs for their achievements in the Music in the Parks choral competition on April 27th. The combined high schools juniors choirs placed 4th with a rating of Excellent. The combined high schools concert choirs placed 3rd with a rating of Excellent. And the combined high schools Select Choir won first place with a rating of Superior. Great work, choirs!
Cultural Festival
Thank you to all those who made the Cultural Festival such a success. It was an excellent start to something that will only get better. Thank you to Dr. Pecarcik for her hard work in organizing this great event and to Ms. Santos, Ms. McKinney, Ms. Wallace, Ms. Gao, Ms. O'Donnell, Mr. Innis, Ms. McNeil, Ms. Walker, Ms. Flaherty, Ms.Garcia, and all of our students who participated. It was an incredible celebration of our students and their culture. I am sure next year will be bigger and better!! Use the link below to see pictures of the event.
MCAS Testing
On May 21st and 22nd, we will administer the Math MCAS. Similar to our ELA administration, we will have a delayed start for our 9th, 11th, and 12th graders. Homeroom will begin at 11:00 for these students. Our 10th grade students will begin testing at 7:45. Thank you in advance.
Homework Club
Every Wednesday, from 2:30-3:30, we are offering Homework Club. Homework Club meets in room 219 and students do not need to sign up in advance. Ms. Daversa is running this club and will be providing lessons on study skills, time management and much more. Feel free to encourage your child to stop by.
Senior Stay Out
The Senior Stay-out Committee is looking for volunteers to help us with Senior Stay Out (overnight after prom party for seniors and their guests) on Friday, May 17th, from 9:30 PM - 4:30 AM. We need volunteers to help. This event annually requires about 60 volunteers to make it successful. We know you want our students to have a tremendous senior experience but without volunteers, it cannot happen. Through fundraising, we are able to host this free event, and we are giving away $10,000 in prizes. If you would like to volunteer please use the sign-up genius link below. Thank you in advance.
Student Support Updates
Student Support has begun our Grade 11 College and Career Planning Classroom presentations. They started on Wednesday, April 10th, and will continue the presentations this week.
We are delighted to announce that seniors are committing to their choice of college, trade school, or military - it’s a fascinating time! They will have the opportunity to share their commits on Wednesday, May 1st for Decision Day!
Student Support-led Groups that are in session…
The Dating Safely Group (DOVE)
EL 12th grade group focused on Life After High School
EL New Beginner Transition Group - a collaboration between Student Support and the EL Department.
Student Support is continually planning our yearly 10th grade Career Day, which will be held on Friday, May 17th. We already have 32 presenters committed to attending and sharing their career stories with our students!
The NQHS Scholarship Ceremony for the Class of 2024 will be on Thursday, June 6th, at 12:00 pm in the Peter J. Chrisom Auditorium. If your student receives an invitation, that means they receive one or more scholarships.
Raider Roundup
Military Mondays
Over the course of the school year, we will have representatives from each branch of the Military at NQHS. Students will have the opportunity to meet with and talk to representatives from the Armed Forces. Below is a list of days representatives will be at NQHS. If you have questions, please contact Mr. Ragusa at 617-745-7117 or richardragusa@quincypublicschools.com. Thank you in advance. Click here to access the schedule for Military Mondays.
Important Dates
- AP Testing Begins 5/6
- Early Release Day 5/8
- Interim Posting Begins for 9-11 5/10
- Teacher PD Day 5/15
- Senior Prom 5/17
- Career Day 5/17
- NHS Ceremony 5/20
- Math MCAS 5/21 & 5/22
- QNQ Jazz Concert 5/23
- Art Show 5/23