Principal's Newsletter
🦁 From the desk of Dr. Tiffany Jacobson
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
In this short week before Thanksgiving, Pre-K students focused on the words thankful and appreciation, exploring their meanings through songs, stories, and discussions about what and who we are grateful for. In Fundations, we practiced the letters using wooden pieces to form the letter. Math was all about number lines—students located positions and played games to practice counting up and back. A highlight was making Thanksgiving Counting Stew, a fun way to combine counting and cooking! Our read-alouds centered on Thanksgiving, tying everything together in the spirit of gratitude.
In Kindergarten, students focused on gratitude and foundational learning. In Fundations, students practiced identifying and writing consonants p and j, short vowels, and rhyming words while echoing, sky-writing, and stretching vowel sounds. During Readers' Workshop, students pointed to words while reading and discussed stories, including We Are Grateful by Traci Sorell, which highlighted thankfulness. In Writing Workshop, students practiced planning, drawing, and labeling their work, while Math introduced positional language to follow and give directions. Finally, students explored what they are thankful for, both big and small, through a creative opposites activity in Social Studies.
Enjoy this week's photo gallery -
November Wrap Recap
November was a productive month in the Kindergarten Wrap Around Program! The children wrote heartfelt cards to service members, expressing gratitude for their service and wishing them happy holidays, taking pride in knowing their messages would brighten someone's day. Through the Art of Listening activity, students practiced giving and following directions, creating artwork now displayed in the second-floor stairwells. For Thanksgiving, students read Giving Thanks by Chief Jake Swamp, shared what they're grateful for, and even made delicious Thanksgiving pies. As part of the Fry Bread activity, students reflected on their favorite family foods and created woven plate art, inspired by Native American traditions, now displayed behind the multipurpose room stage. We also explored social-emotional learning topics like personal space, mindful listening, and the importance of gratitude.
Parent Teacher Conferences - Last call to share feedback
Please use the attached form to share feedback on your recent Parent-Teacher Conference and tell if/how you’d like to be more involved in strengthening our home-school partnership.
We've added a quick link on our mobile app to the Genesis Parent Portal, This easy-to-navigate tool provides the latest updates and notifications, all in one place. You can customize it by district and school, and easily access the website. Download for free today on the App Store for the iPhone or Google Play for Android devices.
Pajama Drive - Fri, Dec 13
Our school is excited to participate in Scholastic’s Pajama Drive, which collects new pajamas for children in need, ages 0-12, to help ensure a warm and comforting bedtime. Join us in the spirit of giving by wearing your coziest pajamas to school on Pajama Day, Friday, Dec 13, and consider donating a brand-new set of pajamas to support this wonderful cause!
PTO Beanie Fundraiser
Stay warm and show your Westfield spirit with this fun winter hat!
PTO Beanie Fundraiser
PTO Pizza Fridays for Kindergarten Students
The PTO will be offering Kindergarteners Pizza Lunch every Friday this November and December! Place your orders today on Membership Toolkit. Deadline for ordering is Monday, October 28th.
Pizza Lunch Fridays will begin on Friday, November 1st and run 11/15, 11/22, 12/6, 12/13.
You will have the option to purchase 1 slice for $3 or 2 slices for $6. Your order includes all 5 lunch dates and there are no refunds once purchased.
⏰ Timely Arrival
We appreciate your cooperation getting students to school on time each and every day! Late arrivals interrupt the flow of the class, and the late comer requires time to catch up with what the class has already accomplished.
📥Parent Pick-Up & Changes to Dismissal Plans
When the dismissal plan of a student is a parent pick up, it is the expectation that a parent or guardian will pick up. Any change to the plan must be communicated in an email to the teacher and the main office secretaries on the day of the change. The designee for pick up will have to show the teacher a government issued photo ID. These practices help us to manage the safe dismissal of all students.
🤒 Flu Vaccine
A message from Nurse Oviedo: The flu vaccine is required yearly for students ages 4 and under. Please email documentation of your child's 2024-25 flu vaccine to Nurse Oviedo no later than December 31. If your child is in Kindergarten or will be 5 years of age by December 31, providing proof of your child's flu shot no longer required. To learn more about how to protect against the flu, visit the CDC website.
Native American Heritage Month
Also known as National American Indian Heritage Month and National American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month, Native American Heritage Month in November honors the rich and diverse cultures, traditions, and histories of Indigenous communities.
We Are Grateful: Otsaliheliga is a beautifully illustrated picture book that introduces readers to the Cherokee expression "otsaliheliga," which means "we are grateful." The story follows a year in the life of a Cherokee family and community, highlighting the ways gratitude is expressed through the seasons.
28-29: School Closed
2: National Special Education Day
6: Training Day | PTO Kindergarten Pizza Day
13: Pajama Drive Day | Holiday Concerts, EIS Broadway Singers
20: Early Dismissal | Spirit Day