Hillsdale Herald
Hillsdale Elementary School, February 2025, v1
February 2, 2025
Hello Hillsdale Families -
While February is the shortest month of the year, it will be a busy month here at HDE!
Please make sure your children are dressed for the weather each day as we always go outside if at all possible!
This week we will celebrate Global School Play Day on Wednesday 2/5! GSPD was started in 2015 by a group of educators that saw a need for students to have more time for unstructured play. It is a wonderful way for our students to practice social skills like patience and turn taking, leadership skills like teaching a friend a game, and problem-solving skills. Details about how your child's class will play will come from your child's teacher. I have linked their website below if interested.
This Friday, 2/7 , we are celebrating the EAGLES with a Dress Up Day - GO BIRDS!
On Monday 2/10 we will have the Beginner Strings concert and Kids' Heart Challenge is scheduled for Thursday Feb 13th (this is our 20th anniversary!)
We have an Early Dismissal on Friday 2/14 and No School on Monday 2/17. (And this is just the first half of the month!)
Please take some time to tell us what you love about our school using the button below.
Reminder to parents of 4th and 5th graders - there is Track Meet info below as well.
Calling All New Kindergarteners for 2026-2027!
The WCASD partners with our local preschools and their families to offer events and activities for preschool children. The purpose of the Preschool Parent Group is to attract and transition children and families into the WCASD. One of the most well-attended events is our Kindergarten 101 session.
Kindergarten 101 is an informational night for families to learn what to expect when their child enters elementary school. The WCASD will be hosting Kindergarten 101 again this school year! This informational session will be on Thursday, February 6, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. at Fugett Middle School. You may register for Kindergarten 101 here.
Kids Heart Challenge
Students need to wear sneakers to school on the day they have PE. They cannot participate without safe footwear.
Hillsdale Elementary is proud to partner with the American Heart Association to help kids with special hearts! Mark your family calendars NOW for our upcoming 20th Kids Heart Challenge event taking place on:
Thursday, February 13th
9:15-10:05……….5th grade
10:05-10:55………4th grade
10:55-11:45……....3rd grade
1:50-2:40…………1st grade
2:40-3:30………....2nd grade
The American Heart Association's Mission: To build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke.
Planning a Vacation?
Please note that each child is permitted 5 Family Vacation Days each school year.
Save the date & clearance information for volunteers
Calling all 4th & 5th grade parents /guardians! We are excited to announce that our annual fourth & fifth grade district-wide track meet will be held in May. Our students will enjoy a day at the WCU Farrell Stadium track participating in friendly competitions with other WCASD elementary schools. WE WILL NEED YOUR HELP!!! The success of the track meets relies heavily on parent/guardian volunteers. YOU WILL NEED YOUR CLEARANCES. You can visit this link- CLEARANCE INFORMATION WCASD for information about obtaining your clearances. We suggest you apply for your clearances now as they sometimes take a bit of time to get back.
SAVE THE DATE- Please consider helping your child’s school out the day of their track meet found below. More information will come with specific times & event responsibilities. This is a school field trip held during school time hours.
· May 13, 2025 (rain date – 5/15): East Goshen, Hillsdale, Greystone, Glen Acres, & Westtown Thornbury
· May 14, 2025 (rain date – 5/16): East Bradford, Penn Wood, Starkweather, Exton, Fern Hill, Mary C. Howse
Looking Ahead - Save the Date
2/6 - Kindergarten 101 @ Fugett Middle School 6:00pm
2/7 - K Animal Assembly
2/10 - Beginner Strings Concert 2:30pm
2/12 - HDE hosts Preschool Club 5:00pm; Middle School 101 via Teams
2/13 - Kids Heart Challenge during Specials
2/14 - Early Dismissal (12:05) - Teacher Inservice
2/17 - No School - President's Day
2/25 - Title 1 Family Night 6:30pm
Please see K/1 Lunch Duty and K-5 Gaga Pit links below.
With our new Flex Library Schedule, we will no longer be using a sign up link. If you are interested in volunteering in the library, please contact Ms. Szczesny directly at aszczesny@wcasd.net.
If you would like to volunteer in our school this year, please understand the following:
1) Volunteers must have clearances.
2) Younger siblings are not permitted at school while you volunteer.
3) Volunteers are held to the same confidentiality standards as any WCASD employee.
4) While you may see and interact with your child when you are volunteering, you are here to assist all children.
Please be sure your clearances are up to date! Click above for details.
Click here for the WCASD Community Bulletin Board
Cómo traducir los boletines Smore Newsletters
Los enlaces para los boletines del distrito WCASD y desde el correo electrónico del director pueden encontrarse también en los sitios web del distrito y de la escuela. La traducción será generada por una máquina por lo que no será completamente exacta.
1. Haga clic en el botón para traducer
2. Haga clic en la fecha para seleccionar el idioma
3. ¡Disfrute el boletín! Las imágenes con palabras no se pueden traducir, para obtener una traducción, envíe un correo electrónico al director.
Spanish Language Phone Line
Si usted prefiere comunicarse en español por favor llame al 484-266-1690 para contactarse con personal escolar.
(If you prefer to speak to a Spanish speaking operator, please call 484-266-1690 to connect with school personnel.)
About Hillsdale Elementary
Email: pmerten@wcasd.net
Website: https://www.wcasd.net/Domain/602
Location: 725 West Market Street, West Chester, PA, USA
Phone: 484-266-2001
Instagram: @hdehuskies