Bobcat Strong Tracker
May 9, 2024
Having trouble reading this email? Just click anywhere on the content below or visit our website at www.santaritaschool.org and go to the bottom of the website to find this newsletter!
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Our Mission
At Santa Rita Elementary School, we foster curious, motivated learners who reach their highest potential in a supportive community that appreciates diversity.
May 10 - Principal Coffee with Principal Khalid
May 17 - All school walk to Egan to watch SR students perform Aladdin 10am-12pm
May 18 - Pet Parade in downtown Los Altos - come march with Santa Rita - parade starts at 10am
May 18- Aladdin at Egan 7pm - Tickets
May 19- Aladdin at Egan 2pm- Tickets
May 21- STEM Challenge at lunch
May 22 - Spring Concert for 4th-6th grades
May 23 - Art Docent Art Show at Santa Rita (multi) 5:30-7pm
May 23 - Santa Rita Open House 6-7pm
May 24 - Minimum Day
May 27 - Memorial Day - No School
May 29 - Science Olympiad
May 31 - Minimum Day
June 5 - Last Day of School - 6th grade graduation 9am; dismissal TK-5th 11:30am
- LASD 2023-2024 Calendar
- Reporting Attendance: To report a student's absence, please fill out this form or call
- Please fill out your Bobcat Strong Registration!
- Food Menus
Author Nicole Chen came and visited with our 5th and 6th graders today
Hello Wonderful Bobcat Community,
Congratulations to all 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th graders for finishing the CAASPP testing. You all worked so hard and took the time to do your best!
I hope Principal Khalid and I see you tomorrow after assembly for a Principal Coffee where you can get to know Denise and the wonderful person who will soon be a Bobcat!
Happy Mother's Day (almost)!!
Stay Bobcat Strong,
Kelly Rafferty, Principal
Aladdin Tickets Available Now!
Our annual musical "Aladdin Jr" will be on Saturday, May 18th @7pm and Sunday, May 19th @2pm! Opening each performance, a group of K through 2nd graders will preform a pre-show.
All shows will be at Egan Junior High School (100 W Portola Ave., Los Altos, CA 94022; Multipurpose Room)
Tickets are $20 each for sale ONLINE NOW: Aladdin Tickets
Online orders close on Friday, May 17th (3pm). Tickets can be purchased at the door for $25 each (credit card, cash or check accepted), while supplies last.
Tickets will also be on sale in person at Santa Rita ($20 each; credit card, cash or check accepted):
- Wednesday, 5/1 at drop-off 8:15-8:45am
- Wednesday, 5/8 at pickup, 2:45 -3:15pm
Santa Rita's Annual Science Olympiad- Volunteers Needed!
Calling all Bobcats and Alums! Mark your calendars! Santa Rita’s Annual Science Olympiad is on Wednesday, May 29!
This special event brings students together to use scientific concepts to tackle real-world problems. Participants learn the practical applications of science and the scientific method in a series of fun, collaborative challenges.
This year's events are Aerodynamics, Copy Cats, Cranium, Marshmallow Challenge, Super Straw Structures, Clay Boats, Memory Lane, and Code Breakers.
To make this a fun day for our 4-6th-grade Bobcats and teachers, we need your help! Grab a few friends, join the fun! This is a community event unique to Santa Rita, and an annual tradition!
Sign up here! 2024 Science Olympiad Volunteer Sheet
Event leads will provide volunteers with all materials and information in advance.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
2024 Science Olympiad Committee
2024 Trimester 3 District-Wide STEM Challenge
Calling all designers, builders, and creative thinkers (yes, that’s YOU)! Start forming a partnership, a group of 3, or a group of 4 and join us for tons of fun and excitement at our Trimester 3 district-wide STEM mystery challenge!
STEM Challenge
When: Tuesday, May 21
Time: Lunchtime
Where: Santa Rita Blacktop
You will have the opportunity to flex your creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving skills as well as brainstorm innovative solutions. This event will be a “build up, take down” challenge. You will have the opportunity to explore, experiment, and build and will be asked to take down your design at the end of the event. All of the materials and instructions for the challenge will be provided on the day of the event.
PARENTS! We could use your help during the event. Please email Mrs. Rafferty if you can attend, krafferty@lasdschools.org.
If you have any questions about the event, please email Dianne Kintana (dkintana@lasdschools.org). Come one, come all!
PTA Needs Your Help!
There is a position for every single community member who wants to help, no matter your time or ability constraints!
Our PTA welcomes all types of volunteers, whether you can only spare a few hours a year from home or are able to take on a larger role on campus. There is a place for EVERYONE in our community!
Please indicate your interest here. Please find a general overview of each position and its requirements here. The larger chair positions can all have co-chairs so grab a friend and sign up! Every single position in has someone on campus who has previously held the position to guide you through it. You won't be on your own!
This spring, our students have been creating amazing works of art! They’ve built STEM and computer science projects, learned new skills in PE, broadened their horizons in the library, competed in the Junior Olympics, and participated in bands and orchestras.
Donations to LAEF fund all this and more!
Let’s keep it going!
We still need to raise the final $165K to fully this school year. Donate to LAEF so our students can continue to receive a well-rounded education.
Take advantage of our Challenge Match!
Thanks to the generosity of four families, every dollar you donate to LAEF will get DOUBLED, up to $32,000 through May 31, 2024.
Learn more about How LAEF Funding Works and why your financial support is the only way to fund teachers in our district. Future LASD staffing decisions are made based on the amount of funding LAEF can provide to our school district this year.
Can you help represent Santa Rita on the LAEF Board for the 2024-25 school year? Join a fantastic group of parents who work together to keep our nine LASD schools strong. If you are interested in learning more about this important opportunity, please reach out to your Santa Rita LAEF Board representatives at SantaRitaReps@LAEFonline.org.
Special Education Events and Resources
SELPA-1 CAC will be consolidated starting July 1 with SELPAs II-VII into the Northwest Santa Clara County CAC, covering 21 districts. The Santa Clara County Office of Education will have an updated website soon.
PHP: A Quick Guide to the IEP and Special Education Process ONLINE May 14
Understand the Special Education process, your rights, recognize the value of your parenting expertise, and improve your communication and problem-solving skills
Tuesday, May 14th 10am to 11:30am
The Special EDge newsletter: for parents, educators, and policy makers; research, policies, and other practical and academic topics of interest. Sample sections: Equitable Access Through Universal Design, Beyond Inclusion.
Please contact your SELPA-1 CAC liaison, Alison Biggs, at abiggs@gmail.com with any questions.
Los Altos Safe Routes to School Survey
Thank you for taking the time to complete the Safe Routes to School survey. Your feedback allows us to adjust Safe Routes to School (SRTS) education and encouragement program features to best meet the needs of each individual school. Your feedback will also be shared with decision makers throughout the county who can address infrastructure issues regarding safe walking and biking and decision makers in your school community. This survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.
Gracias por tomarse el tiempo para completar la encuesta Rutas Seguras a la Escuela. Sus comentarios nos permiten ajustar las características del programa de educación y aliento de Rutas Seguras a la Escuela (SRTS) para satisfacer mejor las necesidades de cada escuela individual. Sus comentarios también se compartirán con los responsables de la toma de decisiones en todo el condado, quienes pueden abordar los problemas de infraestructura relacionados con caminar y andar en bicicleta de manera segura y con los que toman las decisiones en su comunidad escolar. Esta encuesta tomará aproximadamente 5 minutos en completarse.
77th Los Altos Kiwanis Pet Parade
This year's Pet Parade will take place on Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. in downtown Los Altos. This free event is open to kids, adults and their pets. For additional information or to register visit www.losaltoskiwanis.org/activities/PetParade. Entry forms are due by May 8.
Santa Rita School
Email: krafferty@lasdschools.org
Website: https://www.santaritaschool.org
Location: 700 Los Altos Avenue, Los Altos, CA, USA
Phone: (650)559-1600
Facebook: santaritaPTA
Twitter: @BobcatsSR
Join us to support our students this school year!