Week of January 14, 2024
Action Items
- Review the note from the nurse below on guidelines for Flu/Cold/Allergy Season.
- Save the date for Creekfest on February 28! Information can be found below in the PTO section.
- Mark your calendars: Due to State testing, CFES will have closed campus on the following dates are February 25 and 27, March 4 and April 15, 22 and 29. This means the campus is closed to all visitors including lunch visitors.
- Spring Pictures are scheduled for Wednesday, February 5th. Ordering information coming soon.
- 2nd quarter report cards are now in Home Access Center (HAC) for the parent/guardian to be able to view and print. More information on how to access grades below.
16 - Marco’s Pizza (5th Grade pizza boxes) open to close
20 - Student and Staff Holiday
23 - Family STREAM Night (more information coming soon)
31 - 100th day of school!
5 - Spring Picture Day (class and individual)
10-13 Kindness Week
14 - Student Holiday
17 - Student and Staff Holiday
25 - closed campus
27 - closed campus
28 - Color Run and Creekfest
As you know the 2nd marking period has ended and TISD will now be uploading student’s report cards to Home Access Center (HAC) for the parent/guardian to be able to print.
Please log into HAC, go to the Grades tab, click on the Report Card tab and a button will be there to the far right to allow you to print the report card.
Some things to note:
- The KG and 1st grade report card format will look different in HAC then what we are used to seeing, but the data will be there.
- Guardians will only be able to access current year report cards (no prior years). They will be available until we rollover for the new school year.
- If you need help accessing your parent HAC account, please email patriciavintimilla@tomballisd.net with your request.
Flu/Cold/Allergy Season
As we prepare to move into Flu/Cold/Allergy Season, please remember the following:
1. Keep your child home if sick. If your child has any of the following symptoms, please keep them at home until the symptoms have improved. (Please also see attached Return to School Guidelines)
A fever above 100.0 or higher
Has had vomiting or has diarrhea (2 or more times in 24 hours)
Has symptoms that may keep your child from participating in school, such as:
Very Tried or lack of appetite
Continuous or persistent cough
Headache, body aches or earache
2. All students that come to the CFES Clinic during the school day will be assessed by Nurse Buell or other Health Services Staff. We may call you to help determine if your student can continue the day at school or needs to go home due to illness. Please make sure all your numbers are updated in the system and answer any phone calls from the school to prevent issues.
3. All medications must be brought to the CFES Clinic by a parent/guardian and signed in with the nurse. All Prescriptions medications REQUIRE an MD signature and must be in the prescription container/box with label.
4. Cough drops are considered a medication according to the TISD medication policy. Please sign in the cough drops in the CFES Clinic for your student if needed. Any cough drops found during the school day (without proper documentation) will be held in the TES Clinic pending parent pick up or disposal and will not be administered.
5. If your student is absent, please send them back with parent or doctor notes for Attendance purposes.
Please reach out to Nurse Buell with any questions!
Life Principle of the Week: Humanitarianism
Promotion of human welfare and social reform
Working for the health, safety, and happiness of others
“Don’t look for big things, just do small things with great love the smaller the thing, the greater must be our love.” -Mother Teresa
Call Back: T: CFES...S: Helps others!
Celebration: Truck driver cheer
Expectation #4: We will cheer each other to success.
Discussion Learning About Other Cultures
It’s almost time for the most exciting student event of the year – CREEKFEST! Not only is Creekfest a very special day for our Cougars, but it is also our largest and final fundraiser of the school year.
We are so excited for our Color Run and evening carnival celebration with families this year. We will have an online silent auction and raffle off amazing prizes to help raise funds for the school to pay for playground upgrades, field trips, facility improvements, educational software, books and much more. Below is a timeline to help plan for all the fun and excitement.
Jan 29 – Feb 9 : Family-Sponsored Attractions – only 15 spots sold!
Feb 3 – Feb 11: Raffle ticket, Dinner & Wristband presale. Wristbands will be required for all students to participate in the carnival entertainment.
Feb 23 – Feb 27: Online Auction! Preview items beginning Feb 21. Bidding will begin Feb 23 at 6pm and close Feb 27 at 8 pm. More information to come.
Feb 18 - Feb 28: Raffle tickets sold in cafeteria during lunch.
Feb 27 – 28: Sweet Shoppe Donations due.
Feb 28: COLOR RUN will take place during the school day in the 4th/5th grade recess area, grade level times coming soon! Creekfest Family Carnival will be at the school from 5-8 pm with raffle prize drawings ongoing throughout the evening.
Visit cfespto.org for detailed Creekfest information.
Thank you to the following businesses that have already committed to sponsoring Creekfest:
Campus Kids, HERO Martial Arts, Pure Barre – Creekside, Mathnasium of The Woodlands, Eve
Kneller Real Estate Group - KW, Master H. Kim’s World Class Tae Kwon Do, Complete
Dermatology, Harmony Orthodontics, Wheeler Pediatric Dentistry, & Blaine Scelfo State Farm
It’s almost time for two of the most exciting events of the year: Creekfest & Field Day! Be sure to check out the fun shirts designed for our students to wear for both events. There are specific colors designated for grades K-2 for Field Day, and those color assignments are listed below and on the website order form.
Team color assignments for grades K - 2:
Kindergarten (Blue)
1st Grade (Green)
2nd Grade (Orange)
New This Year! Grades 3-5 can purchase any color.
*This will be the only time these shirts will be offered for sale. Field Day shirts will not be available to purchase at a later date.
Shirts are available in youth and adult sizes in a cotton blend or Dri-Fit option.
Visit cfespto.org to order your shirt and find additional information.
Thank you to the following businesses that have already committed to sponsoring Creekfest: Campus Kids, HERO Martial Arts, Pure Barre – Creekside, Mathnasium of The Woodlands, Eve Kneller Real Estate Group - KW, Master H. Kim’s World Class Tae Kwon Do, Complete Dermatology, Harmony Orthodontics, Wheeler Pediatric Dentistry, & Blaine Scelfo State Farm
Watch D.O.G.S. Information
WATCH D.O.G.S.® (Dads Of Great Students) is a family and community engagement educational initiative. There are 2 primary goals of the WATCH D.O.G.S. program: 1. To provide positive male role models for the students, demonstrating by their presence that education is important. 2. To provide extra sets of eyes and ears to enhance school security and reduce bullying.
Remember to apply every year to volunteer for Watch D.O.G.S. on this link. It may take a couple of weeks to process. You will receive your schedule upon arrival! We ask that dads sign up for one spot per year so all families have the opportunity to participate. Thank you for volunteering!
Annual Volunteer Application Link
Lunch Visitors
Mondays A-D
Tuesdays E-K
Wednesday L-Q
Thursdays R-Z
Only on Fridays
January: Last Names A-D
February: Last Names E-K
March: Last Names L-Q
April: Last Names R-Z
May: Last Names A-D
About Us
Website: cfes.tomballisd.net
Location: 5949 Creekside Forest Drive, The Woodlands, TX, USA
Phone: 218.357.4526
Facebook: facebook.com/TISDCFES
School Hours:
8:10 Doors open for students to report to class
8:10-8:30 Breakfast Line open at CFES
8:30 Call to Greatness begins and all students report to the cafeteria
8:40 Instruction begins
3:50 Dismissal
Office is open and phones are answered 8:00 am—4:15 pm