Branchville Bulletin
Educating Everyone Takes Everyone

September 22, 2024
Dear Branchville Community,
Thank you for joining us for our Open House. It was our pleasure to share our teaching and learning practices and provide you with insight into your child's day. As I shared with you on Wednesday, many other opportunities exist to learn about our approach and curriculum. Take a look below for some dates to add to your calendar.
Earlier this month, I shared in The Bulletin how we handle smartwatches (e.g., the Apple Watch, the Gizmo Watch, the Android Smart Watch) or other similar devices that allow a student to text, take photos, or make calls. They are subject to the same practices as cell phones. If they come to school, they should always remain in a student's backpack. We are asking for your partnership to reduce disruption to the school day. We've noticed some watches that resemble smartwatches but don't have these capabilities. The variety of models makes it difficult for teachers and staff to determine which devices are allowed. To avoid classroom disruptions, we ask that all watches that look like smartwatches be left at home.
Finally, remember to look out for more communication about the biggest PTA event of the year: THE BEAVER BOOGIE!
In partnership,
Keith L Margolus
The State Board of Education has defined two levels of criteria for an absence to be considered excused.
“Level 1” includes the first nine absences and these days are considered excused absences for any reason that the student’s parent or guardian approves. The parent or guardian must submit written or oral documentation within ten school days of the student’s return.
Excused “Level 2” absences are the days beginning at the tenth absence and meet one or more of the State’s acceptable reasons. For more information regarding the acceptable reasons, please visit the Connecticut State Department of Education Guidelines for Absences.
If your child reaches the thresholds below, you will receive a notification. The notifications will lag the actual absences. For example, your child may reach their 6th absence on a Wednesday, and you may not be notified until Monday.
Typical attendance notification thresholds.
At six absences, a notification will be emailed
At nine absences, a notification will be emailed.
At nine absences and six unexcused, a notification will be emailed.
At nine excused absences and ten unexcused absences, a truancy notification will be emailed.
Absence/attendance is reported using the School Dismissal Manager (SDM) app. If your child will be absent please login and use the system. You will be prompted to explain the reason for the absence. Please report a student absence by 8:45. More information about SDM is found below.
Branchville Parent Workshops
K-5 Student Hanbook
Branchville and District Workshops and Opportunities
Intersted to know more about RPS curriculum? Did you miss a District presentation?
Ridgefield Public Schools Digital Backpack
RPS distribution flyers for outside groups via a Digital Backpack.
Organizations that meet the RPS policy may submit their request for inclusion in the digital backpack. Please help us in our effort to go green by checking students' Digital Backpacks Organizations that meet the RPS policy may submit their request for inclusion to cmelagrano@ridgefieldps.net. Thank you!
Visiting BES
Visiting BES
If you are visiting BES, one way to expedite the entry process is to fill out this form or use the QR code in advance of your planned visit (teacher meeting, PTA meeting, mystery reader, library or art volunteer, etc.) and your badge will be waiting for you when you arrive. If you have something to drop off for your child during the school day such as a forgotten lunch or instrument, there will be a table outside of the entrance to place the item.
When you arrive to enter the building, we ask that you press the video doorbell button and identify yourself. You will then be granted access to the vestibule.
Once in the vestibule, please do NOT hold the door open for a different guest entering the building. We cannot open the second set of doors until you are inside the vestibule. While this may be inconvenient and feel impolite, we are standardizing access to the buildings across the district so that everyone knows what to expect.
For visits to BES during the school day, I recommend that you arrive early as it takes some time to process your visitor badge. For a visit that is not arranged a day ahead of time, calling the main office ahead of your visit is a helpful practice.
Important Upcoming Dates
10/3 No School - Rosh Hashanah
10/11 Ealry Dismissal 11:40 (Professional Development)
10/14 No School - Columbus Day
10/18 Beaver Boogie
10/25 Beaver Boogie (Rain Date)
11/1 Beaver Boogie (Rain Date)
For a comprehensive list of upcoming events, please see the calendars below.
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On the left-hand side please click on "Demographic Change."
A number of tabs will appear. Click on "Directory & Media OptOut.
Branchville Elementary School
Keith L Margolus
Website: https://bes.ridgefield.org/Home
Location: 40 Florida Road, Ridgefield, CT, USA
Phone: 203.894.5850