Kingwood Park HS Counselors
NEWSLETTER - 3rd 9 weeks, 2021-2022
Hello, Panthers!!!
We hope 2022 is off to a great start!
Students and parents, we want you to know that your KPARK counselors are available to you. We want to see your faces, hear your stories, and help you with whatever you need.
Please feel free to email us with any questions. See links below.
A thru D, Caren Barnes, Counselor,, 281-641-6623
E thru K, Timothy Hurlbert, Counselor,, 281-641-6782
L thru Rh, Counselor,, 281-6416697
Ri thru Z, Jenny VanHorn, Lead Counselor,, 281-641-6622
Gina Sanchez, At-Risk Counselor,, 281-641-6627
Celie Herbst, Office Mgr/College liaison,, 281-641-6779
This year the district is fully launching a personalized education experience for HISD students that we hope will culminate with all students meeting their goals and their dreams. We are proud to share that we have developed a systemic approach to supporting each student in achieving his or her full potential.
KPHS counselors will meet with all students individually at least twice per year. The district piloted this last year and found it to be a wonderful experience for everyone. Students have really appreciated the personalized support of their own goals. Counselors have appreciated getting to know more students on a personal level, helping them achieve their goals and helping them, when necessary, with any mental health challenges they might be facing. We plan to meet with each of our students during the 1st and 2nd semesters.
Below, Dr. Fagen, Superintendent, and Dr. Leigh, Senior Director of Personalized Student Success, discuss our initiative.
The Great 8 Skills: Relationship Skills
1. Actively listen - Pay attention to what the other person is saying. Genuinely be interested in understanding what the other person is thinking, feeling, wanting, etc. Put the phone down and listen.
2. Accept and celebrate differences - We are all different and that is what makes life so interesting. Get to know and understand others who may think or look differently than you. Life would be pretty dull if we were all the same.
3. Be present - When you're with your friends, family, coworkers, etc., be fully with them. Be in that moment and not distracted by technology. Give people your time.
4. Treat people as you would like to be treated - You can never go wrong with this
5. Learn to be more understanding and empathetic - "People may forget what you said, people may forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
Take a breath and just slooooooow down...
College Preparation Timeline
FINANCIAL AID: FAFSA & Scholarship Opportunities
See your website that includes dates, registration links, and study materials. a QR code to ask a question of a counselor
Students A thru D, Mrs Barnes
Students E - K, Mr Hurlbert
Students L - Rh, Mrs Grayson
Students Ri - Z, Mrs VanHorn
Student Support Counselor, Mrs Sanchez
Students, please join your class Schoology group (if haven't already)! Click below.
You will receive information about upcoming fun events, college and career opportunities, and scholarships.
To login in to MyHumble, then Schoology: graders group, use SBVW-6QNM-SRRNM
10th graders group, use 6NXH-RP37-BFX89
11th graders group, use T8C7-PNZX-JBQGC
12th graders group, use 4RFF8-WSRX4