Gator Bites
August 8, 2024
Principal's Corner
We are hoping your last few days of summer break are amazing!! We are also looking forward to seeing everyone again. We welcomed our teachers back into the building today and everyone is eager to start a new year. Go Gators!
As you plan your future, be sure to put our back to school night on your calendar. This is a parent only evening to meet teachers and reconnect with our community. We will have the Middle School evening in the gym from 6-7 pm on August 21. The grade K-5 evening will be from 5:30-7 pm on August 22. Come join our Gator Nation as we kick off the new year.
Since Middle School students start on the 13th, we have some important information for our 6-8 graders!
The Girl’s volleyball team will hold tryouts on the first day of school from 2:30-4:30. We are lucky have Mrs. Casinelli as our coach again. Boys soccer will have tryouts on the 14th from 2:30-4:30. Come ready to play!
We will hold elections for students wanting to join our 6-8 grade Student Leadership Team on Friday, August 16. Any student interested in representing their grade level will give an oral speech to their class on Tuesday, August 14 during 8th period. Students interested in being on the election ballot and giving a speech must let Mrs McEntire know by the end of lunch on the 14th. We will give more details to students in the first-day assemblies August 13. We hope to have our student leaders engaged and involved with school activities immediately. Our student voice is valued and their involvement with our student community really helps our Gator Nation.
Our carpool queue will run the same for morning and afternoon. We will have staff to help kids get out during the morning and we ask you to drive all the way forward in the queue before letting your student out. The front and back doors are open during carpool. We will continue a “South pick up spot” in the afternoon. You can come and park in the west side of the Extra Space Storage parking lot to pick up your kiddos without getting into the carpool queue. Parents who tried this spot at the end of last year really liked that they could leave so quickly. Make sure your child is always aware of your pick up plan each day! As construction and traffic increase along the Mineral Ave corridor, we encourage you to use our designated pick up process instead of sending your children to walk along Mineral.
We are so excited about this year. Be safe, Be happy, and Be Great Gators.
Please take a moment to view the carpool videos in the link below. We ask that everyone has their patience hat on the first week or two of school, as we have new families and a new kindergarten class!
Placard Request
Click to fill out the Placard Request Form
Morning Carpool
Click to view the Morning carpool tutorial.
Afternoon Carpool
Click to view the Afternoon carpool tutorial.
Carpool Connections!
- In search of LA family who lives near Colorado/Dry Creek or Heritage Greens neighborhood and is open to ride sharing. Emilyballard@gmail.com 720-427-5030
- Carpool assistance needed for afternoon only for 6th grade boy. Highlands Ranch – cross streets of Cresthill and University. Please contact Stacy Flach at 972-978-8560. Assistance needed for Monday – Friday, but open to a reduced schedule if that is helpful.
Hot Lunch
Littleton Public Schools will be providing hot lunch with same day ordering. Each morning in home room a lunch count will be taken by 8:30am. Your child will need to know each morning if they will have hot lunch. If your student will be late, you must notify the office by 8:30am if your student needs hot lunch, otherwise they must bring their own lunch.
To view the menu and add funds to your students' account (for purchase of additional entrees), you must create an account or login to your account with School Café. For additional information on how to create an account, add students and add funds click here.
Summer Homework and School Supplies
As summer winds down, please be sure your student has completed the summer homework before the first day of school. You can also click find the school supply lists by grade by clicking the button below.
Family Vacations
As you are planning ahead for the year, we ask that you try to schedule family vacations so they align with the school's breaks. Please review page 10 and 11 of the Parent Student Handbook for policies on tardies, attendance and absences.
Dress Code
There were no changes made to the dress code policy for the upcoming school year. You may review the dress code policy beginning on page 22 of the Parent Student Handbook. Please remember that all uniform bottoms must come from Dennis Uniform or Educational Outfitters and be an approved style. For examples and explanations please click below to review the uniform slide show.
Before and After School Care
Littleton Academy offers before and after school childcare through AlphaBest Kid Care. To view hours of operation, pricing and to register your child please click the button below.
If you have registration questions you may call 1-866-7750.
Spirit Store
Check out our new spirit store! Browse our products in two different designs and several color options for youth, women, and men. Both short-sleeve and long-sleeve options are available. Students can wear spirit shirts every Friday, with uniform bottoms, instead of their uniform top.
Summer Challenge
The summer challenge continues through August 30th! Click below for details, links to challenges and game board!