GMS Newsletter
September 2024
Message from the Principal...
It has been a good start at Gaylord Middle School. We had some nervous 7th graders it seems like,
but everyone is settling in very well. Our doors will be open each school day at 7:30 a.m. Everyone
at GMS is excited for a great year. I hope to see everyone Thursday, September 19th at our parent night.
Joe Somerville
Parents are invited (parents only) to experience a day in the life of their student on Thursday, September 19th from 6:00 p.m. to approximately 7:15 p.m. Please try to arrive at 5:45 p.m. to enjoy dinner on us. Mr. Smith and Mr. Somerville will be grilling hot dogs. The evening will begin with a brief welcome in the gym. Parents will then move through an abbreviated class schedule allowing
them to meet their child’s teachers and learn about the class curriculum. Parents that attend will receive a “free admittance” ticket for their student to use at the first GMS dance of the year. Please
join us for an evening of information and fun as we celebrate the importance of parent involvement
in education. If you have any questions, please call the office at (989) 731-0848.
On Wednesday, September 25th, our entire 8th grade class will be traveling to the Groen Nature Preserve in Johannesburg. The visit will consist of our students rotating through numerous learning stations. They are as follows: water, soil erosion, oil and gas, agriculture, logging history, forestry, and wildlife. The entire cost for the field trip (transportation, lunch, etc.) has generously been paid by a private foundation. We will be leaving the school at 8:30 a.m. and returning at approximately 2:00 p.m.
School pictures will be done by Geskus Photography Inc. Link below for online ordering will be available two weeks before picture day:
Picture retakes will be Tuesday, November 12th.
Boys basketball tryouts will begin in late October.
All student athletes must have a current physical on file in the GMS office in order to participate.
GMS Office Procedures
Attendance: If your child is absent from school, please call the school at 989-731-0848 as early as possible in the morning. We will be answering our phones as early as 7:00 a.m., but if you have a touch tone phone you may leave a message for the Middle School prior to 7:00 a.m. by using the district’s voicemail system. Only a parent or guardian can excuse a student’s absence.
Medication: Prescription (New Procedure): The attached form needs to be completed by the student's physician and returned to the middle school office with the prescribed medication when medication needs to be administered during the school day.
Over-the-counter Medicine: If your child requires over-the-counter medication during the school day, you must complete an authorization form when you bring in the medication.
All medication, prescription and non -prescription, must be stored in the office in it's original package/bottle.
Pre-excused Absences: If you know your child is going to be absent, please have them pick up a pre-excused absence form from the office. They will need to have it signed by a parent or guardian and their teachers, and return it to the office. This will allow us to excuse the absence and allow your child to get their homework ahead of time.
Students Arriving Late/Leaving Early: Students arriving to school late must sign in at the office before reporting to class. Parents or guardians can excuse their child's tardiness by phone or a note. Students leaving before the end of the school day will only be released to a parent or guardian.
Address Changes: The District policy is that in order to change your physical address you will need to provide documentation before the school is able to make that update.
Student Items: Parents please make sure items being dropped off are labeled with student's name.
Absent Students: Students who are absent are able to access what they missed in Google Classroom. If having trouble logging in or finding the work, please contact us at 989-731-0848.
Parent Portal is a great way to keep up-to-date on your student's grades and attendance. To access parent portal use: Gaylord.powerschool.com. Login credentials were sent home with students on the first day of school. Please ask your child about Parent Portal. The student's homework this weekend is to show parents how to log in.
- September 19th - VIP Night for parents
- October 11th - Picture Day
- November 1st - NO SCHOOL for students; PD for staff
- November 12th - Picture Retakes
- November 15th - NO SCHOOL for students; PD for teachers
- November 28th & 29th - NO SCHOOL for students & staff - Thanksgiving Break
- December 23rd thru January 3rd - NO SCHOOL for students & staff - Holiday Break
- January 20th - NO SCHOOL for students; PD for teachers
- March 24th - March 28th - NO SCHOOL for students & staff - Spring Break
- May 26th - NO SCHOOL for students & staff - Memorial Day
- June 6th (tentative) - Last day (half day)
Joe Somerville, Principal
Dave Smith, Assistant Principal
600 E Fifth Street, Gaylord, MI