Parnell District School Pānui
Wednesday 8 May

Wednesday 28 August, 2024
Important Dates
Week 6: 26/08 - 30/08
- Parnell's Got Talent Final
- Eastern Zones and Bay Suburbs Cross-Country events
- Assembly: Service Leaders
- O.E
Week 7: 2/09 - 6/09
- New Parents Breakfast - Bring your children.
- Assembly: Room 14
Week 8: 9/09 - 13/09
- Whānau & Friends Meeting
- Tokomaru Bake Sale
- Assembly: Room 24
- O.E
Week 9: 16/09 - 20/09
Friday- Assembly: Sports Leaders
- O.E
- Reports go home
Week 10: 23/09 - 27/09
Friday- Assembly: Tokomaru Waka
- Whānau Day
School Terms
Term 3: Monday 22 July - Friday 27 September
Term 4: Monday 14 October - Wednesday 18 December (School closes at 1pm)
Term 1: Tuesday 28 January - Friday 11 April
Term 2: Monday 28 April - Friday 27 June
Kia ora e te whānau,
Olympic-Themed School Disco – A Night to Remember!
Last Friday night, Parnell District School hosted an Olympic-themed school disco. It was an evening full of incredible energy, fun and, of course, dancing! The children had an absolute blast, showing off their dance moves and participating in dance-offs for spot prizes. The creativity on display with their costumes was remarkable. It was also wonderful to see so many parents mixing and mingling in the parent haven.
We want to thank our Whānau and Friends team, who worked tirelessly to make this community event a huge success. Your support, as always, makes a world of difference, and we couldn’t have done it without you. Seeing the smiles on the children’s faces was the night's highlight!
Parnell’s Got Talent – A Show Like No Other!
Today, we were treated to a spectacular display of talent during our “Parnell’s Got Talent” competition. With eleven acts competing for the top prize, the variety was terrific—dancers, singers, gymnasts, musicians, and even a unicyclist! The performances were outstanding, and the level of talent among our students is truly impressive.
After much deliberation, our judges couldn’t decide on just one winner, so we had a 3-way tie! Be sure to check out the blurb later in this newsletter to see who our talented winners are.
Library Books - Lost and Missing
Our school library is a vital resource, offering an extensive range of quality books that inspire our students and support their learning. Unfortunately, we’ve noticed a concerning number of library books have gone missing—nearly a hundred books have disappeared from our shelves this term alone.
Replacing these books comes at a significant financial cost to the school, but more importantly, it means that other children should take advantage of the opportunity to enjoy and learn from these valuable resources.
We kindly ask for your help in locating any misplaced library books. Please take a moment to check at home—in bedrooms, under beds, in the car, or even on your bookshelves. Every book returned makes a difference and ensures our library remains a rich resource for all students.
Winter Illnesses
Thank you to all parents and caregivers for your patience, understanding, and flexibility during this flu-ridden winter. Your support has been invaluable as we’ve navigated through higher-than-usual teacher absences and disruptions. Your cooperation has helped us maintain a positive learning environment for all our students. As we look ahead, we’re excited that sunshine and warmer days are just around the corner. Let’s continue working together to keep our school community healthy and thriving!
Ngā mihi nui,
Richard George
Year 8 Winner - Warriors Writing Competition
Warriors Experience
Last term, the year 7/8s entered the Warriors Community League in Libraries Competiton. A few weeks ago, I found out that I had been chosen as the Supreme Winner for the Intermediate Category! The prize was getting my story professionally edited, illustrated, and published. As part of the prize, I was invited to spend two days with the Warriors Community Team and the other winners, Chloe and Siraya. Last Thursday, we met at Go Media Stadium, watched the Captain’s Run and got photos and our jerseys signed by the Warriors! That night, my mum and I got to stay at a 5-star hotel. The next day we were taken to Kurawaka Studios to meet the illustrators and learn the process they went through to create the drawings. After that we were taken to Blue Star Press to see our books for the very first time and were taken through the process of how books were published. Later that day we went to Go Media Stadium to watch the Warriors vs Bulldogs. Before their game Chloe, Siraya and I did the Ball-Run Out, which was so exciting! Overall the experience was amazing! I had so much fun, met new people and of course, became a published author!
Kate Vireak - Year 8, Room 25
Camp - Years 4 - 8
You received an email last week with information about our school camps in December. Please read the email carefully and make sure that you complete all the necessary documentation. If you have not received the email, please contact:
Years 4 - 6 - kates@parnell.school.nz
Years 7-8 - annas@parnell.school.nz
Please refer to the email for payment information and options. Alternatively, click on the button below for camp information.
School Events
Parnell's Got Talent
Well done to all the children who auditioned and performed for Parnell's Got Talent. Your confidence and bravery showed true Parnell values!!! After a huge number of auditions last week, today's final was held at lunchtime.
Our judges, Mrs Mann, Mr Hollingworth and Mr Billings took their roles very seriously and had a very difficult job choosing a winner so...they chose three!
The winners for 2024 are:
- Sam, Room 11 - Unicycling
- Sasha, Room 25 - Gymnastics
- Letizia, Room 28 - Violin
Our Winners will perform at this week's assembly on Friday morning. We look forward to seeing a repeat performance!
PDS Service Leaders
Whānau & Friends
Olympics Disco!
A huge THANK YOU to our wonderful school community who made the Olympics Disco such an amazing success! The hall was transformed into an international celebration of sports thanks to Andrea, Jenny and their amazing team of decorators! As always, it wouldn't be a disco without the legendary beats from DJ Lo (aka Marco's dad!). There were some incredible costumes - from a shuttlecock, Greek gods and goddesses and champion swimmers to a team of Olympic Rings! It was also great to see so many parents getting to know one another in the Parent Haven while the students were enjoying their disco. Everyone had a fantastic time and we hope they came home with many fun memories to share!
The Photobooth was busy all night, and we'll have the link to the photos for you soon.
Bake Sale - Wednesday 11 September
Tokomaru waka to bake. Instructions will be sent home with children at the end of next week. Please be on the lookout for posters going up soon. All baking $2, to be sold at morning tea time. Any remaining baking will be sold at a discount after school.
Whānau & Friends Meeting - Wednesday 11 September, 9am
We'll meet in the morning this time, in the staffroom (above the office). Please come along and join in the fundraising discussions, volunteer your time and ideas, and make new friends. Everyone welcome!
Sign-up to volunteer 2024
If you would like to volunteer in any way, then come along to one of our meetings, or complete the online volunteer form at https://bit.ly/pds-waf. You can also email directly pta@parnell.school.nz, or speak to Amy in the office.
C4 After School Care
C4 is excited to release the programme for the upcoming school holidays!
Please remember to book early as we have a limit on how many children we can take.
Go to PDS.aimyplus.com to book or contact Claire for more information.
clairej@parnell.school.nz or 0272706810