Laker Newsletter
February 12, 2025
School Hours
Office Hours
Mission Statement
We at St. Edward on-the-Lake Catholic School, work together with our families and community to create a Christ-centered environment which promotes Catholic faith formation, academic excellence, and personal development. Our students will have the opportunity to become confident, independent thinkers, and life-long learners who are responsible to God, to themselves and to society.
Archdiocese of Detroit New Archbishop
Pope Francis Appoints Tucson’s Bishop Edward J. Weisenburger as Archbishop of Detroit
Holy Father names Bishop Weisenburger the sixth Archbishop of Detroit,
accepts resignation of Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron
Pope Francis has appointed Bishop Edward J. Weisenburger, currently Bishop of the Diocese of Tucson, as the sixth Archbishop of Detroit. The archbishop-elect succeeds Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron, who has served the archdiocese since 2009.
The new archbishop will be installed at a ceremony at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament at 2:00 p.m., on March 18. On March 17 at 5:30 p.m., Archbishop-elect Weisenburger will lead Vespers (evening prayer) at Sacred Heart Major Seminary. Additional details about the installation liturgy will be shared in the coming days. Following his installation, Archbishop Weisenburger will begin his assignment as chief shepherd of Michigan’s largest Catholic diocese, comprising more than 900,000 Catholics and 213 parishes.
As required by Church law, Archbishop Vigneron submitted his resignation to the Holy Father when he turned 75 on October 21, 2023. Pope Francis has named him to serve as apostolic administrator of Detroit until Archbishop-elect Weisenburger’s installation. Archbishop Vigneron will celebrate a farewell Mass on Sunday, March 9, at 11:00 a.m. at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament.
Archbishop-elect Weisenburger commented on the announcement:
“The Archdiocese of Detroit is a Church steeped in rich history, vibrant ministries, and known for a committed clergy with a great passion for evangelization. I am humbled to be called to serve such a noble Church. Despite the challenge of leaving my happy home in the Diocese of Tucson, I promise the good people of the Archdiocese of Detroit my all,” Archbishop-elect Weisenburger said. “I am exceptionally grateful to Archbishop Vigneron for the warmth, kindness, and encouragement he expressed to me immediately upon learning of my assignment. His generous assurance of a warm welcome and his desire to be of fraternal help to me is a true blessing. It is my hope that his retirement will be marked by length of years, robust health, and many rich blessings.”
Archbishop Vigneron offered his support for the new Archbishop of Detroit:
“On behalf of all the people of God in the Archdiocese of Detroit, and in my own name, I extend to Archbishop-elect Weisenburger a heartfelt welcome to his new home,” Archbishop Vigneron said. “I offer the assurance of our prayerful support as he comes here to take up the mission being given to him by our Holy Father Pope Francis.”
Archbishop-elect Weisenburger was ordained a priest on December 19, 1987. He served in various roles within the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City, including Vice-Chancellor, Adjutant Judicial Vicar, and Vicar General, while also engaging in parish and prison ministries. He was named Bishop of Salina, Kansas, by Pope Benedict XVI in 2012 and later became Bishop of Tucson in 2017, appointed by Pope Francis. Archbishop-elect Weisenburger has held leadership roles within the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the National Association of Church Personnel Administrators, and Catholic Rural Life, and he holds memberships in the Knights of Columbus and the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.
With the announcement of Archbishop-elect Weisenburger’s appointment, Archbishop Vigneron assumes the status of Apostolic Administrator and Archbishop Emeritus of Detroit, the latter title he shares with Cardinal Adam J. Maida, who led the Archdiocese of Detroit from 1990 until his retirement in 2009.
“I count myself blessed by God, far beyond what I deserve, to have served for these past sixteen years as the principal pastor of the archdiocese,” Archbishop Vigneron said, reflecting on his ministry. “It has been the joy of my life to lead this local Church in responding to the Lord’s commission to share his Good News of salvation.”
Ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Detroit in 1975, the Most Rev. Allen H. Vigneron first served as an auxiliary bishop in Detroit from 1996-2003 and the Bishop of Oakland, California, from 2003-2009. He was named Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Detroit by Pope Benedict XVI on January 5, 2009. In November 2016, Archbishop Vigneron led a Synod during which more than 400 participants—clergy, religious, and laity—gathered to pray, share, and discern a plan to renew the Church in Detroit. The fruit of those efforts was Archbishop Vigneron’s pastoral letter, Unleash the Gospel, released on the Solemnity of Pentecost 2017. In this letter, Archbishop Vigneron gave the roadmap for the missionary transformation of the Archdiocese of Detroit. This foundational document is the repository of the graces of Synod 16 that allows the work of unleashing the Gospel in southeast Michigan to move forward with confidence, focus, and resolve.
The Archdiocese of Detroit was established by Pope Gregory XVI in 1833 as the Diocese of Detroit and was elevated to an archdiocese by Pope Pius XI in 1937. Today, the archdiocese encompasses 3,903 square miles of six counties in southeast Michigan: Lapeer, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, St. Clair, and Wayne. There are more than 900,000 self-identifying Catholics in the Archdiocese of Detroit who are served by 213 parishes and 81 elementary and high schools.
Snow Days
We are monitoring today's impending winter storm, and will make a decision on closing school tomorrow-sometime this evening. Tomorrow's potential snow day will put us over the allotted amount allowed by the state. Once winter is over, we will assess how much time is needed to make up, and will share how we plan to do that over the course of the rest of the year.
Boys Basketball Game Canceled Tonight
Due to the impending weather, tonight's boys basketball game has been rescheduled for next Thursday, February 20th at 6:00PM against St. Augustine #2. Come on out and cheer the team on, as well as checking out our cheerleaders performing during the game and at halftime! Cost of admission is $5.00 dollars. We also have our concessions stand running with snacks, drinks, hot dogs and pizza for sale during the game!
Staff vs Students Basketball Game Wednesday, February 26th
Mark your calendars for a fun evening on Wednesday, February 26th at 6:00PM, as we will be holding our 1st Annual Staff vs Student Basketball Game! Members of our staff will be playing against our 4th and 5th Grade students in a fun basketball game to raise money for our new playground equipment. We will be raffling off Detroit Pistons tickets, and will have a number of fun games at halftime for our kids and parents to take part in. More information to come, along with the introductions of our team rosters and activities taking place during the game! Come on out for a fun evening and help the school raise money for our new playground equipment. See flyer below for additional information. We will be sending home a hard copy of the flyer on Friday!
Academic Olympics Judges Needed
We are in need of judges for our Academic Olympics Competition on Saturday, March 1st. This competition is against our other Blue Water Vicariate Schools in four different categories: Math, Religion, Problem Solving and Forensics. The Forensics competition needs volunteer judges to score the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade student out loud readings in four different categories: Humorous Prose, Serious Prose, Humorous Poetry, Serious Poetry. You do not need to have experience, and there will be a meeting before the competition to explain how to score with the other judges assigned to your genre (four judges per genre, so you won't be scoring alone) The competition runs from 9:00-1:00PM, with a judges meeting at 8:30AM here at St. Ed's. If you are interested in volunteering, please call the office or see Mr. Metty for additional information!
Mid Winter Break February 14th-17th
Just a reminder that our Mid Winter Break will start this Friday, February 14th-17th. School will resume on Tuesday, February 18th!
February 20th PTO Meeting Canceled!
Information will be shared via parent communication for upcoming items in the next two weeks.
Paula and Gerry McCarthy Fundraiser Sunday, February 23rd
Last Tuesday, we sent out information on the fundraiser to assist Paula and Gerry McCarthy, as they go through their cancer treatments. Paula and Gerry have been involved in many facets of the parish and school over the years, and could use our help. The fundraiser will be held on Sunday, February 23rd from 11:00AM-3:00PM at the Parish Hall. If you can make it out to support them, it is appreciated. We are also soliciting donated items for the afternoon at the Sign Up Genius link below. If you re able to provide items for this event, it is appreciated. Donated items should be brought to the school or Parish Office on Friday, February 21st. Thank you for your help with this, as we keep the McCarthys in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.
Preschool and Kindergarten Round Up Date Set
Our Preschool and Kindergarten Round Up will be held on Thursday, March 6th from 4:00-5:30PM! This event is for new families considering our school for next year, as well as for our preschool families that would like to know more about our Kindergarten program. You will have an opportunity to meet our teachers, take a tour with the principal and receive information about these two programs. Please share with friends and family that are interested in knowing more about St. Edward on the Lake.
February Happenings
14-17-Mid Winter Break
20-Basketball Game @ HOME vs St. Augustine #2 6:00PM
20-PTO Meeting 7:00PM CANCELLED
22-Basketball @ Immaculate Conception 9:00AM
24-Chess Club
26 Staff vs Students Basketball Game 6:00PM
AOD Tuition Assistance Scholarship Window Opens December 16th
The 2025-2026 AOD Tuition Assistance Application will open on December 16, 2024, and close on February 28, 2025. Parents may visit the Detroit Catholic Schools Tuition Assistance Page for application information.
Parents should reference the Parent information Document for details regarding the application and contact FACTS Customer Service for individual application questions.
For Catholic Families only: All awardee families must be current members of a Catholic parish within the Archdiocese of Detroit. Your Pastor’s signature on the form below is required to complete your application. Forms must be turned into your school’s office by February 28, 2025. Non-Catholic Applicants do NOT need to turn in a Pastor Signature Form.
New for the 2025-2026 AOD Tuition Assistance application, the Department of Catholic Schools alongside FACTS Grant & Aide will be hosting three webinars for parents. These webinars will be a chance for applicants to fully understand the application requirements and ask any questions they may have. The dates, times and webinar links are posted below.
Please note: These webinars will be recorded and posted on the Tuition Assistance page of the Detroit Catholic Schools website.
DCS & FACTS Parent Webinar Flyer & Dates:
- Parent Webinar Information
- TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2024, AT 5:30 P.M.
- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2024, AT 12:00 P.M.
- WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2024, AT 5:30 P.M.
- You can submit a question here prior to the webinar.
February Lunch Supervisor Volunteer Sign Up Link
Please see below for the link to sign up to volunteer to be a Lunch Helper during our lunch and recess cycle from 11:15-12:30PM. Duties include: Assisting students in the lunchroom and monitoring our recess sessions. Please consider volunteering, as we are always in need of help during the lunch block.
School Calendar on our Website!
Need to check out the happenings at St. Ed's? Check out the calendar on our school website. This calendar has most activities and events taking place at the school during the course of the year. There are items that are added as we go, once we have solidified a date, but most of our items can be found on this calendar. Check it out at the link below.
Background Checks and Protecting God's Children Refresher Course Requirements
The AOD Office of Child and Youth Protection has implemented new requirements for all employees and volunteers who work at the school, along with parents wishing to attend field trips with their child during the year. The Protecting God’s Children Program and training has been updated and anyone that completed their PGC class prior to January 1, 2021, are required to take a refresher course module online. Those that need to take this module should have received an email, but if you didn’t, due to using an older email at the time that is no longer in use, you can go onto the Virtus site at the below address, log into your account, and take the two-hour session. It is self-paced and doesn’t need to be completed in one sitting. Once you are done, please print a copy of the certificate for us to have on file here in the office. As was mentioned above, this refresher module will pertain to ALL family members that volunteer at the school, attend field trips, etc. We will have access to the list of people that need the refresher, and will be cross checking before you are allowed to work, volunteer or attend field trips with your child. If you took the PGC class BEFORE January 1, 2021, you will need to take the online refresher module.
New Employees and Recurrent Adult Volunteers
All new paid employees, stipend individuals, coaches, catechists, shared-time teachers, VBS staff, lunchroom/ playground volunteers, filed trip chaperones and tutors must complete:
- A live Protecting God’s Children training, available either in- person or via Zoom
- The online Vulnerable Adults 2.0 Module
The live in-person and Zoom sessions are two-and-a-half to three hours in length and include the Protecting God’s Children 4.0 module. Sessions are available in English and Spanish.
Registrants to the live sessions are automatically assigned access to the 40-minute online Vulnerable Adults 2.0 module, which they complete on their own time. The registrant can pause, save, and resume their position in the training if they cannot complete it in one sitting. Individuals in this category will receive certificates showing completion of the live module and the online Vulnerable Adults module.
New Intermittent/Occasional Volunteers
Occasional new adult volunteers who do not serve in a recurring role with youth (as listed above) may complete Protecting God’s Children certification either through a live session (in person or via Zoom) or by completing the Protecting God’s Children Online Awareness Session 4.0 and Vulnerable Adults 2.0 combined self- paced training module.
The online modules take approximately two hours to complete. The online modules are available in English and Spanish, with closed captioning, and Polish or Vietnamese subtitles. The registrant can pause, save, and resume their position in the training if they cannot complete it in one sitting. Individuals in this category will receive a certificate showing completion of the combined module.
Recertification for all current Adult Employees and Volunteers
All priests, deacons, employees, and volunteers who completed a Protecting God’s Children workshop prior to January 1, 2020, are required to update their certification by completing the Protecting God’s Children Online Awareness Session 4.0 with Vulnerable Adults Training 2.0 combined module. The module is self-paced and takes approximately two hours to complete. Individuals may pause, save, and resume their position in the training if they cannot complete it in one sitting.
Ongoing Triennial Recertification
All individuals will be required to complete the Protecting God’s Children
online recertification module within three months of the third anniversary of their previous Protecting God’s Children certification. The Virtus system will automatically send to a participant’s email on file a notification to prompt them to complete recertification. You can access the Virtus site at: www.Virtusonline.org
-Background Check Forms:
We recently sent home a hard copy Background Check form for our parents to fill out to be background checked. Per new AOD guidelines, everyone involved with our school that volunteers will also need to be background checked every TWO years. In the past, this was done one time, and you were good to go. This is no longer the case, as we look to ensure the utmost safety for our students and staff here at St. Ed's. If you have other extended family that volunteers or attends field trips at our school, they will also need to fill out the form and be background checked as well. If you have not filled this form out yet, please do so and send back to the office. We would like to get these completed this month before field trips and other on-site opportunities take place for our families to take part in. Thank you for your help with this.
Food Service Menus-Free and Reduced Lunch Applications
Please find our January Breakfast and Lunch Menus attached below. You will also receive a weekly menu that needs to be returned the prior week, as this will give us an idea of how much food needs to be prepared on each day!
If you plan on utilizing the AOD Breakfast and Lunch Service this year, please see the attached information on how to set up or view your account. There is also information on filling out a Free and Reduced Lunch Application, if you feel you might qualify.
2024-2025 School Calendar
Please find the 2024-2025 School Calendar below. A hard copy of the calendar will be sent home today! Our first day of school for the new school year will be on Tuesday, September 3rd and will be a half day!
St Edward on the Lake Facebook Page
Check us out at the link below! We try to post happenings at the school,. along with some cool pics of the activities going on at St. Ed's during the week!
St. Edward on the Lake School
Email: stedwardschoolprincipal@outlook.com
Website: https://stedwardonthelakeschool.org
Location: 6995 Lakeshore Road, Lakeport, MI, USA
Phone: 1-810-385-4461
We are the Lakers, Keepers of God's Creation!