JML Principal Newsletter
Week of 5/13/24
May is...
Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Jewish American Heritage Month
National Women's Health Week (11th-17th)
National Celiac Awareness Day (16th)
Do Something Good for your Neighbor Day (16th)
Bike to Work Day (17th)
Memorial Day (27th)
Lucky Penny Day (23rd)
Wednesdays & Thursdays - Late Bus Days
5/15 - JML Spirit Night at Brewster's (5pm-7pm) *Mention JML!
5/16 - Civics SOL
5/20 - Strings 6 Concert
5/21 - Math SOL
5/21 - Chorus 7 & 8 Concert
5/21 - PTA Meeting (7pm) - Last one of the year! Voting Day!
5/23 - Science SOL
5/23 - Big Night Out (6pm-8pm)
5/27 - Memorial Day Holiday / No School
5/29 - Chorus 6 Concert
5/31 - 8th Grade Dance
Thank you to our PTA and Community!
I wanted to take a moment to thank our PTA and our community for making Staff Appreciation Week last week special. We had lots of goodies for our staff, including a catered lunch, snacks, gift cards, and more. Our staff felt appreciated and I can't thank you enough for making them feel special.
From our PTA
JML Spirit Night THIS WEDNESDAY at Brewster's Ice Cream
- Mention JML and come from 5-7pm
8th Grade Yard Signs are IN!
- Pick up in front of JML on Tuesday, May 14: 6pm-8pm or Thursday, May 16: 6pm-8pm
Big Night Out (5/23):
- Sign up to Volunteer here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4BAAAF2DA4FD0-49551343-jmls#/
The Battle of Braddock: Results
Although Willard MS still holds the trophy for the Battle of Braddock after last week's volleyball tournament, collectively the communities of Willard, Mercer, and Lunsford raised over $2,100 for child/pediatric cancer. Our students and staff had a great time participating in the games and it was a nice evening in the community. If you missed it this year, make sure you attend next year. It was really a great time!
SGA Works to Support Mr. and Mrs. Diamond
Our SGA students fundraised and presented a check to the Loudoun First Responders last week so they could directly support the Diamond Family. Students heard from Mr. and Mrs. Diamond about the accident, his recovery, and supports he has needed along the way. We are so happy to hear both of our Diamonds plan to return to teaching with us in the fall.
Freedom Track Program Interest Meeting for JML Students
Coach Hovan and Coach Weeks will be at JML on Tuesday May 28th from 8:30am-9:00 am (during advisory) in the front of the auditorium to talk with rising 9th grade students about Track. Students should report to their advisory teacher BEFORE coming to the meeting.
8th Grade End of Year Events
Parent Volunteer Sign Up for the Dance: https://forms.gle/pNeXxgy2RcMk5fqWA
Are you interested in Coaching High School Sports?
LCPS is offering a free workshop series for community members interested in coaching high school sports. The six-course learning series, to be held in person at the LCPS Administration Building (21000 Education Ct., Ashburn) between May 15 and June 17, will provide comprehensive training and preparation to equip prospective coaches with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel on and off the field or platform. This workshop series will empower participants to make a difference in students' lives through coaching and mentorship.
The series includes the following:
· Becoming a Transformational Coach
· A Better Way Athletics
· LCPS/ Virginia High School League Rules
· Virginia High School League
· Nuts and Bolts
· Officials and Human Resources Hiring Process
Please note that space is limited and is on a first-come, first-serve basis. For a detailed description of the classes, review the attached flyer or visit the LCPS Athletics webpage. To secure your spot, complete the interest form, and a member of the Athletics Department will be in contact. All questions should be directed to Derek Farrey, Assistant Director of Athletics and Extracurricular Activities.
Sources of Strength Students Support Mental Health Awareness Month
Our Sources of Strength Peer Leaders encourage all JML students to identify strengths in their lives and to spread the positive messages of Hope, Help and Strength. May is Mental Health Awareness Month, so JML Peer Leaders are promoting the strength of positive Mental Health through a school-wide campaign. The purpose of the campaign is to educate students how positive Mental Health is about getting the support we need and deserve to help us when we are struggling. To promote this message, Peer Leaders participated in the morning announcements, contributed to a SOS bulletin board (picture shown), created videos suggesting strategies for supporting their mental health, and contributed to two Advisory Lessons with details about Mental Health Awareness month.
Free Parent Coaching & Resources to Support Student Mental Health
Free parent coaching is available to LCPS parents and guardians. Parent coaching is a confidential resource that connects parents/guardians with a parenting coach and therapist-created content to help navigate the ups and downs of parenting. Parents/guardians can also access a library of videos and parenting courses at any time to help find answers and compassionate help to mental health, emotional or developmental challenges. These resources are available at no cost, thanks to a partnership between LCPS and ParentGuidance.org.
FREE Tutoring for LCPS Students
LCPS offers free, on-demand tutoring through Varsity Tutors to all kindergarten through grade 12 students. This free resource is available to all LCPS students. The free Varsity Tutors program provides homework help, writing support and live enrichment sessions 24 hours a day and seven days a week in various subjects, including math, science, writing and more. Parents/guardians should contact Varsity Tutors to learn more about all the available services. All tutoring sessions are provided in English only.
R9th Grade: Course Request Changes
Freedom HS is currently working on their master schedule. The final date to make any requests to change a class for next year at Freedom is June 10. If you have a request, contact your child's counselor.
School Attendance in May and June
A quick reminder to all families. Our last day of school is June 14. Students are expected to be in school until June 14. Please plan summer trips after June 14. May and June are important months in school because students are taking final and Standardized tests. Another gentle reminder: all trips are unexcused absences. School Year 2024-2025 will begin on Thurs, August 22.
Lions Leap - R6 Summer Program
If you have a current 5th grade student coming to JML, here is the Lions Leap summer program information: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFesbYU_6w/YsrJBKpHpeuSStfqSWpujg/view?utm_content=DAFesbYU_6w&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor
Expunging a Final Grade (HS Credit courses only)
Middle School Expungement Process
Middle school students who have taken a high school course while in sixth, seventh, or eighth grade may elect to have the course expunged (grade and credit omitted) from the student’s high school records. The high school credit courses available to middle school students include the following:
· Algebra 1
· Geometry
· Algebra II/Trig
· Robotics
· World Languages
Student's GPA and class standing will NOT include the grade from the expunged course, nor will the student receive a credit toward graduation for this course.
Students are not required to repeat a high school-credited course that has been expunged, unless it is a prerequisite and needed to fulfill a graduation requirement. LCPS requires that courses taken in mathematics and world language follow a sequence of courses that include prerequisites and no pre-requisite course may be expunged without repeating.
Course Progressions:
If a high school math course is expunged in 7th or 8th grade, the results will be one of the following:
· Student will retake the course in 8th or 9th grade or,
· Student will retake the course in the summer (if applicable- this would be a discussion with your child's School Counselor and Math teacher)
If a high school world language course is expunged in 7th or 8th grade, the results will be one of the following:
· Student will repeat the course in 8th or 9th grade, or
· Student can switch to a different World Language Elective, or
· Student can switch to a different elective
· Student can retake the course in the summer (if applicable- this would be a discussion with your child's School Counselor and World Language teacher)
If a middle school student receives a grade of “F” in a high school credit bearing course, that grade and course will automatically be expunged by your student’s school counselor. No permission click response needed.
Students do have an opportunity to enroll in summer courses through Virtual Loudoun Online Learning. Summer courses taken following the promotion of 8th grade are not eligible for expungement.
Strong consideration should be given for expunging low grades in credit-bearing courses. Below are some additional examples to consider:
· Grades lower than a B- will equate to less than 3.0 GPA
· Mastered or feel confident with the content? Expunging and repeating gives students an opportunity to increase their understanding of the content and improve the grade
If you wish to expunge the grade for a high school course taken in middle school, the expungement form must be completed through Permission Click. Expungement requests should be submitted to the school counseling department no later than the end of the first quarter of the 2024-2025 school year.
Please note the following:
- If your student is a current sixth or seventh grader, please submit the form to your student's middle school counselor. This link can be found at the bottom of your Middle School website (https://permission.click/M6L99/int/NE4/signee-info)
- If your student is a current eighth grader, please submit the form on or before the end of the first quarter of the 2024-2025 school year through your student’s home high school link. Please assure you are using the correct link.
- https://permission.click/B1AeA/int/n8Vb/signee-info
- The link above is the expungement form for FREEDOM HIGH SCHOOL
- If your student is attending a different high school, please reach out to your student’s school counselor to receive the correct link.
- Courses taken in middle school cannot be expunged after the end of the first quarter of the 2024-2025 school year.
- To successfully meet the prerequisite requirements for course sequencing students may be enrolled in the same course they are expunging for the upcoming school year,
- Example: Algebra 1 is expunged in 8th grade, must repeat Algebra 1 in 9th grade
Please be advised that the decision to expunge a grade is irreversible.
If you have questions, please contact your child's middle school counselor.
Considering a Career in LCPS?
- Check out the opportunities to work in LCPS: https://lcps.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx
- Save the Date! June 25th, LCPS is holding a Support Staff Career Expo. This is an event to attend if you are interested in any of the following positions: School Nutrition Services, Custodial Services, Safety & Security, Digital Experience. Stay tuned for more details.
Spring Testing Schedule
April 15-16: MAP (Math)
April 17-18: MAP (Reading)
May 1-2: SOL Integrated Reading & Writing (8th Gr)
May 9: SOL Reading
May 16: SOL Civics (8th Gr)
May 21: SOL Math
May 23: SOL Science (8th Gr)
VDOE created a new webpage entitled, “Parent & Caregiver Resources for Virginia Assessments.”
JML Staff Members of the Month
Congratulations to the following staff who have gone above and beyond to make JML the best middle school in Loudoun County!
Ramin Amani, TA
Patti Benalayat, 8th Grade House Secretary
Carson Kreide, History Teacher
Sue Lynde, EL Teacher
Cindy Reardon, FACS & Drama Teacher
Helpful Links
Previous Editions of the Principal Newsletter: https://www.lcps.org/lunsford
South Riding Magazine-May Edition: https://online.fliphtml5.com/gxrlq/tyab/#p=1