WMS Math Coach Newsletter
February 2025
Contact Me!
I am here to answer any math questions and help support your child in grades 6-8 math! I look forward to hearing from you!
Cristina Spicer
Math Class Updates
Grade 6: Students in grade 6 are finishing up their unit on exponents and creating multiple representations. Next, we will head into area and surface area. Area measures the number of square units that cover a shape without gaps or overlaps.Click here for more information!
Grade 7: Our 7th graders are finishing up adding, subtracting, multiplying and division with negative numbers. Next, they will begin to work on solving equations and inequalities. We use visuals like tape diagrams and hanger models to help with our understanding of this. Click here for more information!
Grade 8: 8th graders are working scatterplots and data! Lists, sorted tables, scatter plots, and dot plots are all ways we can organize numerical data. Scatter plots show us how two different variables are related. Click here for more information!
Our Curriculum - Desmos
Here is what you can expect for your student in math class:
- A blend of learning on paper and with technology.
- Standards-aligned lessons that help students express their brilliance.
- Feedback that shows students what their ideas mean without judgment and encourages perseverance and revision.
- Resources within each lesson to meet the needs of diverse learners.
- A Family Resource for each unit that includes explanations of key math concepts and problems to try with your student. We hope your student will enjoy exploring math using technology, working with friends to solve problems, and learning about different concepts.
Students will have math homework. If they need help, you can ask you child:
What is the problem asking?
What do you already know?
Where have you seen something like this before?
Can you brainstorm a few strategies to get started?
Can you look back at the work you did in class for help?
Students took our iReady diagnostic at the end of January. You will receive a family report in your student's report card in March. For more information, visit the iReady Family Center.
Ways to support your middle schooler with math
- Maintain a positive math attitude
- Ask them to explain their thinking
- Tell them how you use math in your everyday life