Notes & Quotes
September 20, 2024
Lugoff Elementary School
Dr. Melissa C. Lloyd, Principal
Mrs. Jennifer Bonds, Assistant Principal
"A Title 1 School"
"Mission Possible: Engaging Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day"
994 Ridgeway Road, Lugoff, SC 29078
Phone 803-438-8000, Fax 803-408-3970
Website –
The mission of Lugoff Elementary School is to develop competent, confident, lifelong learners by creating a safe, child-centered environment where the school and community collaborate to help students attain their maximum potential.
Week at a Glance
September 23-27
Sunday - First Day of Fall
Monday -
Tuesday -
Immigration Day (5th grade); CiCi's Pizza Night (4-8:30PM)
Wednesday -
Thursday -
LES Spirit Day @ Scooters Coffee (all day)
Friday - Pelican's
Looking Ahead:
Tuesday, Oct 1: Beta Club Induction @ 6:00 PM
Thursday, Oct 3: Camden Fire Department visits 1st grade
Friday, Oct. 4: End of the First 9 Wks.
School's Out!
LES Named One of America's Healthiest Schools
Lugoff Elementary School has been recognized as one of America's healthiest schools by Healthier Generation for our commitment to supporting student, staff, and family well-being! The LES Wellness Team was recognized last night at the KCSD School Board meeting. Mrs. Geiger, our PE teacher, will represent our school in October at the National Leaders Summit. Way to go, Counts!
Lugoff Elementary Good News Club
Good News Club is an exciting, fun-filled weekly club for kids in which the Bible is clearly taught with dynamic stories, creative learning activities, meaningful songs, and life changing scripture memory! Good News Club will meet every Thursday from 2:30-4:00 starting September 23rd and snacks will be served! "Permission slips can be accessed via a link or QR code through PeachJar." We are looking forward to a great year!
Hearing and Vision Screenings Coming on Tuesday, October 1st
Each year, the Kershaw County school nurses screen students' hearing and vision using the recommendations provided by the Department of Public Health. The recommended grades being screened this year are kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th grades. A team of school nurses will conduct screenings the morning of Tuesday, October 1st, beginning at 7:50 a.m. Please make every effort to have your child present and on time October 1. Students who wear glasses should wear them during their screening. If needed, referrals will be sent home shortly after fall break. Nurse Deal will screen special education and pre-k students at a later date. If you have any questions, please contact our school nurse, Annah J. Deal, BSN, RN at or 803-438-8000. Thank you!
Congratulations to Our September Golden Apple Recipients!
We are incredibly proud to recognize the amazing employees who go above and beyond every day to make LES a better place!
Your hard work, dedication and passion for our school truly make a difference in the lives of our students and the entire school community.
Let's give a big round of applause to our Golden Apple Award recipients! Thank you for everything you all do for LES
Our First House Huddles of the Year
Led by Student Leaders of each House
Information to Keep Handy
Parent/ Student Handbook 2024
Here is an updated copy of our handbook. Changes were made specifically to page 40. Please take a moment and check it out!
School Improvement Council
Tn South Carolina, a School Improvement Council (SIC) is an advisory council to the principal and school on issues related to school improvement. By law, every K-12 public school in South Carolina must have an SIC that is made up of parent, teacher, student (grades 9-12), and community member representatives. The principal is an ex-officio member of every SIC. An SIC may create additional ex-officio positions such as the school’s Teacher of the Year, PTA or PTO President, past SIC Chair, or a representative of the school’s Title I Advisory Committee. This committee meets once a month, with the exception of December. If you are interested in serving as the chair or secretary of this committee, please me Dr. Lloyd ( know as soon as possible. Elections will be held in October.
Car Rider and Walker Tags
If you do not have this year's car rider tags, now is the time to get them. The link is Anyone with the wrong tag will be sent to the front office to be identified. This is a protocol that we utilize to help maintain safety.
LES Counts are Healthy - AGAIN!
Communication is the Key!
Happy New School Year! The key to a successful school year is COMMUNICATION between home and school! The following link will take you to all the ways we communicate with our families throughout the year. You will get a hard copy of this list as well, so we ask that you put it somewhere to gain easy access.
Avenues of Communication Link:
Be Great Academy
Be Great Academy is presented by Boys & Girls Clubs of Kershaw County, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.
Our rates are based upon the family's ability to pay. Tuition assistance is offered based upon verified household income. For assistance with registration, please contact us to speak with a member representative at 803-231-3300.
Mon-Fri 2:30pm - 6:30pm to 4K-5th Grade
Register now Online at
- Homework help
- Nationally recognized programs
- Sports & recreation
- The arts and S.T.E.M.
- Snack & much more