Wharton Wildcat News
November 1, 2024
A Message From Ms. Modiest
Welcome November!!! October was a busy month for our students and staff. We also have a lot planned for the upcoming days ahead. We are excited to announce 4th grade and 5th grade Intramurals. The students will be playing basketball against other schools within the district.
The main focus will be about gratitude this month. This is a concept that we can practice daily. During morning announcements our students will continue to practice and promote kindness, being responsible, respectful, and safe. Thank you to all of the families who participated in our "Make, Take, and Taste."
At the end of the month we will have our Parent-Teacher Conferences. The teachers will be reaching out to schedule a conference. Please note that anytime throughout the year teachers may be contacted about your child's progress. We are excited about the many planned activities and will continue promoting academic success.
Just a reminder: This week we are tracking tardies. Every 3rd tardy will result in a detention. We want to support our famiies in developing appropriate practices. Being on time for school and ready to learn is important.
Breakfast will start daily at 7:20 and 8:20 on Wednesday late starts. We will begin school promptly at 7:50 on regular days and 8:50 on late starts. If a child is late please enter Door #4.
We appreciate your support in the following:
*Making sure your child arrives on time and attends daily.
*Completing all classwork and homework assignments.
*Promoting a love for reading.
Raquel K. Modiest, Principal
Congratulations to Our 2024-2025 Student Council Officers!!!
President: Adalynn Dominguez
Vice President: Aylin Garcia
Secretary: Serentity Reeves
Treasurer: Noel Orduno
Classroom Representatives...
Spirit Week...We Love Superheroes!!!
Attendance Matters!!!
A big round of applause to our families!!! We are very proud to say that our student tardies and absences are low. We also appreciate all of your efforts for contacting our office and keeping us informed when a student will be absent or tardy. Keep up the amazing job!
Students of the Month (Trustworthiness)
Dress For the Weather
With colder weather upon us, we want to be sure that your child comes dressed for the weather and ready to play outside. We will be going outside for recess each day.
Fridays Are Made For Dancing...
We can't choose the music that life gives us, but we can choose how to dance to it.-Author Unknown
Day of the Dead -Dia De Los Muertos...
This is a historical celebration that is celebrated every year in the Latino culture. The holiday is a special day to honor and celebrate deceased loved ones. This traditional Mexican holiday includes music, food, and other fun activities. Check out the offerings (ofendas) that our students an staff added. Remember this is a happy holiday!!! Thank you to Mrs. Reyes for organizing the Wharton altar.
News from our Social Worker...
This past week in SEL, students built connections through literacy with conversation. In kindergarten, students discussed "The Tortoise and the Hare" and had to pick a character that they felt more like based on the discussion. In the upcoming week, students will engage with literacy tasks related to Halloween. "Ghost Afraid of the Dark," a "Vooks" read aloud, will be the centerpiece for Kindergarten, First, Second grade. "Vooks" is a YouTube channel that created video based read aloud content and is linked below.
Patrick J. Birden
School Social Worker
Wharton+Walker Elementary
Summit School District 104
News from our Nurse...
Hello Wharton families! Please take a look for some important updates.
Hearing and vision screenings took place at Wharton on September 26th and October 4th. Students who did not pass a screening were sent home with a hearing and/or vision referral. I ask that you follow up with the appropriate physician as soon as possible and return medical documents. If you did not receive a referral, your student passed their screenings, and further action is not needed.
Dental day will be January 28th at Wharton school. Sign up today for a free dental exam that fulfills the kindergarten, second and sixth grade registration requirement. If your student is currently in first and fifth grade, sign up now to get ahead for the next school year. Return the permission form or use the QR code that is attached.
Cold and flu season is here please refer to the attachment of when to keep your student home when ill.
Your cooperation and support is greatly appreciated!
Julie Richter RN, BSN, PEL-CSN
Certified School Nurse
Wharton Elementary School
Main Office: 708-458-0640, Extension: 7226
Estimados padres del Distrito 104,
¡Bienvenido de nuevo al año escolar 2024-2025! Esperamos que hayan tenido unas vacaciones de verano divertidas y que estén emocionados de comenzar el nuevo año escolar en unos pocos días. A medida que volvemos al ritmo de las cosas, nos gustaría tomarnos un momento para revisar cuándo mantener a su hijo en casa debido a una enfermedad. Si su estudiante experimenta alguna de las enfermedades mencionadas a continuación, manténgalo en casa y haga un seguimiento con la enfermera de la escuela de su estudiante para obtener más orientación. Cuando envía a su estudiante a la escuela, está dando fe de que su estudiante goza de buena salud y está listo para aprender.
Además, si su estudiante desarrolla alguna de las enfermedades mencionadas a continuación, se le llamará para que recoja a su hijo(a) inmediatamente. Luego se le darán instrucciones sobre cómo y cuándo su hijo puede regresar a la escuela.
• Fiebre (100.0 o más): El estudiante puede regresar a la escuela después de estar 24 horas sin fiebre sin necesidad de medicamentos para reducir la fiebre.
• Vómito: El estudiante puede regresar a la escuela después de 24 horas sin vomitar.
• Diarrea: El estudiante puede regresar a la escuela después de 24 horas sin diarrea.
• Sarpullido: Un sarpullido sin diagnóstico será motivo para que el estudiante sea enviado a casa y pueda regresar con una nota de autorización del médico.
• Conjuntivitis: Un estudiante que desarrolle “ojo rosado” será enviado a casa y podrá regresar con una nota de autorización del médico.
En un esfuerzo por mantener a todos seguros, nuestro objetivo es crear un ambiente escolar saludable para optimizar el aprendizaje y prevenir la propagación de enfermedades. ¡Por favor ayúdenos a tener un año escolar seguro, saludable y feliz!
Please Join Us...Stop By The Wharton Table for Some Sweet Treats!!! TODAY!!!
4th and 5th Grade Intramural Basketball Info...
Fire Safety Assembly...
Back to School Information
Regular School Hours
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays
7:50 AM (arrival)
2:50 PM (dismissal)
Wednesdays (Late Start)
8:50 AM (arrival)
2:50 PM (dismissal)
Office Hours
August 21st-June 3rd
7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Free Breakfast
Breakfast will be available every morning for students.
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays starting at 7:20 AM.
Wednesdays at 8:20 AM.
School Uniforms
Students are required to wear a maroon collared polo or dress shirt with long/short sleeves. The polo/dress shirt may be plain or have the district logo. No other logos are allowed. Plain black or white undershirts may be worn under the maroon collared shirt. Shirts must extend to waistline.
Students may wear a plain black or maroon sweater/sweatshirt over their collared school shirt or over a plain white or black undershirt.
Must be black or khaki and worn at the waist. This includes shorts, Capri pants, and skirts. Leggings may be worn, but only when a shirt extending to mid-thigh is worn as well.
Students may wear their Wharton school spirit shirt with jeans every Friday.
- Student clothing (including accessories) may not advertise, promote, or a picture of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, violent behavior, or other inappropriate images.
- Student clothing (including accessories) may not display lewd, vulgar, obscene, offensive language/symbols nor gang signs.
- Hats, coats, bandanas, and sunglasses may not be worn inside the building, during the school day.
- Dress and accessories that pose a safety hazard are not permitted in the bathrooms and educational classrooms.
- Clothing with holes, rips, or tears, that reveal skin and/or undergarments may not be worn at school.
- The length of shorts or skirts must be appropriate for the school environment.
- Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times. Open-backed footwear is not permitted.
Dates to Remember
Nov. 1st, Friday: Parent-Child Activity/PBIS Celebration (50th Day of School)
Nov. 3rd, Sunday: Daylight Savings Ends
Nov. 4th,Monday: Picture Retakes
Nov. 5th, Tuesday: Election Day/No School
Nov. 6th, Wednesday: Late Start
Nov. 11th, Monday: Veterans Day
Nov. 12th, Tuesday: Board Meeting @ Walsh 7:00 p.m.
Nov. 13th, Wednesday: Late Start
Nov. 15th, Friday: End of Trimester
School Board Meeting, Nov.12, 2024@Walsh-7:00 p.m.
Kindergarten will recieve an IPad and charger on their first day.
First Grade will be given their device, charger and case on the first day.
Second, Third, and Fourth Grade will need to bring their device and charger from the previous year.
Fifth Grade will need to return their old device with the charger to recieve a new one.
You can call our Main office if you have any questions or concerns.
Main office:
Stay Connected
- Download the free district app to stay up to date with important information. Search Summit School District 104 in the app store.
- Facebook: Summit School District 104
- Instagram: @schooldistrict104
- Twitter: @104Summit
- Website: https://www.sd104.us/o/wharton-es