Sebastian River Middle School
July 29, 2019
We hope that everyone has had a wonderful summer and is ready to enjoy another fantastic year in COWBOY COUNTRY! This welcome back newsletter provides important information to make your time at SRMS meaningful, whether it’s your student's first time at SRMS or they are a returning student.
In July, we were notified by the Florida Department of Education that SRMS had improved its school grade ranking to a B! We increased our overall points earned by 6% with an overall increase of 53 points. It is significant to point out that there are nine areas evaluated by the state and SRMS increased in eight of the nine areas. All grade levels in Math and Language Arts/Reading, Civics, and Science showed gains in Student Proficiency and Learning Gains. Furthermore, students showed an increase in Average Daily Attendance, and we were named a Golden School by the Florida DOE for our efforts with volunteers. Each result is an excellent indicator that we are within reach of the A school grade we all strive to achieve.
I am very proud of our students' efforts last year both in and out of the classroom. Everyone at SRMS is excited to see our returning students as well as meet our new students and incoming sixth grade class. It’s going to be an AWESOME year and we are glad that you choose SRMS as your child’s middle school.
Mr. Racine
The Parent Teacher Students Association welcomes you to join us for the 2019-2020 school year! PTSA Executive Board positions currently vacant are President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Once elected, the Executive Board will establish meeting dates, 2019-2020 budget, and areas they feel that parents can support the students and teachers at SRMS. All are welcome!
Please contact Mrs. Holly Sequera at 564-5118 if you are interested in serving on the PTSA Executive Board. The school’s theme for this year is “StAying the Course for Success”. PTSA members were an extremely vital support system for our school as we improved our previous FLDOE School Grade of a C to a B! WE hope that you will consider joining our PTSA with a general membership which will be sold during Orientation on August 7th.
Parents in the general membership support the goals, budget and involvement opportunities defined by the PTSA Executive Board. Your membership identifies you as someone who is willing and able to support their initiatives at different times of the year. It is not a time-consuming involvement. Again, memberships will be available during Orientation. Please visit the table to join the fun, meet other parents, experience the benefits of joining this magnificent group of people who support our teachers, recognize our students, and enrich the relationships between parents and children!
The first SAC meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 27 at 3:30 p.m. in Media Center. The Florida Department of Education requires that a school’s SAC membership is indicative of its student enrollment. Currently, we need to add diversity to our SAC team with the addition of Hispanic and African American representation. What is SAC?
Anyone interested in joining the School Advisory Council is invited to attend the meeting on August 27. Please call or email Mrs. Holly Sequera, Administrative Assistant, at 564-5118 to confirm your attendance.
Elections will be held during our Open House August 29th.
Our school district is working diligently to improve the safety of all campuses. This year you will notice the addition of our Single Point of Entry as well as additional fencing. Both will provide further safety precautions to insure a safe and secure learning environment. With the SPE, when visitors check in, they will be greeted by our secretary, be asked to provide identification to be screened using our Raptor Identification System, and enter the building through an electronically controlled single entry point. Raptor can provide alerts on individuals who may jeopardize the safety of the campus.
We feel certain this will help us keep our campus safer and ask for your cooperation in presenting your valid driver’s license, or other valid photo ID, when checking in at the school or picking up your student during the school day.
Thank you for your assistance as we continue to work to keep all of our Cowboys safe.
Now that our front entrance construction is complete, there is a slight change to drop off and pick up of students from what it was at the end of last year. (This is a return to the procedure prior to construction.) Please adhere to the following directions. This will avoid confusion and back-ups in traffic. For safety reasons, students should NOT be dropped off or picked up anywhere other than the loop in front of the school.
The map below outlines the pattern that all vehicles are expected to follow. Vehicles should enter through the BACK entrance to the county pool, proceed through the gate into the pick-up loop, and EXIT at the traffic light in front of Sebastian River Middle School. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
2019 Orientation
Drop In any time between 3 and 6 for the following services-
- Transportation - click here to find your bus information
- Food Service - Free & Reduced lunch application - must be submitted on or after August 1 | meal payment online account
- Immunization/Medication Form Drop Off - click here for SDIRC Health Services Info
- PTSA Sign Up
- SAC Sign Up - What is SAC?
- Purchase PE Uniforms
- Purchase 2019 Spirit Shirts
- Order a 2020 Yearbook
- Pick up a copy of your schedule - also available in FOCUS starting 8/7
- Visit with teachers in their classrooms
- School Counselors - will be available
Wednesday, Aug 7, 2019, 03:00 PM
Sebastian River Middle School - Multi-Purpose Room
August 12 - First Day of School
August 27 - School Advisory Council (SAC)
August 28 - Early Release; Students dismissed at 12:45
August 29 - Open House: 5:30-7:30
FortifyFL is a suspicious activity reporting tool that allows you to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials.
Click the “speaker” button at the bottom of our school website to submit a tip online.
Sebastian River Middle School
Location: 9400 County Road 512, Sebastian, FL, USA
Phone: 772-564-5111
Twitter: @SRMScowboys