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What's Happening At Club Hill STEM
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Welcome Back!
Dear Club Hill STEM Families,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! I hope you all had a relaxing and enjoyable summer. It's my honor to serve as Principal for the 6th year and support our incredible learning community.
This year, we are embracing the theme of "Unlocking Endless Possibilities" in everything we do. Our mission remains to strive for academic excellence and the well-being of our students.
To our new families, whether from another school, city, or state, welcome! We are excited to have you join our community. Our dedicated staff has been working hard to prepare for the new school year, and we are eager to meet our students and begin this year’s journey together.
We will continue to focus on core academic subjects and STEM, while also integrating responsive classroom techniques, restorative practices, and social-emotional support. Our goal is to help students become critical thinkers and provide expanded opportunities for hands-on learning and enrichment activities that develop lifelong skills.
Please read the quarterly connection each quarter for important updates from the school and our community partners. Links are available on Class Dojo each quarter.
Join us for our Porch Party Night on Thursday, August 8th from 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM. These evenings will provide an opportunity to join the PTA, meet our community partners, and meet our staff and drop off your student's school supplies. Parents will only be allowed to walk their students into the building on the first day.
Our success is built on strong partnerships with families. Please consider joining the PTA and contributing to our school’s programs and resources. Your donations last year provided valuable resources, such as Principals 200 and PBIS/CLIMB parties, and this year, they will help continue these programs and more! PTA would also like to invite our ECSE, Pre-K, and Kindergarten parents to join them in our first-day Boohoo/Yahoo room located in the library. If you are crying or cheering for your little Cougar’s first day, PTA is here to support you!
For more information about our campus and to get involved, visit the Club Hill Facebook page and website. Our computer lab will be open to complete your back-to-school forms. All parents must complete a volunteer form and background check each year.
We look forward to a fantastic school year. Your involvement and support are crucial to our students' success. My door is always open for your input and ideas. Feel free to contact me at the email address below for anything that you may need.
Go Cougars!
Best regards,
Mrs. Allen, Principal
Important Back To School Events
Save The Date!
July 31- Teachers Return to Work
Week of August 8 - Porch Party 5PM - 7PM
August 12 - First Day of School
August 28 - Parent Information Night & Title -1 ECSE-2nd Grades
August 29 - Parent Information Night & Title - 1 3rd - 5th Grades
Keep and eye on Class Dojo, X, and Facebook over as Mrs. Toribio and I will add dates and announcements throughout the year. Class Dojo is our main way to communicate things happening at school.
Student Arrival
Student arrival will remain the same for the 24-25 school year as it was for the previous school year. Please see the map attached to this section for a visual on our arrival procedures. Our doors will open each morning at 7:30. Please note that there is no supervision before 7:30 and the middle and outside lanes are closed for the safety of our students and parking.
Pre-Kinder through 5th grade students will be dropped off in the front of the building. If they arrive before 7:55, Kinder-2nd graders will report to the gym. 3rd-5th graders will report to the cafeteria and ECSE & Pre-K students will report to their classrooms. Breakfast will be served in the classrooms at 7:55. Breakfast is free for all students. Bus and daycare students will be dropped off on the side of the building near the picnic area.
Parents will be allowed to walk their kids to class on the first day of school only. Please note that the first day of school is not a time for parent-teacher conferences. If you need to talk to your child's teacher, please be sure to attend our Parent Information night, or contact your child's teacher via email to setup a conference time. They will reach out to you to set that up.
Dismissal will remain unchanged this school year as well. Our dismissal procedures are outlined in the visual attached to this section. Before we go into detail about dismissal, please know that staff members are under strict expectations to never accept a child's word on a dismissal change. All dismissal changes must be communicated to the front office and to the teacher in writing via class dojo or by phone before 2:45 each day. If we do not hear from you, your child will be dismissed via their normal dismissal method.
At dismissal students are either car riders, walkers, or day care/bus riders.
Car Riders:
3rd-5th graders car riders and walkers will be dismissed from the front of the building. You must have your pick up tag displayed (you will receive these on August 8th at Porch Party). You will pull up and your child's name will be called. Please stay in your car and your child will come to your car. If you do not have your car rider tag you will be directed to park, and come inside to show ID. If your 3rd through 5th grade student has a Pre-K, 1st or 2nd grade sibling, they will be dismissed together through the front door.
PreK, Kinder, 1st, 2nd and ECSE Car Riders, will be dismissed from the side of the building near the picnic tables. Like in the front, you must have your car rider tag displayed If you do not have your car rider tag you will be directed to park, and go to the office to show ID.
Independent Walkers:
Independent Walkers will be released from the front of the building to walk home. Teachers at this duty station are there to supervise students as they walk off campus. If you expect your child to be supervised until you arrive, your child must be a car rider. If your child is seen waiting in the crosswalk or across the street, they will no longer be dismissed as a walker.
One last note about arrival and dismissal. Parents cannot enter the exit side of the front drive through. We had two parents receive tickets from Garland PD for doing this last year, and I have received word that they will continue to patrol the area for this during the 24-25 school year. Please help us keep our students safe by following all arrival and dismissal procedures.
Day Care and Bus Riders:
Parents must communicate which day care and bus that your child will be riding to your child's teacher before the first day of school. All Day Care and Bus students will be dismissed through the gym once they have been checked off.
Please note that dismissal the first week of school will take longer than it usually will. This is because people will be learning the procedures and getting back into the routine of everything. Please be patient the first week of school with the process and other people as we get everything down. Thank you!
Bus Transportation
If your child rides a GISD bus, please log into the Stop Finder App to update your contact information and to verify that the information that transportation has for you is correct. Check out the flyer below for information on how to do this.
Cougar Communication
Your Contact Information
Campus Dojo:
Class Dojo: Provided by each teacher.
Phone: (972)926-2520
Twitter: @Clubhill_Cougar