The Weekly Update #4
August 27th, 2024
Principal's Message
Wow! What a FUN Fall Festival our PTA hosted last Friday night! From decorations, to food, to costumes, to games, everyone had a great time! Thank you to our PTA for your preparation and planning, thank you to our families for your donations of candy and thank you to our staff who helped with games.
This week, our 3rd graders are taking the CogAt assessment Monday-Wednesday. Thursday is the end of the first grading period. Friday is a teacher workday. This will help us prepare for report cards which will go home the following week.
Looking ahead, here are some additional dates to add to your calendar for November:
- Nov. 5-Teacher Workday and Voting Day-No School
- Nov. 11-Veterans' Day Holiday-No School
- Nov. 12-Make up Picture Day
- Nov. 13-SIT meeting 3 pm
- Nov. 27-Teacher Workday-No School
- Nov. 28 and 29-Thanksgiving Holiday-No School
Thank you for your continued help with minimizing student absences, tardies and early check outs! It makes a difference in your child's education. Every minute counts!
Keep SOARing RedHawks!
Shout Out!
Shout out to our PTA who put together a fun Fall Festival. A lot of time & hard work goes into planning this festival each year, and it couldn't be done without our Awesome PTA and our generous Volunteers. Special shout out to Lauren and Mark Jacob who put in a lot of their time running around getting donations and supplies, hanging lights and organizing this event, and for Lauren for heading up the planning committee.
BOY Paperwork
- We still have about 90 families that have not completed their BOY paperwork.
- Shout Out to all parents that have been sending in the paperwork that was sent home.
- (BOY) Beginning of the Year paperwork is used to update phone numbers and addresses, and FERPA rights.
- When adding Emergency contacts we must have a first and last name., we can't add a contact with only a first name.
- If your address is different than it was last school year, please send in a new proof of residence. If you have moved outside of William's district, you must fill out a completion of the school year application online to remain at our school. That application can be found here.
- If you are moving out of New Hanover County, please enroll your child at their new school as soon as possible. That school will reach out to us for records. Only then will your child be unenrolled from Williams.
Would you like to represent our school on a Parent & Family Engagement Committee?
We have been asked to get 1-3 parents to represent Williams Elementary on a New Hanover County Schools committee and we would love to have YOU! This council will provide important input on Parent & Family Engagement policies and outreach, identifying areas of need in the district, and how we should use our federal funding to support those needs. The committee will meet 1 time per month from 9:00-10:30 at the Board of Education Center. The first meeting will be held on September 27th. The other meeting dates are: Oct. 25, Nov. 22, Jan.24, Feb.28, Mar.28, Apr.25 and May 30. If you are interested or would like more information, please email Mrs. Lennon, principal at
Student Support Services
The 2024-2025 NHCS Student Handbook on Code of Conduct, Discipline, & Annual Notifications is published and available under the quick links on the NHCS website. Although it is linked in the Beginning of Year Application through Scribbles, please be sure to highlight the Student Code of Conduct and Annual Notifications with your families. The Spanish version is still the 2023-2024 edition and will be updated as soon as possible.
Missing Something? Check Lost and Found
Located in the Cafeteria.
Need to Contact Transportation?
Mary C. Williams Elementary
Location: 801 Silver Lake Rd, Wilmington, NC 28412
Phone: 910.350.2150
Facebook: Mary C Williams