KMS Friday Principal's Press

Friday, November 8, 2024
Happy Friday! Here is some important information from KMS:
Halloween Poll Results
The overwhelming majority of voters (74%) believe students should be able to wear school-appropriate costumes to school for Halloween. We will keep this in mind moving forward!
Student Council Canned Food Drive
Student Council is running a canned food drive starting next week until Thanksgiving Break. Donation boxes will be set up in the 8th grade wing. When students come in in the morning, they can bring any donations straight to the A-wing to put in our donation boxes to avoid carrying around cans all day. Once we get closer to Thanksgiving, our Student Council Advisor, Miss Pizzini, will take all donations to the Kennett Food Cupboard and the Chester County Food Bank.
In case you are wondering, the Kennett Food Cupboard needs the following items the most:
White rice
Canned pinto/black beans
Canned tomatoes/sauce
Canned corn or mixed vegetables
Canned fruit
Peanut butter
Canned chicken/tuna
Ramen noodles
Shout Out!
We are incredibly proud of our students' progress and look forward to continuing this journey of learning and success together. Thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement!
Student Assistance Program
SAP is designed to assist in identifying issues including alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and mental health issues which pose a barrier to a student's success. The primary goal of the Student Assistance Program is to help students overcome these barriers so that they may achieve, advance, and remain in school.
KIT SAP is available to help students and their families who need assistance. Team members work to identify options for students with alcohol and/or drug related concerns and students who exhibit at-risk behavior. Be advised that KIT SAP does not provide diagnosis or treatment services nor does it replace the parents' decision-making responsibilities relative to the resolution of their children's problems.
Café en Familia
Please join our Spanish-speaking families at a presentation on Thursday, November 14, in the Mary D. Lang Kindergarten Center cafeteria at 6 pm by our Social Work team on best practices for engaging in parent conferences and utilizing Skyward. The Garage, in collaboration with KHS student volunteers, will be providing babysitting in the P Pod for students in 5th grade and below. Students in 6th-12th grade are encouraged to attend the presentation with their parents.
Reminder: Fall Parent Teacher Conferences:
Parent Teacher Conferences will be on Friday, November 22nd and Monday, November 25th. Many families have already scheduled conferences with teams of teachers or case managers.
For families who do not have a scheduled conference but are interested in meeting with one of their child's teachers, please use our Skyward Conference Scheduler. Here are directions for how to reserve a time slot.
- Families: Scheduling a Conference in Skyward-English (YouTube)
- Families: Viewing Your Conference Times and Finding Links- English (YouTube)
- Families: Viewing Your Conference Times and Finding Links- Spanish (YouTube)
- How To Login to Family Portal- English (PDF)
- Accessing Skyward Mobile App- English (PDF)
KMS teachers will not have the capacity to meet with all of their families during the two-day fall conference window. Parents/guardians are able to request to meet with teachers outside of the two-day fall conferences window.
A Face To Get To Know Better:
Meet Mrs. Lauren Gottstein, or as we call her, Gotti!
Gotti graduated from West Chester University with a degree in Kinesiology. She then went on to get a Master's degree in Heath Education Curriculum and Instruction.
This year is Gotti's 17th year at KMS. She taught Health and PE before moving into Family Development and Safety. For the past 16 years, Gotti has coached soccer, basketball, and softball for our 7th and 8th graders.
In addition to teaching and coaching, Gotti is one of KCSD's First Aid and CPR and AED instructors. This year, we were excited to add Athletic Manager to her list of roles.
Mrs. Gottstein is married and enjoys walking their two rescued pitbull pups in her (limited) free time.
Community Events: Kennett Holiday Store
That's right! We have a Kennett Holiday Store (<--click the link to access) up and running for all your holiday shopping needs. If your loved ones struggle with getting you the perfect gift, then send them to the online store and let them know they can't go wrong! There are 4 design options to choose from.
This store has options for students, staff and alumni throughout the district and community! The proceeds always go back to the Kennett High School Football Program and ultimately to our students. Please forward the link to anyone who may be interested.
The store will close on November 20th, no exceptions or extensions!
Thank You in advance for your support of the KHS Football team!
Community Events: Boys Volleyball Club
The pre-sean boys volleyball clinic starts Monday, 11/18, at 6:30 pm at KMS. The team is open to all 6th - 8th grade boys. Any interested middle school boy is invited to come participate in the clinics and learn volleyball skills in preparation for the spring season and KMS' first boys volleyball team. Any questions, please reach out to sophia.bilinsky@foxroach.com or 252-267-2701.
Community Events: KHS Prom Fundraiser
The KHS Juniors, class of 2026, are working very hard to raise money to offset the prom ticket price for all KHS students.
Get a premium wash at Go Green using the code 54726 in November and a share of the proceeds goes to the juniors.
Lily’s will donate 15% of each check on 11/21 if the diner writes Kennett 2026 on the bill.
Community Events: Best Buddies & Jersey Mike's
So, grab a friend, family member, or co-worker, and head to your nearest Jersey Mike’s this weekend. Your support helps Best Buddies build a more inclusive world where everyone can thrive!
Upcoming Events:
Monday, 11/11: School Board Meeting @MDLKC @ 7 pm
Thursday, 11/14: Café en Familia @ MDLKC @ 6 pm
Tuesday, 11/19: 6th Grade Field Trip to Philadelphia Zoo
Friday, 11/22: Half-Day for Students, Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences
Monday, 11/25: Half-Day for Students, Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences
Tuesday, 11/26: Half-Day for Students
Wednesday, 11/27 - Friday, 11/29: District Closed
Monday, 12/2: School Board Meeting @MDLKC @ 7 pm
Wednesday, 12/4: KMS Choral Concert @ 7 pm
Friday, 12/6: End of Term 3
KCSD Calendar:
Archived Resources:
Sincerely with Kennett PRIDE! -The KMS Principals
Kennett Middle School195 Sunny Dell Road Landenberg, PA 19350
(610) 268-5800
WEBSITE: https://kms.kcsd.org/
INSTAGRAM: @kcsd_kms
Facebook: Kennett Middle School