Plainfield School News
Volume 1: August 2024
Welcome Back!
Dear Plainfield Families,
I hope that you are enjoying the warm and sunny summer days! I am looking forward to welcoming students to Plainfield for the 2024-2025 school year and wanted to share some important information to help you prepare for the first days of school.
Campus Parent Portal and Class Assignments: Starting August 12, you will be able to see your child(ren)’s class assignment(s) for the 2024-2025 school year in the Campus Parent Portal. If you are new to District 62, you will need to sign up for the Campus Parent Portal. Information about the Campus Parent Portal including how to sign up can be accessed here. If you have difficulty signing up for the Campus Parent Portal, please contact our Main office at 847-824-1301 for assistance.
Save the Date:
8/19/24:Meet the Teacher/Supply Drop Off: All Plainfield students and families are invited to meet their teachers and drop off school supplies on 8/19 from 2:00-3:00 PM.
8/28/24: Open House 6:00-7:00 p.m. please stay tuned for more information
Supply Lists: Here are our 2024-2025 School Supply Lists for your reference. Supplies can be brought to Plainfield during our meet the teacher/supply drop off event or with students on the first day of school.
Bus: This year, we will have a bus for paid riders. If you need to sign up for paid bus service for the 2024-2025 school year, you can call Linda McKeague in our transportation office at (847)789-5580. You can make payment in our office at Plainfield. As a reminder, the cost to ride the bus is $300 per student each school year. For example, a family with two students riding the bus would pay $600 per year to transport both of their students. Bus Fees ($300) must be paid by August 9 in order to ensure students are routed for the first day of school on August 20.
Right at School: If you are in need of before or after school care, please visit to gather more information and to register for the upcoming school year. Contact Susan Ommen at with questions.
Please click here for more information including arrival and dismissal procedures to help families continue to prepare for the first days of school. I hope that you find this information helpful. Please do not hesitate to contact the office with any questions you may have; we are always happy to help and here to be of service.
I look forward to greeting our first through fifth grade students back to school on Tuesday August 20th and our kindergarten students to Plainfield on Wednesday, August 21st. Please call the Main Office at 847-824-1301 with any questions. We are here to be of service. Thank you for your partnership in your child's education. I am very grateful to be your PrinciPAL! Have a wonderful rest of summer!
With gratitude,
Dr. Lisa Carlos
Twitter: @lcarlos62, @62Plainfield, #62PL
Thank a Staff Member!
Gentle Reminders
Gentle reminders:
School begins at 9:00 each day, please arrive on time; Outdoor supervision begins at 8:45 a.m.
Attendance is the strongest predictor of student success. Attendance matters :) We love having all of our students here engaged in joyous learning every day!
Plainfield Elementary School
Location: 1850 Plainfield Drive, Des Plaines, IL, USA
Phone: 847-824-1301
Twitter: @62Plainfield