Berry Hill Newsletter
October 2024
Message From the Principal
What an exciting start to the school year! It’s hard to believe that October is already here. Our students beamed with joy on Picture Day, and they’ve quickly adapted to the routines we follow at our school. Open House was a resounding success, and we loved having all our families visit the building to meet their children’s teachers. The PRIDE Kick Off Assembly on Friday, September 27th was a hit—Corey the Dribbler brought so much energy, and our students reflected on how to showcase their Syosset PRIDE every day. As the crisp fall weather settles in, please remember to send your child to school with a cozy sweatshirt or a light jacket. We’ll continue to enjoy outdoor playtime as much as possible! 🍂🏫🌟
Here are some questions to ask your child about Berry Hill:
- What was your favorite part of the Corey the Dribbler Assembly?
- What has been the most difficult math lesson so far? Did you ask your teacher for help?
- What does the No Place for Hate Promise mean and why did you sign the board? (Please see below for the No Place for Hate Promise.)
- What was your favorite joke that Mrs. Wasserman told?
Starting on October 9th, we will be bringing some school spirit to Berry Hill! Here are our "Wear It Wednesdays" for October:
- October 9th: Wear something with stars on it for World Space Week
- October 16th: Wear orange for Unity Day (more information below)
- October 23rd: Wear your favorite sports gear for PARP week
- October 30th: Wear pink to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month
We are also looking forward to PARP Week 10/21-10/25. Students are invited to show some spirit on the following days as well:
- 10/21: Wear shirts with words
- 10/23: Wear your favorite sports shirt
- 10/25: Wear Berry Hill or Syosset Gear
Looking forward to another wonderful month at Berry Hill,
Mrs. Wasserman
Mark Your Calendars - October
October is Bullying Prevention and Fire Safety Month
10/1: Facilities Referendum Vote
10/3 & 10/4: Schools Closed, Rosh Hashanah
10/7: 4th and 5th Grade Bullying Prevention Assemblies
10/8: PTA Meeting @ 7:45 pm
10/9: Wear something with stars for World Space Week
10/10: 1st Grade Bullying Prevention Assembly
10/11: Kindergarten, 1st and 3rd Grade Bully Prevention Assemblies
10/14: Schools Closed, Columbus Day
10/15: Fire Department visits Kindergarten classes
10/15: BOE Meeting @ 8:00 pm @ South Woods
10/16: Unity Day (Students are invited to wear orange. Please see below for more information.)
10/21-10:25: PARP Week
- 10/21: Wear shirts with words
- 10/23: Wear your favorite sports shirt
- 10/25: Wear Berry Hill or Syosset Gear
10/22: SEPTA Meeting @ Berry Hill @ 7:45
10/22 and 10/23: Book Fair (Schedule)
10/25: Author Visit- King Arthur (Arthur Lewis)
10/30: Wear pink to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month
10/31: Halloween Parade (K-2 parents are welcome to join us from 9:45 - 11:00 am.)
11/1: Schools closed, Diwali
11/4: BOE Meeting @ 8:00 @ South Woods
11/5: Superintendent's Conference Day (Schools closed for students, Parent-Teacher Conferences today)
Halloween at Berry Hill
Parents in Grades K-2 are invited to join us on the field at 9:45 am to watch our primary students march in the Halloween Parade! Following the parade, parents are invited back into our K-2 classrooms for a celebration. Our students in Grades 3-5 will cheer our younger students on as they parade outside.
October is Bully Prevention Month
Berry Hill will be celebrating Bully Prevention Month in many different ways throughout the month. Starting today and throughout the month of October, our school Social Worker, Mrs. Mullooly, and School Psychologist, Mrs. Kupferman, will be having grade level assemblies focused on bullying prevention. The goal of these assemblies is to help students recognize bullying and to give them tools and strategies to support both prevention and intervention.
On Wednesday, October 16th, Berry Hill will be celebrating Unity Day, a day we will unite to "stand up" against bullying. Unity Day is the signature event of National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month. To participate in Unity Day, individuals, schools, communities, and businesses wear orange to unite for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion to prevent students being bullied. We invite our students, staff, and families to wear orange on October 16th. In addition, we will have a special picture taken of our students to show our schoolwide support of Unity Day.
Finally, all of our students have signed the No Place for Hate pledge in the main lobby of our school. No Place for Hate is an initiative of the Anti-Defamation League that helps to combat bias and bullying as a means to stop the escalation of hate.
We look forward to working together to promote kindness and empathy in our school. Berry Hill will stand together and wear orange on Wednesday, October 16th to unite against bullying and promote kindness, acceptance, and inclusion!
Take Me Out to the Ball-PARP Week 10/21-10/25
We are looking forward to an exciting PARP week. This year's theme is Take Me Out to the Ball PARP! We cannot wait to see what the PTA has in store for us! Please see the events below:
PARP Kickoff Assembly: 10/21
PARP Spirit Days:
- 10/21: Wear shirts with words
- 10/23: Wear your favorite sports shirt
- 10/25: Wear Berry Hill or Syosset Gear
Book Fairs:
- 10/22 and 10/23 (Schedule)
Author Visit: 10/25
Pride Kick Off Assembly with Corey the Dribbler
Berry Hill PTA
Congratulations to our Berry Hill Student Council Representatives!
Important Links
A Message from the Nurses' Office
Dear Parents/Guardians,
As the school nurses, we would like to remind you to please keep your child home from school if they are exhibiting any signs of illness, including:
• Fever
• Coughing with thick mucus or persistent cough
• Vomiting or diarrhea
• Runny nose with yellow or green discharge
• Headache accompanied by other symptoms
• Rash or unexplained skin irritation
• Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
Before sending your child back to school, please make sure your child is:
• Fever-free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication
• Symptoms significantly improved
• Consult with your child's doctor if you have any concerns
Ways to keep you child healthy:
• Nutrition-Plan on meals that include foods that are high in protein, vegetables/ fruits, grains and low-fat dairy. Avoid snacks that are high in sugar, saturated fats and salt.
• Sleep- School aged children need at least 10 hours of sleep every night.
• Move- Encourage movement. Children need at least 1 hour of physical activity every day. Bike riding, sports, a dance party are some suggestions.
• Talk-Ask your child if they are worried about anything. Talking will relieve anxiety, allowing for better sleep and a healthy body.
• Teach them ways to reduce anxiety- talking and knowing someone will listen will help, deep breathing exercises, holding something like a smooth rock quietly relieves stress.
Please notify the school via Pick-Up-Patrol if your child will be absent. Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have. Thank you for your cooperation in helping to keep our school community healthy.
Nurses Maryann and Cindy Berry Hill School Nurses 516-364-5796/5698 mersboll@syossetschools.org csmith@syossetschools.or
Contact Info
Berry Hill Elementary School
Principal: Mrs. WassermanMain Office: Mrs. Martinez and Mrs. Cohan
Website: www.syossetschools.org
Phone: (516) 364-5790