🌞Hathaway School Community News🌞
🌞 June - 2024 🌞
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Principal's Message
It's June and that means we are finishing the school year and getting ready for Summer! We still have a lot of learning left to do so please help us by encouraging students to work hard through the end of the year! The staff and I want to thank you for your continued support of Hathaway and the great job you have been doing to support students at home!
Please take a few moments to read our entire newsletter. This issue contains important information about the end of the school year and some of the chores we have to finish up
Please rest assured that one of our primary goals is to make every child feel safe, welcomed, connected and a part of the Hathaway family. If you have any questions or concerns about your child's progress or need any support at school or home, please stop by, call, email or text us! If you or your student have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to the office staff or me at 805-488-2217
Mr. Beneke - Principal
Important Dates
- 06/07: - Minimum Day - TK/K dismiss at 2:00, Grades 1 - 5, dismiss at 2:15
- 06/14: - PK Promotion Ceremony
- 06/14: - TK/K Promotion Ceremony
- 06/15: - SHINE Live Theater Showcase (Information below)
- 06/18: - Last Day of School - Minimum Day - All students exit at 11:56 am
- 08/21: - First Day of School for the 2024 - 2025 School Year!
Last week of School Schedule
Schedule for the last week of school:
Wednesday, June 12: Regular Wednesday schedule. Kinder dismissed at 12:05PM. Grades 1st-5th dismiss at 1:02PM. Lower Grades Field Day
Thursday, June 13: Regular schedule. Upper Grades Field Day
Friday, June 14: Regular schedule.: PK/TK/Kinder End of Year Celebration
Monday, June 17: Regular schedule.
Tuesday, June 18: Minimum Day - All students exit at 11:56 am.
Hathaway Family Picnic Day! Friday May 31!
Thank you to everyone who was able to join us for our awesome Hathaway Family Picnic Day! We had over 460 Guests! WOW! Pre-kinder through 5th grade students, families, educational partners and staff had a great time at lunch on the field and having fun! Check out some of the great pics below!
SHINE Live Theater Showcase!
Thank you the students, families, community partners and staff who were able to join us for an incredible evening of student performances as Hathaway students scenes from Aladdin! We are so proud of our students!
Important Message for 5th Grade Parents
Parents and guardians of 5th grade students,
Your student does not have to register for 6th grade. If your child is in 5th grade their registration information will automatically be transferred to Blackstock Jr. High School.
You will receive a packet in the mail in August containing important information about orientation, daily schedules and other events.
If you do not plan on having your student attend Blackstock Jr. High School please let us know.
If you have any questions please call Hathaway: 805-488-2217
LGBT Pride Month
LGBT Pride Month is celebrated throughout the month of June. June is dedicated to the celebration and commemoration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender pride, observed throughout the Western world.
Memorials are held during this month for those members of the community who have been lost to hate crimes or HIV/AIDS. The purpose of the commemorative month is to recognize the impact that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals have had on history locally, nationally, and internationally.”
Date: Sat, Jun 1, 2024 – Mon, Jun 30, 2024
Cafe con Leche/Coffee and Cream Parent Gathering
We are proud to bring our educational partners, "Cafe con Leche" to Hathaway! Thank you to everyone who was bale to join us this year! we are already making plans for next years guest speakers!
FREE - Summer Food Program!
Hathaway Community please take advantage of this opportunity from HESD if you or your family needs assistance!
Attendance Matters!
Too many absences can keep your student from succeeding in school and life and slow academic and social progress. Last year our school attendance rate was 92%. This year we have set a goal for having a school attendance rate of 95%. Missing just 2 days of school a year can slow the progress of your student!
Please try to have your student attend school every day they can. If you are unsure about the health of your student our school nurse can help make the decision. Please call (805) 488-2217 if you have any questions or we can help in any way! Go Panthers!
Please Report Your Absences
If your child will be absent, please call the school and report the absence to our front
office: 805-488-2217 Please bring any doctor's notes or necessary documentation to
excuse any absence to the school office or email it to Veronica Hernandez
Start the day off right!
Dressed and Ready to GO!
Gentle reminders for dressing for success when coming to school: Please wear school appropriate clothing when at Hathaway.
Items that are not allowed:
gang-related insignia/graffiti on clothing, backpack or school supplies/work,
clothing with inappropriate writing (alcohol, drugs, weapons, disrespectful statements)
No clothing, hats or personal items with team/sports logos
Pajamas (except on celebration days)
sleeveless tops, see through blouses/shirts, low cut or bare midriff tops; spaghetti straps
Nothing that distracts from the learning environment is allowed.
If you or your student have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to the office staff or me at 805-488-2217
No Bullies!
Anti-Bullying Policy:
Hathaway and the Governing Board recognize the harmful effects of bullying on student well-being, student learning, and school attendance and desire to provide a safe school environment that protects students from physical and emotional harm. No individual or group shall, through physical, written, verbal, or other means, harass, sexually harass, threaten, intimidate, cyberbully, cause bodily injury to, or commit hate violence against any student or school personnel, or retaliate against them for filing a complaint or participating in the complaint resolution process.
If you or your student have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to the office staff or me at 805-488-2217
Safety First
Hathaway Community, one of the most important goals at Hathaway is for us to work together to keep all students, staff and educational partners safe as we enter and exit campus.
Please remember:
During morning drop-of and afternoon pick up, please do not park in red zones or double park on Dollie Street in front of the school.
Parking lots are for district staff and individuals who need accessible parking only.
Please remember to use crosswalks and sidewalks when walking to campus.
Please be respectful to staff as we work together to enforce safety for all.
Thank you in advance for your help making Hathaway a safe and excellent school!
Its that time of year again! Transitional Kindergarten (TK) and Kindergarten 2023-24 enrollment is now open!
Students who turn 5 between September 2nd and February 2nd may enroll in Transitional Kindergarten.
Students who turn 5 by September 1st may enroll in Kindergarten.
TK is offered at Bard, Haycox, Hueneme, Larsen, and Williams Schools.
Enroll for both TK and Kindergarten at Hathaway. If TK is not offered at Hathaway, office staff will assist in enrolling your child in one of the TK classes at another school site. Based on enrollment, TK classes may be added to additional school sites like Hathaway. To see a TK and kindergarten classroom in action, please watch this short video:
Further enrollment details can be found here: https://www.hueneme.org/page/registration
Registration Hours:
Monday - Friday 9:30 a.m.- 11:00 a.m.
Counselor's Corner Mr. Bravo
Please let us know if you or your student needs any support.
School Counselor: Clemente Bravo
805-488-2217 Extension: 1889 Email: cbravo@hueneme.org
To access the full resources of HESD Counseling Corner students and families click here: https://sites.google.com/hueneme.org/hueneme-school-counselors/home
You can also find additional support here: https://covid19k12counseling.org/.
June Lunch Menu
For detailed information about the 2023-2024 School year click below ↓
🕗 Hathaway 2023 - 2024 Bell Schedules 🕝
Every Wednesday is an early dismissal day!
Contact Us: 📬📞💻
Julien Hathaway Elementary School - 805-488-2217
Office Manager: Veronica Hernandez, vhernandez@hueneme.org
School Counselor, Clemente Bravo, cbravo@hueneme.org
Principal, Thomas Beneke, tbeneke@hueneme.org
Need to contact your teacher?
- Contact your teacher during during school hours
- Seesaw or Google Classroom
- Call your teacher: 805-488-2217 +classroom extension
Julien Hathaway Elementary School
Email: tbeneke@hueneme.org
Website: http://hathaway.hueneme.org/o/hathaway-elementary
Location: 405 East Dollie Street, Oxnard, CA, USA
Phone: 805-488-2217