New Albany High School
Bi-Weekly Update - March 7, 2023
New Albany Community Foundation Student Lecture Series
We have our final student lecture tomorrow featuring Dr. Arthur Laffer and Robert Reich, moderated by Rana Foroohar. All students will participate either in-person at the McCoy Center or virtually. We will run our one-hour activity schedule.
March 8: 1:15pm - 2:15pm - Attending in person, grades 9 and 11
Ohio's State Testing
Ohio’s State Tests will be administered during the month of April. Students will receive a detailed message that will include the date(s) and specific location(s) two days prior to their test date. Students who are testing are expected to be at their testing location promptly at 7:45 AM. Students should bring a pencil and their charged iPad to the testing room. Please help communicate the importance of adequate sleep and nutrition, so students are able to perform to the best of their ability on their assigned test date(s).
We understand that some students have multiple tests scheduled on 4/19 and 4/20. The schedule was created to maximize the total number of students testing in each subject during our two-hour delay times, minimizing the total number of students who are missing class during a testing session.
Attendance Reminders
Early Dismissal Procedure
If a student must leave early during the school day, a request for an early dismissal should be submitted by the parent in advance to the Attendance Secretary through this electronic form: High School Early Dismissal Form. The link for the form is also available on the New Albany High School website under Early Dismissal request. Students must sign out in the Welcome Center or E Office at the time of their dismissal.
To be considered an excused absence, the reason must meet one of the criteria established by the Board of Education (Board Policy 5200).
If you are leaving early during the school day, you must get an early dismissal form from the Welcome Center so that you can leave class at the appropriate time. You are still required to sign out before you leave campus.
When arriving late to school or returning from an early dismissal, students can sign into the Welcome Center or in E Office.
Opt-Out Sign in Procedure
Students who have opt-out for first period are required to sign in at the Welcome Center or E Office when you arrive on campus to be considered present for the school day.
Remember and Reminisce With a Yearbook
You don’t want to miss out on this one-of-a-kind book!
Wondering how to pick up your copy of last year's book? The yearbook adviser, Ms. Guthmann, guthmann.1@napls.us, can help!
Hello! Would you like the NAHS PTO Pop-Up Spiritwear Shop to visit your event? Email nahsptopresident@gmail.com and let us know!
Next Board Meeting: Wed., March. 8, 6-7 p.m., Jefferson Room
As always, click here to join or donate to the PTO.
Go Eagles!
2022-2023 School Fees - Due Now
New Albany High School
Attn: Business Office
7600 Fodor Road
New Albany, Ohio, 43054
If paying online at PaySchoolsCentral, please be sure you are clicking on "Fees" and not school "Lunches". The PaySchoolsCentral app defaults to lunches so you will need to choose fees so that when you pay, you aren't adding money to the lunch account.
School and College Counseling Team
School Counseling Team
Jill Cuthbert: Last names A-C (Cuthbert.1@napls.us)
Stefanie Drugan: Last names D-Hi (Drugan.1@napls.us)
Colleen Reinoehl: Last names: Ho-Mc (Reinoehl.3@napls.us)
John Longo: Last names: Me-R (Longo.1@napls.us)
Julie Horning: Last names: S-Z (Horning.1@napls.us)
Reminders and Information
Upcoming Events
March 8 - Student Lecture Series (one hour activity schedule)
March 10 - End of the 3rd grading period
March 27-31 - Spring Break (No School)
April 12 & 13 - Ohio's State Testing - Regular Bell Schedule
April 19 & 20 - Ohio's State Testing - Two-Hour Delay for students not testing.
Our Purpose
The New Albany-Plain Local School District is committed to creating a culture of accountability that achieves the best academic and development outcomes for each student.
New Albany High School
Email: news@napls.us
Website: napls.us
Location: 7600 Fodor Road, New Albany, OH
Phone: 614-413-8300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewAlbanyHS/?ref=bookmarks
Twitter: @napls_hs