Stonegate Greetings
Weekly Newsletter

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Principal’s Message:
Dear Stonegate Families and Caregivers,
I am excited to begin my eleventh year as the proud principal of Stonegate Elementary School where we wrap our arms around our students and families. We are thrilled to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year. We can’t wait to greet our kindergarten and newly enrolled families. Our school’s leadership team has worked hard this summer to help put plans, processes, and procedures in place that will lead us toward continued excellence. Our focus continues to center on providing all students and their families with a high-quality instructional program that prepares them to be career and college-ready. We are committed to ensuring that learning is fun and engaging for all students. We have been charged with a mission to engage our students, make learning fun, ensure that all students are making academic progress, and keep students safe. Our vision at Stonegate is simple, “One Team, Students First”.
A new school year is just a few weeks away. As with every year, we see the possibilities for growth, new plans, and ways to implement new ideas. Our students’ success is built upon strong instruction, strong relationships, collaborative support from our families, and our strong PTA. Mrs. Kimberly Smith will return as our PTA President and we are thankful for her leadership. We are truly fortunate to work collaboratively with her. She is focused on providing our school with wonderful experiences, events, and opportunities for all students to have an amazing school year. My door is always open and our goal is to serve and support the academic and emotional well-being of all our students.
Our first day of school is Monday, August 26th
Our school hours are 9:00 a.m.- 3:25 p.m. Our school doors open at 8:40 a.m.
Stonegate Elementary welcomes an additional PEP Inc. program to our school. We have one class of Pre-Kindergarten and four half-day PEP classes. In MCPS, PEP provides preschool special education services for children aged 3 to 5.
On the first day of school, Grade 1-5 students will go directly to their classrooms, and Kindergarten students will go to the Multipurpose Room (MPR). Teachers will greet them and walk them to class. Our staff will be on duty to help children locate their classrooms and answer questions.
We want to ensure that students, parents, caregivers, and all well-wishers get off to a terrific start. So please give them hugs and kisses before they get on the bus and in the car. Parents and caregivers will not be allowed to walk students to their classes.
The following Back to School Information can be found on the
Stonegate Elementary School website:
Free Lunch Application (you must apply this year)
…and more can be found on our school website
Below, you will find information about our new school year:
Stonegate Teacher List
Stonegate PTA
Kindergarten Switcheroo
Open House on August 23rd
Back To School Night
Instrumental Music: Parent Information Meetings
Please share how your student will arrive at school and which method for dismissal. While changes may happen, please indicate on this Student Arrival/Dismissal/Allergies Form the routine way to dismiss your student. Once school starts, contact your teacher and office if there are any changes to your student’s dismissal routine.
Arrival/Dismissal Form https://forms.gle/dWWwkGjbs3xyR6Ab6
Caregiver Handbook 2024-25
Our Caregiver Handbook has all the important information that families need to know!
- Arrival
Applying for Free Lunch
Online School Payments
Breakfast, Lunch, and Cafeteria Accounts
Childcare Options
Immunization Records
Clothing To Cash Recycling Program
Click here to view it! Here
Welcome from the Stonegate PTA
From our PTA President, Kimberly Smith:
The Stonegate Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is excited to welcome new families and reconnect with returning families in our school community! Our PTA creates connections, supports your child, and amplifies your voice. We need members like you to reach the PTA goals for this school year.
The PTA is a parent-run, volunteer organization with the mission to make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children. We aim to partner with the school administration to advocate for our students and support our teachers and staff through programming and events that bring our community together, celebrate our diversity, and empower students to be the best that they can be.
Membership is a key step in supporting the PTA. Your membership will help the PTA offer a variety of community engagement activities and various educational enrichment resources for our students. The Back-To-School picnic, Spring Carnival, cultural assemblies, Stonegate Snack Pantry, Teacher Appreciation, and Spring Literary Festival are just a few examples of the activities that PTA sponsors.
Kick-off the school year by joining the PTA today! There are several membership categories available, and you can donate a teacher/staff membership and individual membership to pay it forward for someone else to be a part of the PTA.
Mark your calendar for the Back-To-School picnic on Friday, August 30 and the first PTA Meeting on Tuesday, September 3. More details will be provided about these activities soon.
Please contact the stonegateptapres@gmail.com if you have questions or ideas! We are excited and look forward to helping each student reach their full potential.
--Kimberly Smith, 2024 - 2025 Stonegate PTA President
Stonegate Elementary Welcomes our Magical Teachers
This summer, we also bid farewell to the following Stonegate Sharks:
Jeanette Thebaud: will be teaching at Brookhaven Elementary School
Max Byer: will be teaching at Sequoyah Elementary School
Jordan Bolinger: will serve as a school counselor at Francis Scott Key Middle School
Olivia Smith: moved back to Seattle, Washington to be with her family
Govina Etwaroo: attending UMD graduate school full-time studying International Education Policy
Back to School Events
Teacher Reveal
Wednesday, August 7th, from 4:30-6:30 p.m.
Front of Stonegate Elementary School
Students who attend can find out who their teacher will be for this school year
There will be Beltway Bistro Food Truck and Tastee Treats Dessert Truck
Open House
Friday, August 23rd
1:00 - 1:45 p.m.for families with last names A-K
2:00 - 2:45 p.m. for families with last names L-Z
See your classroom, meet your teacher
New families will have an opportunity to tour our new and amazing building! After the tour, you will have time to visit your new classroom.
We encourage families to walk if possible. If you drive and park in the neighborhood, please do not block anyone's driveway. Please park in the staff parking lot.
Staff will greet you and let you know who your child’s teacher is if you missed the Teacher Reveal.
We will NOT be posting class lists.
Back To School Night and Caregiver Fair
Thursday, September 12th, at Stonegate Elementary, 6:00-8:00 p.m. for all grades.
This event is for parents/caregivers only.
During Back to School Night, families will have an opportunity to meet teachers and hear about the many experiences that they will have throughout the school year. There will be a schoolwide video from the Principal, the PTA President, etc. and then teachers will share expectations, the curriculum, and how to partner with your child’s teacher. Teachers will present one time. Recordings will be made available for any parents who miss the presentation or have multiple students. This is for all families: Grades K-5, LFI, PreK and PEP.
We will offer two Schoolwide informative sessions for parents starting at 6:00 for families. We encourage parents to join us so you are informed about:
Community Building and Restorative Approaches at Stonegate
Student and Family Wellbeing for Stonegate
After the schoolwide sessions, families will be invited to join their child’s teacher for their classroom/grade-level presentation.
The following tables will be available for families to visit and receive information:
Support with Free Lunch Applications
Support with activating your ParentVUE account
Talk to our School Nurse and Health Room Tech
Learn more about Cafeteria Services
Special Education at Stonegate
Stonegate Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
Global Childcare Before/After School
Other community groups
Instrumental Music: Parent Information Meetings
Parents and Guardians of current 4th and 5th-grade students may attend any of the two scheduled meeting dates regardless of the school their child attends, as these same topics will be discussed at each meeting: Instrument suitability, rental cost, scheduling, performances, expectations, and parent questions.
Meeting Dates:
Wednesday, September 4 at 12:00 p.m. on Zoom (link below)
Thursday, September 5 at 6:00 p.m. at Stonegate Elementary School (Media Center)
Zoom information:
Join Zoom Meeting (student log-in not required)
Meeting ID: 812 1103 5907
Passcode: 778481
Your attendance is not mandatory for your child to participate in the program. I look forward to meeting you and to a successful school year. For more information about the program or to register, please visit the website: https://sites.google.com/a/mcpsmd.net/krohn-music/home
The exact schedule will be posted at school and to the website on September 25.
Lessons begin the week of September 30.
Kindergarten Switcheroo
The Stonegate Kindergarten team will be participating in a commonly practiced method used to establish balanced classrooms called “The Kindergarten Switcheroo.” As students transition from grade to grade, a team of dedicated educators comes together to review each child’s academic, social, and emotional progress from the previous year. The team uses this information to create well-balanced classrooms for the following grade level. Unfortunately, this information is not available for rising Kindergarten students which is where “The Switcheroo” comes in! By participating in the Kindergarten Switcheroo, Stonegate will be able to select a classroom placement that best fits the individualized needs of our rising Kindergarten students. We are excited to embark on this new adventure that will allow us to select the best learning environment for your child. All Kindergarten families should have received my Kindergarten welcome letter with more detailed information regarding this process.
2024-25 School Calendar
Here is the 24-25 School Calendar
Highlights for the 2024-2025 school calendar include:
For Traditional Calendar schools: First day of school for students is Monday, August 26, 2024 and the last day of school is Friday, June 13, 2025.
Two planned professional days include Friday, October 18, 2024 and Friday, June 6, 2025.
There will be five scheduled early release days for Traditional Calendar schools. They include: September 27, 2024, November 25-26, 2024 (designated for student conferences), February 28, 2025, and June 13, 2025.
Winter break begins on Saturday, December 21, 2024 and ends on Wednesday, January 1, 2025.
Spring break begins on Saturday, April 12, 2025, and ends on Monday, April 21, 2025.
The calendar maintains 182 days of instruction, including six built in contingency days within the school year. These dates are in addition to holiday closures required by state law.
STUDENTS SHOULD NOT ARRIVE AT SCHOOL BEFORE 8:40 a.m. unless they attend Global Children’s Center. Some fifth graders may also come before 8:40 for their assigned patrol duty.
All students enter the school through the main doors located at the front of the building. Upon entering, students may go to the multipurpose room/cafeteria if they are eating school breakfast or they should go directly to their classroom.
Cars will use the Car Loop. Only Buses may use the Bus Loop during arrival and dismissal.
Students should never be dropped off on the street and then you pull off. Please come through the car circle or park your car and let the students out.
Safety is our number one priority; therefore, we need every parent to exercise patience and respect, follow staff directions, and adhere to the traffic flow pattern and drop-off/pick-up procedures. Please make sure your child knows their dismissal plan (bus rider, car rider, walker, aftercare) and bus route number/sea animal. If the dismissal plans change, please inform your child and the main office immediately. Please remember that classroom teachers may not see your email during the school day. Please call the main office with any same-day dismissal changes.
Students at Stonegate are dismissed as Car Riders, Walkers, Bus Riders, and After Care. If you park nearby and walk up to the school to meet your children, your children are considered walkers, not Car Riders. This means that you walk up and get them. Please do not wave/flag your children to come to the street to enter the car.
Dismissal by Car
At Stonegate, we have a dedicated car loop. Enter by making a RIGHT turn into the first parking lot. Please:
Pull as far up as you can and follow staff directions.
Plan for your children to enter & exit on the passenger side.
Do not pass cars that are ahead of your vehicle.
Drive slowly and carefully.
Display your children’s full names on a paper for staff to see.
Do not make a left turn to enter the parking lot.
Do not block neighborhood driveways, Notley Road, or stop on Notley to allow students to exit and cross the road.
Only use the parking lane closest to the school building. It is unsafe to drop kids off or pick students up using the other lanes.
Remember to use the dedicated car loop, not the bus loop directly in front of the school.
Dismissal by Bus
See this link for our Bus Routes: Bus Route
Fifth graders will continue to serve as safety patrols for the bus.
We will also continue to tag student backpacks according to the student’s bus route.
We will use the following Sea Animal Names for our bus routes:
Dolphin- 6210
Seahorse- 6216
Otter- 6220
Starfish- 6233
Seal- 6235
Please be at the bus stop 10 minutes in advance, as bus times may vary, especially during the first weeks of school.
At the elementary level, parents are responsible for student safety at bus stops. School safety patrols assist.
Students who wish to go home with a classmate after school either by car or riding a different bus must bring a signed note to the office in the morning for verification. The bus drivers will not allow students on buses without written parent/school permission. Main office staff must sign the parent permission note before a child is to go home on a different bus.
Dismissal for Students Walking
Many families in our neighborhood walk to the school to meet their students, and some students (grade 2 and above) walk home on their own.
Here are some guidelines for walkers:
Students may walk home using the crosswalks on either side of the school on Notley Road. Students must walk directly home.
A crossing guard is located at the intersection of Fieldstone Road and Notley Road to ensure the safety of pedestrians during the school’s arrival and dismissal process. It is state law to obey the commands of all official county crossing guards.
Keep the front of the school clear! Caregivers may not congregate at the front of the school at arrival or dismissal.
Early Parent Pickup
If you need to pick up your child before dismissal at any time, you must come to the office to pick your students up before 3:00 p.m. We cannot accommodate parent pickups after 3:00 p.m. Please do not come to the office after 3:00 to pick up your student. Plan accordingly.
We love to celebrate shark birthdays at Stonegate by announcing your child’s name in the morning announcements and presenting each student with a special birthday pencil. Families may choose to send in cupcakes or other allergy-free treats such as Oreos. Some students have allergies to certain dyes and corn syrup in popsicles, so certain brands such as Outshine are recommended. Please work with your child’s teacher.
Continued and consistent communication will occur through the Principal's weekly message called the Stonegate Greetings which comes through Remind, This is sent out every Sunday evening. Please make sure you update your student emergency information, as that includes the phone and email we use for our communication systems. The Stonegate Greetings is always packed with important information that you need to know.
Stonegate communicates using the “Remind” app. Schoolwide messages and messages from individual teachers will come through Remind. Caregivers will receive messages as texts. Some parents also choose to download Remind as an app on their device.
Adjust your account settings for Remind at www.remind.com.
Choose “Sign up” and enter your phone number. Your account as an MCPS parent will come up and will allow you to edit your communication settings.
Add a phone number for a caregiver:
Do you need an older sibling, a grandparent or other caregiver to receive text messages from the school? Add an additional phone to receive school wide Remind text messages by using that phone to text @436ch8 to the number 81010.
The Stonegate Elementary School’s website always has updated information. Our webmaster is stellar. Remember, we put great and important information on our website. Please make sure that you visit us.
I also encourage you to join our PTA. Attending PTA meetings is an important part of learning about our school. PTA messages are included in my weekly communication.
ParentVue is a central online location for students and their parents, guardians, or other authorized adults to access MCPS student information. Parents/caregivers who do not have an account created will receive a letter from MCPS with instructions and access codes for activation.
Here is a ParentView quick guide and directions for activating your account. If you need an activation letter or assistance, please contact the office.
Translated ParentVue Activation Letter Guides: Spanish / Korean / French / Amharic / Vietnamese / Chinese / Portuguese
Applying for Free Lunch
Every year, students must apply and be approved to receive FREE breakfast and/or lunch.
The Division of Food and Nutrition Services (DFNS) is excited to provide regular meal services during the 2024-2025 school year. Students in Maryland who qualify for reduced-price meals will not be charged for meals! Breakfast: Regular Price: $1.30; Reduced Price: No Cost, Lunch: Regular Price: $2.55, Reduced Price: No Cost
Apply before school starts. One application covers the entire HOUSEHOLD. Translations in other languages are available through the online application.
Apply now at www.MySchoolApps.com
Here is a video about how to apply:
English Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJUapGLarBo
Video en Español: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsdCrtCIFJc&t=4s
Online School Payments
MCPS uses an online payment system called SchoolCash Online as its preferred method of payment. SchoolCash Online is an easy-to-use and safe way to pay for your children’s school fees. Now, with a few clicks, you can pay for your child's field trips, class activities, and so much more from your own home. All you have to do is register an account, attach your children, and in no time you will be able to make payments online. We accept many different payment forms. Please note that the SCO payment system is NOT related to school cafeteria accounts.
Parents/guardians can register now at - https://mcpsmd.schoolcashonline.com/
Breakfast, Lunch, and Cafeteria Accounts
Beginning the first day of school, breakfast and lunch will be served in the cafeteria. Breakfast hours will be from 8:40 a.m. - 8:55 a.m. We will make concessions for those students who arrive late due to bus issues. The cost of school breakfast is $1.30.
Menus are sent home monthly and can be found on the MCPS’s website: Elementary Menu
Hot lunches are served daily with alternate choices. Lunch is $2.55 including milk. Milk may be purchased separately for 60 cents. Parents are highly encouraged to start a Myschoolbucks account for their child. This will eliminate lost or forgotten lunch money. The price of lunch or breakfast will be subtracted from the account. Checks should be made payable to Stonegate School Cafeteria.
Your child may be eligible to receive free or reduced-price meals. Apply online at MySchoolApps.com or complete a Household Application for Free and Reduced-price Meals, available from your child's school. Those approved for free/reduced lunch during the prior school year must reapply every year.
MySchoolBucks.com is an optional service for parents/guardians to make prepayments to a student's cafeteria account for breakfast, lunch, and à-la-carte meals online with a credit or debit card. This service is offered as a convenience for interested families.
By creating a secure online account, parents can monitor and manage their child's account.
There is a $2.49 (new) convenience fee for each payment transaction.
There is no cost to set up an account, check your child's spending history, and receive low-balance notifications.
Payments to student cafeteria accounts can be made either through My School Bucks (optional, not a requirement), or cash or checks payable to Stonegate Cafeteria and submitted to the cafeteria manager.
Free Access to Immunization Records
Maryland residents can gain access to their own immunization records in ImmuNet and print out the Maryland 896 form without having to go to their healthcare provider or local health department. Maryland MyIR (My Immunization Record) is a free website service that allows consumers to view and print copies of their official vaccination records directly from ImmuNet. Simply go to: https://myirmobile.com
Clothing To Cash Recycling Program
Clothing to Cash® is a program that collects New and Used Clothing, Shoes, Sheets, and Towels, (all Textiles) and pays the school 10 cents for every pound collected. The program is operated entirely OUTSIDE and will be located in the school parking lot, where students, parents, staff, and the community can drop off items throughout the year. They have state-of-the-art photo quantity sensors installed in each bin that report 3 times daily to prevent overflow and allow the company to schedule service as needed (no other companies use this technology). They empty the collection bin, weigh the contents to determine our school earnings, and pay our school monthly. The average school (500 - 1000 students) will earn $1000- $2000 yearly if each student would donate just one 13-gallon kitchen-size trash bag! Add in parents, siblings, relatives, neighbors, and staff, and Stonegate’s earnings could really increase.
Childcare Options
We are pleased to have Global Children’s Center returning to Stonegate and are honored to serve the children, families, and staff of Stonegate Elementary. Global Children’s Center is our onsite before- and after-school program. It begins at 6:30 a.m. until the start of school and then after school until 6:30 p.m. Please visit their website to register at http://www.globalchildrenscenter.com/.
Other childcare centers in the area offer before- and after-school care, with transportation provided to and from the school. Below is a list of some programs that Stonegate families use. Neither Stonegate Elementary nor the PTA endorses nor operates any of these programs.
Restorative Approaches
Principles of our Restorative Approach
We work together to foster the physical, social, psychological, and academic well-being of students, staff, and families through:
Community Building: Building caring communities and healthy relationships based on mutual trust, respect, and responsibility
Self Care: Learning to recognize and regulate our emotions, so we don’t cause harm to ourselves or others
Conflict Resolution: Recognizing when our words or actions have harmed others and taking steps to repair that harm
What does this look like at Stonegate?
Daily Classroom Community Circles
Celebrating our successes and building a sense of community
Schoolwide Town Hall Meetings
Honest, open, structured conversations after a peer conflict
More Information:
All schools in MCPS implement community-building and restorative approaches. At Stonegate, we are intentional with relationship building and responding to behaviors so we know this is the right direction for us. To support this shift, we have an RA specialist from the central office, Ms. Bethlehem Beru, who will be supporting our transition. Mr. Kedon George, our school counselor, and Ms. Tarnicka Congress, Fourth Grade Teacher, will lead our work around Restorative Approaches. They will work closely with the central office specialist, receive professional learning and, along with our school committee, will engage staff in professional learning to deepen our mindset and practice.
As a school, we have three school agreements:
Care for Self
Care for Others, and
Care for Environment (the school environment)
Staff and students will co-create what each of these agreements looks like in different parts of our school building. Students will give their voice and input. This, combined with staff input, will help us define what these agreements mean in our school.
Staff will engage in continued ongoing professional development and continue to refine our implementation.
We will utilize the Cultivating Restorative Spaces approach to respond to students who break the school agreements.
Student value and agency have always been important at Stonegate and we will make sure they are aware of the shift and why it is important! We will share with students that there will be times when students break some of the agreements. This is because we are humans with emotions, challenges, and frustrations and sometimes we express those by breaking agreements. What we want to work towards is encouraging & celebrating when we keep the agreements because they help our school community be a great place to learn and to have relationships. And when we don’t keep our agreements, we have ways to respond that will support them in returning to sticking to the agreements and repairing any harm that might have happened.
Each classroom will co-create its class agreements, based on the same categories of Care for Self, Care for Others, and Care for Environment (their classroom environment).
Staff will utilize the Cultivating Restorative Spaces approach to respond to students who break the agreements.
Together, classes will fill a Shark Tank with “shark bait” to acknowledge and celebrate how students are honoring the school agreements. As we fill the tank together, the class, as a community, builds towards celebrations for their collective success. This is in line with the community-focused aspect of RA. It is inclusive and celebrates the community. It removes the transactional system of behaving in order to receive a ticket to buy prizes and emphasizes sticking with our agreements because it is what is good for the class and the school.
Stonegate Family Community
As we progress in this journey, parents and caregivers will have opportunities to learn more about Restorative Approaches. Look out for opportunities to continue to learn more about restorative approaches.
Eureka Math & Equip
We are excited to continue the use of our math curriculum, Eureka Math®. As you may know, Eureka was created by Great Minds, a nonprofit that brought together teachers and experts to craft a program based on the world’s most successful math programs. The most important principle that frames the Eureka curriculum is that students need to know the why when problem-solving to really reach a deep, conceptual mathematical understanding. Now that we’ve been teaching Eureka for a few years, we are able to hone the lessons in a way to encourage a fun and engaging learning environment as well as utilize tools to meet our students' learning needs.
This upcoming school year we will be continuing with Eureka Math Equip™ to support our students' needs just in time. Eureka Math® teacher–writers created Eureka Math Equip™, an adaptive digital diagnostic tool designed to identify learning gaps and address them through direct instructional videos and fluency practice.
Shift to Structured Literacy
In response to gaps in elementary literacy skills, MCPS is committed to the Structured Literacy approach to building readers. This shift began two years ago and the work continues. Structured literacy focuses on the systematic and cumulative teaching of the five components of reading—phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension as well as writing. This shift is supported by research on improving how MCPS teaches reading and writing. In Kindergarten through Grade 2, the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) assessment, continues to be the high-quality screening tool with early literacy skills. This measure allows for specific, targeted instruction.
When students' foundational reading skills are firmly in place they benefit from better word-level reading, improved reading accuracy, and an increased reading rate. For students of all ages, strong foundations result in better comprehension, an ability to tackle complex content area reading and academic success.
Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA)
This school year, MCPS has adopted a new curriculum, Core Knowledge Language Arts or CKLA. CKLA is a comprehensive language arts program that incorporates the four domains of literacy; reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The curriculum is distinguished by its deep knowledge building, systematic foundational skills and fluency, and access to challenging texts. Some topics include science, history, literature and arts. Students will engage with complex texts and daily read-alouds where they will dig deeply. Daily writing is tightly connected to the texts and topics students explore.
In closing
We are so excited about this school year and hope that you are too. Stonegate is Where The Heart Is. At Stonegate, we believe that our school is more than just a place of learning; it's a home away from home. Our halls are filled with laughter, our classrooms with curiosity, and our hearts with a shared commitment to one another. It's in this warm and welcoming atmosphere that we find a sense of belonging and pride.
"Stonegate is where the heart is" isn't just a phrase; it's a testament to the love, support, and dedication we all share. Whether you're a student, teacher, parent, or staff member, each of you contributes to making this school a special place. Together, we create a vibrant and caring community where everyone feels valued and supported.
As we continue to learn and grow together, let's remember that the heart of Stonegate is in each of us. Let's cherish our time together and continue to build a positive, inclusive environment where everyone can thrive.
With heartfelt gratitude,
Linda M. Jones
Proud Principal
School Info- Stonegate Elementary School
Main Office: 240- 740-7430
Stonegate Elementary School
14811 Notley Road
Silver Spring, MD 20905
Arrival 8:40-9:00 a.m.
Dismissal 3:25 p.m.
Principal: Linda_M_Jones@mcpsmd.org
On X: @StonegatePrin
Assistant Principal: Franny_S_Wooler@mcpsmd.org
Visit us on the web at: www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/stonegatees/