St. Paul UCC Newsletter
The Everybody Church @StPaulUCCTX
Weekly Announcements - Week of 04/14/24
St. Paul United Church of Christ Corpus Christi
A Christian Community that truly welcomes everyone!
Where heart, mind, and spirit meet!
5525 Lipes Boulevard
Corpus Christi, TX 785413
Email: comm.stpaulcc@gmail.com
Church Office: (361)994-8899
Rev. Dana K. Worsham - (678)979-8580 (Pastor's Cell)
Pastor Eli Palacios - (956)867-6800 (Cell)
Weekly Events:
11:00AM-7:30PM - Pastor Office Hours, Pastor Dana Worsham
6:00PM - Wednesday Fellowship & Dinner
7:15PM - Choir Rehearsal (New Voices always welcome)
9:30AM -10:15AM - Adult Bible Fellowship
10:30AM - Praise & Worship with Holy Communion
10:30AM - Children's Bible Study
4th Sunday of the Month - Youth Bible Study
St. Paul Youth In The News!
St. Paul's very own Kat Dutton & Saul Franco were interviewed by Corpus Christi Kris 6 News, Tyrese Boone. Their interview was aired on the 10 o'clock news, and an article was posted and shared on social media as well.
We are incredibly proud of our youth at St. Paul as they continue to share the love of God with others and create spaces for all of God's children to be seen, safe, loved and celebrated. We are blessed to continue to provide a safe space for all youth to be exactly who God has created them to be. We are #theeverbodychurch and will continue to share the gift of extravagant welcome as Christ has taught us to.
Kris6 News Article click here!
Call To Action
We are asking that if you have a Facebook account, you take time to visit the KRIS6 News Facebook post and like, leave a positive comment, and share the article. Please show Kat, Saul, & the Corpus Christi community the type of love and support we have for Youth at St. Paul.
Facebook Story click here!
Welcome Visitors
Joining us at St. Paul for the first time? Coming back to St. Paul for the first time in a while? Either way, we're glad to have you here at "The Everybody Church"! Help us get to know you a little better and use the link below to submit our Visitors Form: https://bit.ly/stpauluccvisitors
We hope you enjoy your time with us, and look forward to seeing you at St. Paul again!
Sunday Service - 04/07/24
Missed our Sunday Worship service? Watch it on repeat here!
Sermon Title:
"Faith and Doubt, Doubt and Faith"
Scripture Reading:
John 20:19-31
Further Readings:
Psalm 133
Acts 4:32-35
1 John 1:1-2:2
Sermon Title & Scriptures - 04/14/24
Join us for our Sunday Worship Service this Sunday, 04/14/24 at 10:30 A.M.
Can't join us in person? Join us online through our FB Live here!
Sermon Title:
"Righteousness: Conforming to God's will in purpose, thought and action"
Scripture Reading:
1 John 3:1-7
Further Reading:
Psalm 4
Luke 24:36b-48
Acts 3:12-19
St. Paul's Calendar
Stay updated on events at St. Paul by visiting our calendar using the following link: bit.ly/stpaulucccalendar
Have a new event to add? Email your event information to: comm.stpaulcc@gmail.com
Children's Bible Study (Ages 4-11)
Children's Bible study takes place every Sunday morning at St. Paul right after the start of our Sunday Praise & Worship service. Service begins at 10:30AM and children are escorted to the children's ministry room by the teacher. For more information contact: Briana Sacco briana.sacco@gmail.com
St. Paul's Youth Ministry (Ages 12-18)
- 4th Sunday: Bible Study Sunday
Upcoming Events
- 4/20/24 - Adopt a Beach: Clean Up - 9:00AM-12:00PM
- 6/5/24 - Hooks Pride Night - 5:15PM-9:15PM
- 6/15/24 - Pride Prom - TBD
For more information contact:
Kathie Benson (drkbb44@gmail.com) - (773)263-1534
Wendy Sauer (mamawendy66@gmail.com) - (361)688-0732
Pastor Eli Palacios (eli.palacios.0512@gmail.com) - (956)867-6800
Adult Bible Study
The Adult Bible study is doing a 6 week study from the book "How the Bible actually works" by Peter Enns. No matter where you are in your walk, this study will be fascinating. Everyone is welcome Sunday mornings 9:30 am to 10:20 am. The books have been ordered, and a suggested donation toward the cost of books is $5.
Youth Service Event: Adopt A Beach Clean Up
Open to the St. Paul Congregation
Join the St. Paul Youth for the first service event of the 2024 year! Join them as they take to the beach to help keep our beaches clean, safe, and beautiful! Bring your entire family and join us for our Adopt A Beach clean up!
Beach cleanups are a great way to engage in a team building exercise while doing something great for the environment.
Never been to a beach cleanup and have questions? We have answers!
Date: Saturday, April 20, 2024
Time: 9:00AM-12:00PM (Check-In starts at 8:30AM)
Location: Padre Balli Park Office (Check-In), 15820 Park Road 22
For more information Contact: Jessica Dutton jessica_dutton55@yahoo.com or (361)502-1824
Fellowship at St. Paul - Rock Painting
Join us at St Paul for our April Rock Painting & Fellowship Event. Children and adults alike are welcome. Supplies and light refreshments will be provided. All you need to do is bring yourself and a rock or two!!!! All are welcome.
Date: April 20, 2024
Time: 5:00 PM-7:00 PM
For more information contact: Laura Jasso (361)510-7312 or laurakgonzales@gmail.com
Back Bay Mission Hygiene Kits
St. Paul is collecting Hygiene Kits to help keep our unsheltered friends as clean and safe as possible while they are out living in the South Mississippi heat and humidity. The elements are volatile and many only have the clothes on their back. One of the ways we life our faith out loud is through the creation of these Hygiene Kits which are distributed by Back Bay Mission.
We are submitting the hygiene kits that St. Paul collects during the South Central Conference's Annual Meeting. Please bring kits or supplies by no later than Wednesday, March 15th during our weekly fellowship dinner.
Kits should be in large Ziploc bags and should contain the following:
- 1 Hand Towel (16āX28ā inches) 1 Wash Cloth
- 1 Wide Tooth Comb
- 1 Toothbrush
- 1 Tube of Toothpaste
- 1 Bar of Soap (bath size in a wrapper) 1 Plastic Soap Container
- 1 Deodorant (Solid or Roll-On)
- 1 Disposable Plastic Razor
If you are unable to make kits, but would like to contribute individual supplies, we welcome those donations as well.
Financials & Online Giving
We want to say thank you to everyone for continuing to support daily operations and Ministries at St. Paul through your tithes and offerings. We have currently received 30% of our monthly offerings needed this month. We know that with your continued support and the grace of God, we can hit 100% this month!
We welcome your support for the work we're doing at St. Paul United Church of Christ of Corpus Christi. We know the Open and Affirming, justice-oriented Gospel we're putting into practice here is changing and saving lives and we invite you to help. To make a donation via CashApp to St. Paul UCC Corpus Christi click on the following link: https://cash.app/$STPaulUCC5525
Weekly Devotional & Prayer
God's Will
The struggle to ensure that one's actions align with God's will is deeply rooted in the complexities of human nature and the challenges of Christian based understanding. It involves navigating the tension between personal desires and divine guidance, often requiring self-analysis, prayer, and seeking wisdom from trusted sources.
One significant aspect of this struggle is the battle against selfishness and ego. Human beings are inherently flawed and susceptible to prioritizing their own interests and desires over God's higher purpose. Overcoming this inclination involves surrendering one's ego, acknowledging personal biases, and striving for humility in decision-making.
Another aspect of the struggle lies in discerning God's voice amidst the noise of competing influences. In a world filled with distractions, conflicting philosophies and principles, and external pressures, it can be challenging to hear the still, small whispering voice of God. This requires cultivating a deep spiritual connection through prayer, meditation, and reflection, and developing sensitivity to God's guidance through the Holy Spirit.
Moreover, the struggle to ensure actions are aligned with God's will involves grappling with uncertainty and ambiguity. God's plan may not always be immediately clear, and there may be times when His will seems elusive or difficult to comprehend. During such times, faith and trust become of utmost importance We as individuals lean on our relationship with God and His promises, even in the face of uncertainty.
Additionally, the struggle to follow God's will often involves facing opposition and adversity. Choosing to live according to God's principles may lead to resistance from others or encountering obstacles along the way. It requires resilience, perseverance, and courage to stay true to one's convictions and continue walking in faith despite challenges.
Overall, the struggle to ensure actions are of God's will is an ongoing journey characterized by self-examination, spiritual growth, and reliance on divine guidance. It requires a commitment to living with integrity, humility, and obedience, even amidst the complexities and uncertainties of life.
Rainbow Family Equality Project
Rainbow Family Equality (RFE) is a Ministry that started at St. Paul in 2022 because we believe All Families are Sacred! The mission of RFE is to create a safe space for LGBTQIA+ families, youth, and kids to experience unconditional love and acceptance through events and activities held by St. Paul throughout the year. Be on the lookout for upcoming events!
St. Paul's Wishlist
Interested in helping fill in our wish list? Add these items to your next grocery/shopping list and bring them with you to church:
Toilet Paper
10" Paper Plates
Paper Dessert Bowls
Spray Air Freshener (e.g. Febreze)
Tall Kitchen Garbage Bags
Name Tags
Need a New Name Tag?
Please print your name on the paper located on the name tag podium in the back of the sanctuary. If desired, please include your pronouns. Thank you! Want a permanent nametag? For Information Contact: Kathie Benson - drkbb44@gmail.com
The Coastal Bend Food Bank has provided a list of their most requested food, household and personal care items.
Items are suggested for each month. However any non-perishable item will be appreciated.
May: Peanut butter, Jam, Jelly, Crackers, Juice, Dish soap.
June: Breakfast and Protein bars, Canned fruit, Feminine hygiene products.
Lottie Stowe Memorial Community Garden at St. Paul
St. Paul donates vegetables from the garden to the Coastal Bend Food Bank.
Volunteers are still needed to water the vegetable garden.
Would you please:-
1) Volunteer to water ONE DAY IN APRIL?
2) Sign up to water one day each week?
3) Sign up to water one day every other week?
For more information please contact Foxie at (361)537-2740 to volunteer and to get details.
Please donate vegetable scraps, banana skins, coffee grounds and tea leaves for the compost pile.
No tea bags, citrus peels or eggshells please.
Freecycle shelf -
What is a Freecycle Shelf?
This white shelf just outside the Youth Room has items that are freeā¦to anyone. Anyone also can put things there that they do not want. Items should be in good condition.
[NEW] Buildings & Grounds Ticketing System
Help us keep St. Paul, The Everybody Church, clean & safe! Visit: bit.ly/stpauluccops to submit a ticket on our new ticketing system!
For Information Contact:
Lisa Cantu
St. Paul United Church of Christ Leadership Team Contacts
Newsletter Updates!
Need to submit an announcement for the St. Paul Newsletter? Please email:comm.stpaulcc@gmail.com by no later than Wednesday at 8:00PM each week. Please ensure that your email includes [NEWSLETTER] in the subject line along with the Ministry it is related to, dates, times, brief description, and any image updates that are being requested.
Example of Subject Line:
Subject: NEWSLETTER: Youth Ministry
Newsletter SignUp
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