May 17, 2024
NJSLA Make Ups 5/15-5/17/24
PTA Spring Book Fair 5/13-5/17/24
PTA Family Fun Night 5/17/24
MEMORIAL DAY 5/27/24 - School Closed
Board of Education Meeting 7:00 PM 6/3/24
PTA Meeting 6/3/24
12:40 PM Dismissal 6/10/24
12:40 PM Dismissal 6/11/24
Sixth Grade Recognition 6/11/24
12:40 PM Dismissal - Last Day of School 6/12/24
Preschool Students have finished the Reduse, Reuse Recycle Study and are embarking on the final study in our Creative Curriculum: Exploring Gardening. We are investigating how to plan and care for a garden, what grows in the garden, who helps our garden grow, and how gardens help people and the environment! Not only have we been observing and documenting caterpillars in their lifecycle as they transform into butterflies, but we have also had the opportunity to get our hands in the dirt in our school garden! We are so grateful for these authentic learning experiences! We can’t wait to see what we can harvest from our hard work in the garden.
We would like to congratulate our Preschool Graduating Class of 2024!
Mrs. Bradley
Lights, camera, action! Second graders have learned about fables, folktales, and we will be ending our final reading unit with fairytales! Not only have we enjoyed reading these classic tales, but students have had the opportunity to act them out! We performed the fables, The City Mouse and the Country Mouse, The Fox and the Crow, and The Tortoise and the Hare. Students stepped into the shoes of their characters to bring these great stories to life. We are looking forward to doing our next Reader’s Theater with fairy tales in the coming weeks!
Mrs. Bird
Third graders had their concert on Tuesday. They played Hot Cross Buns on their recorders. The students did a fantastic job and looked amazing. Way to go third graders! See the class pictures below.
As the year comes to an end, the students are reading their last novel: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. Students are also working on a research project. Third graders are picking an ocean creature and researching it. They will then create a Google Slides presentation to present to the class.
Mrs. Then
In fourth grade math, students are generating and analyzing patterns in both numbers and shapes. Students are recognizing that rules can be used to create or extend number sequences that form a pattern. Those patterns sometimes have features not described by the rule. Our strong math thinkers are looking for relationships, or patterns, in math to help them solve multi-step problems and are doing so with ease! In science, we are wrapping up our unit on renewable and nonrenewable energy sources by performing skits! Students were divided into groups and given a scenario to act out to their peers. Through this activity, students were able to recognize some of the effects of different types of energy use. The next phenomena that we will explore is how we can reduce the impacts of natural Earth processes on humans. I am excited to see what we discover!
Mrs. Celentano
The preschoolers have learned so much this year in gross motor class. They have been busy practicing various locomotion skills by playing lots of games that include skipping, marching, running, hopping and much more! They also practiced riding bikes, trikes and scooters. Rule #1 Always wear a helmet. The students learned to throw, catch and kick a ball. Jumping and landing with 2 feet was a big part of our lessons. We had jumping days and jumping stations. All their hearts were beating so fast! There were many more skills that were learned and practiced throughout the year. Keep up the great work during the summer!
Mrs. Green
Field day will be held on Friday May 24, 2024 with a rain date of Tuesday, May 28, 2024. We have several water stations this year so if you would like to send in a towel for your child you can as well as extra socks! Also we will be outside most of the day so please apply sunscreen prior to school and also send your child with a water bottle that has their name on it. We are looking forward to a fun day!
Mrs.Earley, Mrs. Green Mr.Tiberi
6th grade Pinwheel students have been working on a physics experiment the past few weeks… the classic Egg Drop Challenge! The students learned about velocity, gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy, and impact. Each group created a device that would protect a RAW egg when dropped from various heights. Each device was unique and each group was successful from an eleven foot drop! Great job, students!
Last Friday, our 4th and 5th grade Pinwheel students performed their winning mock trial cases that were submitted to the New Jersey State Bar Foundation’s Law Fair competition. Many families attended the assembly along with grades 4 through 6. Mr. Jerry Neidhardt, from the Sussex County Prosecutor’s Office, served as the judge and a group of students and teachers served on the jury. The students did a fantastic job!
This past Wednesday, our group traveled to the New Jersey Law Center in New Brunswick. Each class performed their case in a real courtroom with a judge and jury. Over 100 students, from other schools in NJ, attended our presentation to serve as the jury. The 4th and 5th grade performances were excellent! Each student was presented with a certificate and our school received two plaques for our winning cases. We had a wonderful experience and the Law Fair program has taught us so much about our justice system. It has surely made a lasting impact on our students! There is no doubt that we have future lawyers in our ranks!
Keep an eye on the New Jersey State Bar Foundation Law Fair website, as the Stillwater cases, along with the other winning cases, will be available to view in a few weeks!