CSinPA Book Event
Invitation to Participate
The CSinPA team at PaTTAN is hosting CS Book events in collaboration with Pennsylvania’s four CSTA chapters in multiple regions across the state during June, 2024.
This special opportunity will engage educators in exploring a curated collection of CS-related books developed by the PaTTAN team. Participants will discuss ideas for leveraging CS books to grow CS capacity and support students' CS learning.
This event will also provide networking opportunities with other educators and local CSTA Chapter leaders to learn CS-related resources, materials and professional learning opportunities.
Who can participate?
The event is open to all educators and leaders in PA: Pre-K -12 educators, administrators, counselors, school librarians, special education teachers, representatives from family engagement groups (e.g., PTO), literacy coaches, and others.
What happens at the CSinPA Book Event?
What to expect at a book event:
A curated selection of CS-related books: Browse a large collection of CS-related fiction and nonfiction titles for students, as well as professional books titles for educators.
Collaborative brainstorming: Participate in lively discussions on using books in standards-aligned activities, extracurriculars, and professional learning.
Networking: Connect with other educators in your area and learn about additional resources and opportunities available through the CSinPA team and CSTA chapters.
Breakfast, snacks and giveaways: Breakfast and snacks will be provided. Leave with a complimentary title, and swag! All attendees will be entered into drawings for CS resources.
This event is NOT a book fair/expo intended to generate profits. There are no vendors and there will be no items for sale.
When and where are CSinPA Book Events?
This event will be hosted in multiple regions across the state during June, 2024.
There are 5 CSinPA Book events to choose from:
Tuesday, 6/18: 9:00 - 11:30 am at Kingston-Luzerne IU18 (Kingston)
Thursday, 6/20: 9:00 - 11:30 am at PaTTAN West (Pittsburgh)
Thursday, 6/20: 9:00 - 11:30 am at PaTTAN Central (Harrisburg)
Friday, 6/21: 9:00 - 11:30 am at PaTTAN East (Malvern)
Thursday, 6/27: 9:00 - 11:30 am at Temple University (Philadelphia)
How do you sign up?
Please click the link below to register through our PaTTAN system.
We will provide more details and information about the event once we receive your registration.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us at csforall@pattan.net