MVVS News and Notes
It takes a village...
We engage, challenge, and support each learner
MVVS Is The Global Tang Math Champion!
MVVS is the Tang Math Tournament Champion! Over 10,531 students, representing almost 500 classes around the world, participated in the MLK Tang Math Tournament. Showing incredible resilience, tenacity, and problem solving ability, our students rose to the top of the mountain (or hill) victoriously.
We will be celebrating this amazing achievement with a special assembly on Thursday, February 6th in the MPR. This will include medals for top problem solvers, ribbons for all students (all of our students participated), and a special ice cream treat for each homeroom (please reach out to Nurse Amanda if you have any questions about the ice cream treat @ aanderson@sau39.org). Greg Tang Math is awarding our school with the medals and the special recognition. We are very proud!
Please join me in also thanking our math specialist, Charline Brown, and our staff team for championing math problem solving in our school!
MVVS Winter Recess Fun!
Craft Club!
Lunch time craft club is off to a great start! Thank you to our sixth grade leaders for volunteering their time to teach our younger students!
SAU 39 Listening Sessions!
We are looking to seeing you there and hearing your voice. I am so thankful for our MV community and the values that we represent.
MVSB Deliberative Session - Wednesday, February 5th
Mont Vernon School Board - Deliberative Session!
Wednesday, February 5, 2025, 6 – 8pm
Link to join Webinar:
Mont Vernon Village School, 1 Kittredge Rd, Mont Vernon, NH 03057
February is Random Acts of Kindness Month!
At MVVS, we will put a special focus on kindness and care in the month of February. The "O" in SOAR is "Others First" because we know that MVVS, at its core, puts kindness at the center. Over the course of this month, our challenge will be, "How can we show others that we care?" I am so proud of the acts of kindness, the small things, that our students do to show their kindness and care for our community.
NEW STUDENT Registration - 2025-2026 School Year
NEW STUDENT Registration is open for the 2025-26 School Year.
New students include our rising kindergarten class (students who turn 5 by September 30, 2025).
Please click HERE for more information and to pre-register your NEW student.
Lunch With Your 3rd Grader - Thank you!
Million Minute Reading Challenge!
Congrats to Nova Anderson and Liam Gagne, our winners this week!
Coming Soon In February!
MVVS PTA Updates!
We are so grateful to our amazing PTA for their support of our MVVS community. Please click here for updates and news regarding upcoming events and happenings.
Monthly Coffee With The Principal
We had another terrific conversation at our monthly coffee. See you next month. Date TBD.
Curriculum Updates
We are very excited about the literacy work that will occur throughout this school year. Please click here for more information.
We will begin our mid-year assessments in late January.
Food Service Updates
YMCA After-School Program
The YMCA of Greater Nashua runs the Y-Academy after-school program at MVVS. Click their Y-Academy FLYER link for information Page 1 and Page 2. If you wish to register, please visit their website www.nmymca.org.
Also, the After-School Program is hiring. If you are interested or having any questions about the YMCA program, please reach out to Kris Goodrich at nmymca.org.
Boys & Girls Club After-School Program
Boys & Girls Club After-School Program 2024-25
Boys and Girls Club Registration 2024-25
Box Tops for Education
It's easy! Here's how it works:
- Download the Box Tops app onto your phone.
- Buy Box Tops products. With thousands of participating products, there are lots of chances to earn!
- Scan your receipt with the Box Tops app within 14 days of purchase and automatically Earn for MVVS with every Box Tops product you buy.
- If you shop online, you can earn with your digital or email receipt too. See how to submit those receipts HERE.
Remember, you can earn a bonus for our school by referring your friends, family and other parents at MVVS to sign up for Box Tops. You'll both earn a bonus when they scan their first receipt with the Box Tops app. See details HERE.
Important Dates
*Winter Assessments (NWEA) Continue Week of 2/3 - Click here for our schedule
5 - Progress Reports Issued
12 - Early Release, 11:30a Dismissal
15 - Sweetheart Dance, 6-8pm, MVVS MPR (PTA Sponsored)
24-28 - Winter Break
Mont Vernon Village School
Email: tlecklider@sau39.org
Website: https://www.sau39.org/mvvs
Location: 1 Kittredge Road, Mont Vernon, NH, USA
Phone: (603) 673-5141
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mvvsnh