West Ridge Elementary Newsletter
August 26th, 2024
School Hours Monday-Thursday 8:55-3:40
Dear Families,
It is almost time to welcome back students!!!
I hope you all had a wonderful, fun and relaxing summer. We are excited to see all of our students and families.
Open House Information:
Thursday, August 29, is open house from 5-6:30pm. This your opportunity to meet the teacher and drop off school supplies. During this time, let your child's teacher know how your student will be getting home from school...bus, walking, car pick-up or southgate pick-up.
Two options for parent pick-up:
- The first option is you remain in your car and pick up your children in the car line. (car pick-up)
- The second option is to park your car and meet your child at the playground gate in the front of the building on the south side. (southgate pick-up)
Ms. Hoffeld
West Ridge Elementary Student Shirts
If you would like to order any West Ridge Elementary gear for yourself or your student(s), please follow this LINK. The estore will be open until September 20th, 2024. All orders will be delivered to the school 12-14 days after the estore closes.
First Day of School Information
- First Day of School is September 3rd
- Students may arrive no earlier than 8:30
- Breakfast begins at 8:30
- The first bell rings at 8:50 and school starts at 8:55
- Students can start arriving at 8:30
- On the first day of school, students who are riding the bus will independently enter the playground through the back gate and they will be directed to their classrooms. Parents who wish to transport their students on the first day of school will drop them off at the following doors: Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade students will enter through the front doors closest to the soccer field. 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students will enter through the main doors. Staff members will be available to direct students toward their classrooms.
- School ends at 3:40
Thank you and we look forward to a great school year,
Your West Ridge Elementary Family
Cross Country Sign-Up for Students in Grades 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th
Please see the flier below for Cross Country information.
Sign up here: https://forms.gle/B4H6rnf8dLpaxa2R6
Shirt orders here: https://westridgexc2024.itemorder.com/
Community Clothes Closet at New Visions High School
Hello Post Falls Community,
It is with great pleasure that I announce the re-opening of our Community Clothes Closet here at New Vision High School on Tuesday, September 10th. This is open for any in the community who need clothing. This is only possible due to the very generous donations and gifts from the businesses and community of Post Falls.
The Community Clothes Closet seeks to provide free clothing to all people in need. We provide casual and career clothes and footwear to children, women and men from all across our community and we do it all for free. We also have hygiene items.
We are located in a portable behind New Vision High School. You can enter through the small gate on Catherine Street on the east side of the building.
We are open Tuesdays from 2:45pm to 3:45pm. If these times do not work you may email me at Richard.raynor@sd273.com and we can set a day/time to meet.
We currently do not need any donations.
Thank you,
Rich Raynor